
Articles from Lebanon

  1. Standards and working conditions 28 March 2025

    Lebanon: Educators’ ongoing fight for fundamental rights

    The streets of Lebanon have once again echoed with the voices of teachers protesting against the unjust policies imposed by successive governments. These administrations have consistently abandoned educators, leaving them to survive on meagre salaries that have stripped them of their right to a decent life and basic dignity.

    Lebanon: Educators’ ongoing fight for fundamental rights
  2. Solidarity in emergencies 13 February 2025

    Education International solidarity powers Teachers' Empowerment Initiative in Lebanon

    With generous financial contributions from Education International (EI) member organisations across the world, four EI teacher unions in Lebanon have been able to provide vital assistance to distressed and displaced unionised teachers and develop trainings to psychologically support teachers and students.

    Education International solidarity powers Teachers' Empowerment Initiative in Lebanon
  3. Democracy 28 November 2024

    Education voices | Manal Hdaife on the impact of war on education communities in Lebanon

    Manal Hdaife

    The recent conflict in Lebanon, has had devastating consequences for the civilian population, including students and educators. Since September 2024, the severe Israeli bombing has affected over 500,000 students and more than 45,000 teachers according to UNESCO data. More than 70% of public schools and other educational establishments are currently...

    Education voices | Manal Hdaife on the impact of war on education communities in Lebanon
  4. Solidarity in emergencies 22 October 2024

    Lebanon: Call to solidarity with unionists, teachers and students

    Education International (EI) launched a call for solidarity to support education unions in Lebanon as they assist their communities due to the escalating violence in the region which continues to inflict devastating harm on civilians including students and teachers. Schools, students, and educators are being directly impacted by the continued...

    Lebanon: Call to solidarity with unionists, teachers and students
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 14 October 2024

    Solidarity with Unionists, Teachers, and Students in Lebanon

    Education International (EI) reaffirms its longstanding commitment to advocating for lasting peace, security, and the protection of human rights in the Middle East. We call on all State Parties, and non-state actors to end the violence, enforce an immediate ceasefire, and restore the functioning of schools throughout the region.

    Solidarity with Unionists, Teachers, and Students in Lebanon
  6. Go public! Fund education 3 June 2024

    Lebanon: Empowering teachers for resilient public education

    The public education system in Lebanon has been severely disrupted by multiple crises, including the Beirut port explosion in 2020, economic collapse, political instability, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the recent bombings in the south. In response, Education International’s affiliates in the country are driving the Go Public! Fund Education campaign,...

    Lebanon: Empowering teachers for resilient public education
  7. Standards and working conditions 27 February 2024

    Education Voices | Unpacking the High-Level Panel Recommendations

    Manal Hdaife

    Manal Hdaife is a school principal and chair of the Education International Arab Countries Cross Regional Structure Committee, deeply committed to advancing the cause of education in Lebanon. With a career dedicated to promoting teachers' rights and enhancing educational standards, Hdaife has emerged as a key advocate for public education...

    Education Voices | Unpacking the High-Level Panel Recommendations
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 January 2024

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all

    On January 24, the International Day of Education, education unionists from around the world came together to reaffirm their commitment to the universal right to education and to mark the first year of the Education International global campaign Go Public! Fund Education. The campaign is an urgent call for governments...

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 September 2023

    Panel on the Teaching Profession convenes at United Nations

    Continuing on the fast-track process set by United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the UN High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession opened its in-person sessions Thursday with urgent calls to recruit, retain and support professionally trained teachers worldwide.

    Panel on the Teaching Profession convenes at United Nations
  10. Future of work in education 4 August 2023

    The UN High Panel on the Teaching Profession: Panelists discuss strategies to end the teacher shortage

    On 1 August, the UN High-Panel on the Teaching Profession convened its second virtual meeting bringing together leading experts, policymakers, and representatives from education organizations to address crucial issues within the teaching profession. Education International, as the voice of the profession at the global level, plays a central role in...

    The UN High Panel on the Teaching Profession: Panelists discuss strategies to end the teacher shortage
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 June 2023

    High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches to address the global teacher shortage and status of the profession

    One of the main outcomes of the United Nations Transforming Education Summit in 2022, the High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession, brings together key stakeholders in the education sector to help tackle the growing teacher shortage around the world. Education International brings the voice of the teaching profession to the...

    High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession launches to address the global teacher shortage and status of the profession
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 February 2023

    Education in Lebanon – a crisis with no end in sight

    Manal Hdaife

    Year after year, Lebanese people cannot live in peace, security, and prosperity, as crises overwhelm them, destroying everything except the hope for a better tomorrow.

    Education in Lebanon – a crisis with no end in sight
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 March 2022

    Teachers and students in Lebanon need global solidarity to save their education system and their hope for the future. The world must answer.

    David Edwards

    The failure of governance and the inability to deal with over-lapping crises has paralysed Lebanon. A whole generation of young people risks losing life opportunities due to the meltdown of the education system.

    Teachers and students in Lebanon need global solidarity to save their education system and their hope for the future. The world must answer.
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 June 2021

    Lebanon: Teacher unions committed to delivering quality education amidst worst economic crisis in 30 years

    Lebanon has been hit with two extraordinary crises in the past two years: the explosion of the Beirut port and the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, Lebanese educators and their unions have risen to the challenges presented by public health, economic, and refugee crises.

    Lebanon: Teacher unions committed to delivering quality education amidst worst economic crisis in 30 years