

  1. Climate action and literacy 21 February 2025

    Mexico: Caring for water, like education, is everyone's task

    In a country where water scarcity is becoming an increasingly pressing issue, the Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (National Union of Education Workers-SNTE) has taken a proactive stance. The union's campaign, ¡El agua es vida, el agua se agota! (Water is life, Water runs out!), launched in 2024,...

    Mexico: Caring for water, like education, is everyone's task
  2. Standards and working conditions 7 February 2025

    Academic freedom at risk: the view from North America

    David Robinson

    To fulfil their mission of preserving, sharing, and advancing knowledge, higher education institutions must ensure that academic staff enjoy academic freedom. Academic freedom isn’t a special perk or privilege. Rather, it’s a necessary condition for the job. It is a professional and contractual right ensuring that in their teaching, research,...

    Academic freedom at risk: the view from North America
  3. Democracy 26 September 2024

    Mexico: teachers unite for peace

    On the occasion of International Day of Peace, on 21 September, the SNTE, an affiliate of Education International (EI) in Mexico, launched a permanent campaign under the heading “Arm yourself with valour for a culture of peace!” (¡Ármate de valor por una cultura de paz!), to promote peace and non-violence...

    Mexico: teachers unite for peace
  4. Standards and working conditions 14 February 2024

    Securing dignity: Mexico's pension reform initiative supports teachers and public sector workers

    Education International’s affiliate in Mexico, Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) has voiced its support for a Mexican government proposal to reform the pension system for state workers. This reform proposal, put forward by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the Chamber of Deputies, signifies a pivotal move...

    Securing dignity: Mexico's pension reform initiative supports teachers and public sector workers
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 26 January 2024

    Educators ready to play an active role in transforming education in North America and the Caribbean

    “Our activities here together these next few days are varied, but our purpose is fundamental – to reflect and learn from each other and to plan ways to encourage our members to play an active role in transforming education across this vast and varied region.” This was the call by...

    Educators ready to play an active role in transforming education in North America and the Caribbean
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 October 2023

    Go Public! Leading further and higher education and research for the common good

    The 12th International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference, co-hosted by Education International and its member organisation Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE), is taking place in Mexico City from October 24 to the 26.

    Go Public! Leading further and higher education and research for the common good
All articles: Mexico
