

  1. Solidarity in emergencies 23 March 2023

    Education International brings support to help cushion the impact of Cyclone Freddy

    The global union federation representing educators worldwide has brought financial support using its Solidarity Fund to help students, teachers and education support personnel severely affected by devastation caused by tropical Cyclone Freddy in Madagascar, Malawi and Mozambique.

    Education International brings support to help cushion the impact of Cyclone Freddy
  2. Union renewal and development 21 February 2022

    Mozambique: Union to provide assistance to teachers affected by natural catastrophe

    The Organizaçao Nacional dos Professores (ONP) has plans in place to assist 873 member teachers affected by Tropical Storm ANA that hit central and northern Mozambique at the end of January. Education International’s national affiliate will use logistical and human resources assistance allocated by Education International’s Africa regional office (EIRAF)...

    Mozambique: Union to provide assistance to teachers affected by natural catastrophe
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 9 December 2020

    Education International responds to terrorist attacks in Mozambique with support for member organisation ONP

    On 9 December, Education International’s Executive Board adopted a resolution on terrorism in Mozambique and the need for international support and relief for teachers and other victims. The Education International member organisation, the Organizaçao Nacional dos Professores (ONP), has reported the recent assassination of six teachers.

    Education International responds to terrorist attacks in Mozambique with support for member organisation ONP
  4. Leading the profession 21 October 2020

    “Africa: Collaboration between Unions and Governments for a Better Future in Education”, by Cherine Sabry.

    Cherine Sabry

    Unions and governments have been in conflict since the dawn of time. The mere existence of unions as a force to defend workers’ rights where governments fail to do so in and of itself leads to this conflictual relationship. In Africa, unions have rarely been consulted during the COVID-19 crisis...

    “Africa: Collaboration between Unions and Governments for a Better Future in Education”, by Cherine Sabry.
All articles: Mozambique

Development Cooperation Projects

  1. ONP Congress

    Host organizations
    ONP Congress
    Cooperating organizations
    SADTU South Africa, UEN Norway, Lärarförbundet Sweden
    Start date
    21 August 2019
    End date
    22 August 2019
    ONP Congress
  2. Girls Not Brides

    Cooperating organizations
    Girls Not Brides Zimbabwe; Tanzania End Child Marriage Network; The Zambia Ending Child Marriage; The Zimbabwe Alliance to End Child Marriage and Girls Not Brides Zimbabwe
    Bangladesh; Ghana; Mozambique; Netherlands; Nepal; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States; Tanzania; Zambia,Zimbabwe
    Start date
    3 September 2018
    End date
    31 December 2020
    Girls Not Brides
All Development Cooperation Projects: Mozambique
