

  1. Equity and inclusion 13 August 2024

    Education Voices | Laures Park, Laureate of the 2024 Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award

    Laures Park

    At Education International’s 10th World Congress, Laures Park was awarded the 2024 Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award. In this interview, Laures retraces her fight for the rights of Māori people and minority groups in New Zealand.

    Education Voices | Laures Park, Laureate of the 2024 Mary Hatwood Futrell Human and Trade Union Rights Award
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 January 2024

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all

    On January 24, the International Day of Education, education unionists from around the world came together to reaffirm their commitment to the universal right to education and to mark the first year of the Education International global campaign Go Public! Fund Education. The campaign is an urgent call for governments...

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 August 2022

    Ending Ability Grouping to empower Māori learners in Aotearoa New Zealand

    Liam Rutherford

    Variously practiced as ‘ability grouping’, ‘streaming’, ‘attainment grouping’, ‘setting’, ‘banding’ or ‘tracking’, pedagogical practices that group students based on perceived ability or prior achievement are longstanding and widespread world over. Research, however, has long shown that this has negative impacts for students, especially those from lower socio-economic backgrounds, ethnic minorities,...

    Ending Ability Grouping to empower Māori learners in Aotearoa New Zealand
  4. Climate action and literacy 2 November 2021

    Aotearoa New Zealand, education unions and climate change

    Liam Rutherford

    Aotearoa New Zealand is in a privileged position, along with a small number of other countries, of being relatively COVID-free. We do face many challenges that the rest of the world often doesn’t hear about – such as serious pollution of our waterways, extreme levels of poverty and inequality, a...

    Aotearoa New Zealand, education unions and climate change
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 June 2020

    New Zealand: Historic pay equity increase for education support personnel

    In New Zealand, education unionists have won historic pay equity increases for education support personnel. Over 22,000 school teacher aides have been offered a life-changing pay equity settlement including pay increases of up to 28 per cent.

    New Zealand: Historic pay equity increase for education support personnel
All articles: New Zealand


Name Date Type Lang

Unions leading the way to decolonise education

9 December 2024 file Download

Understanding the invisible workforce: Education support personnel’s roles, needs and the challenges they face

4 January 2022 file Download
