
Articles from Lebanon

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 October 2013

    Lebanon: Providing education to refugee children

    “Lebanese educators are doing a splendid job of accommodating the tens of thousands Syrian refugee children who have entered their class rooms in the past two years.” EI General Secretary, Fred van Leeuwen, conveyed this message to the Education Minister of Lebanon, Mr. Hassan Diab, and the leaders of the...

    Lebanon: Providing education to refugee children
  2. Standards and working conditions 25 February 2013

    Lebanon: Delay in new wage scale prompts open-ended strike

    EI has sent a solidarity letter supporting its national affiliates, the Teachers’ Syndicate of Lebanon (TSL),) the Ligue des professeurs de l’enseignement public du Liban (LPESPL), and the League of Technical and Vocational Teachers (CETO). It is asking its affiliates to write to the Lebanese Government, to push for the...

    Lebanon: Delay in new wage scale prompts open-ended strike
  3. Standards and working conditions 14 December 2012

    Lebanon: Government must refer new public sector salary scale for approval to Parliament

    On 12 December, hundreds of teachers and public sector employees took to the streets, in a march organised by the Union Coordination Committee(UCC) to protest against the governmental failure to refer a new public sector salary scale for approval to the Parliament. They demanded a salary increase.

    Lebanon: Government must refer new public sector salary scale for approval to Parliament
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 9 November 2012

    Arab Union Leaders condemn human and trade union rights abuses

    Leaders of teachers’ organisations in the Arab region are outraged by the recent verdict of a Bahraini appeal court in which it sentenced the President of the Bahraini Teachers Association (BTA), Mahdi Abu Deeb, to 5 years imprisonment for taking part in national demonstrations in 2011. The Vice President of...

    Arab Union Leaders condemn human and trade union rights abuses
  5. Standards and working conditions 7 November 2012

    Historic first Arab Countries Conference held in Beirut

    The inaugural Conference of Education International’s new Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure was held this week in the Monroe Hotel in Beirut, Lebanon. The Conference was attended by 44 representatives of 26 EI member organisations from Arab Countries in the Middle East and North Africa.

    Historic first Arab Countries Conference held in Beirut
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 October 2012

    Lebanon: educators join strike with public sector

    EI national affiliates, the Ligue des professeurs de l’enseignement secondaire public du Liban (LPESPL), the Teachers’ Syndicate of Lebanon (TSL), and the League of Public Technical and Vocational Teachers (CETO), were joined by the public sector in their strike on 10 October. Teachers' unions and public sector employees in Lebanon...

    Lebanon: educators join strike with public sector
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 5 July 2012

    Lebanon: teachers demand first salary increase in 10 years

    EI has expressed its support for a salary increase demanded by the Teachers’ Coordination Committee in Lebanon. After an agreement was passed on an improved salary scale for workers in the private sector in February, the Committee carried out strike and protest actions to force the government to also enter...

    Lebanon: teachers demand first salary increase in 10 years
  8. Union growth 20 December 2011

    Lebanon: teacher unions strike over insulting wage rise

    Tens of thousands of teachers including EI’s affiliates the Syndicate of Private School Teachers (TSL) and the League of Public Secondary Teachers (LPESPL), went on strike across Lebanon on December 15. They are threatening to widen the action if the government fails to improve its planned wage increase.

    Lebanon: teacher unions strike over insulting wage rise
  9. Standards and working conditions 19 October 2011

    Lebanon: Teachers demand minimum wage increase

    The Teacher Unions’ Coordination Committee of Lebanon, which includes the EI affiliates: Teachers Syndicate in Lebanon (TSL) and League of Public Secondary School teachers in Lebanon (LPESPL), have issued a joint statement confirming a national strike and sit-in outside the Council of Ministers’ offices on 19 October to oppose the...

    Lebanon: Teachers demand minimum wage increase
  10. Standards and working conditions 7 April 2010

    Lebanon: Teachers demand 12 years of allowance arrears

    In a recent press conference on 30 Mar called by the Ligue des professeurs de l'enseignement secondaire public du Liban (LPESPL), teachers demand to be paid 12 consecutive years of allowance arrears.

    Lebanon: Teachers demand 12 years of allowance arrears
  11. Standards and working conditions 8 March 2010

    Lebanon: teachers held strike of unprecedented scale to demand salary improvement

    Lebanese teachers have so far received no response from the authorities concerning their demand of 24 Feb. Thousands of teachers from public secondary schools and vocational institutes took part in an industrial action that day, which was unprecedented in size and turnout.

    Lebanon: teachers held strike of unprecedented scale to demand salary improvement
  12. Union renewal and development 27 February 2009

    Lebanon: LPESPL, driving force against cuts in health care provision for teachers and state employees

    On 1 January 2009 the contract between the Lebanese government and private hospitals to provide medical services to teachers and state employees expired. As of this date private hospitals refused to provide medical treatment to their previous patients even in crucial cases where immediate help was needed, i.e. kidney dialysis...

    Lebanon: LPESPL, driving force against cuts in health care provision for teachers and state employees
  13. Union renewal and development 16 October 2008

    Workshop strengthens Lebanese unions under the MENA programme

    Within the framework of EI's new Middle East and North Africa (MENA) programme, EI organized two training workshops with EI members in Lebanon, the League of Secondary Public School Teachers in Lebanon (LPESPL) and the Teachers’ Syndicate in Lebanon (TSL).

    Workshop strengthens Lebanese unions under the MENA programme
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 3 October 2006

    Lebanese teachers suffered heavy losses in summer of war

    Lebanese teachers’ unions estimate that 25 teachers were among the approximately 1,000 civilians killed in this summer’s attacks by Israeli forces. About 50 schools were completely destroyed and 500 more were severely damaged.

    Lebanese teachers suffered heavy losses in summer of war
  15. Union renewal and development 26 July 2006

    Urgent Action Appeal for Lebanese teachers

    Innocent civilians in Lebanon, including many teachers and their families, are severely affected by the current hostilities and they are appealing for your solidarity assistance!

    Urgent Action Appeal for Lebanese teachers
  16. News 25 July 2006

    EI demands that hostilities should cease immediately

    EI issued a statement on 25 July, calling for an immediate end to the violence in the Middle East which is taking the lives of innocent civilians, including many children.

    EI demands that hostilities should cease immediately