
Articles from Palestine

  1. Solidarity in emergencies 3 July 2024

    War and trauma: Addressing mental health in Palestine

    The toll of war on teachers, students, and their communities in Palestine, is reaching catastrophic levels. Education International, with the direct support of affiliates around the world, continues to support its members, as they face the uncertainty and trauma of a devastating war.

    War and trauma: Addressing mental health in Palestine
  2. Democracy 30 May 2024

    Global union leaders affirm support for Palestinian trade unions and the Palestinian people

    This week leaders of eight Global Union Federations (GUFs) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) travelled to Ramallah to convey their solidarity to unions in the West Bank and Gaza. These organisations represent almost every sector of the global economy and have members in more than 150 countries representing...

    Global union leaders affirm support for Palestinian trade unions and the Palestinian people
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 March 2024

    Palestine: Unionists call for an end to the war amid catastrophic conditions

    “After 173 days of the war on Gaza, more than 32,414 people have been killed, more than 74,787 wounded, and more than 10,000 are missing...More than 5,826 students and 264 teachers have been killed, and 9,570 students and 960 teachers are trying to recover from their injuries." This is the...

    Palestine: Unionists call for an end to the war amid catastrophic conditions
  4. Union renewal and development 18 March 2024

    Palestine: Teachers stand by their students amid war and destruction

    The war in Gaza and repercussions felt in the West Bank have had a catastrophic impact on the education sector, leaving teachers and students facing great financial distress and with profound emotional scars. Along with their call for a cease fire and peace for their region, the General Union of...

    Palestine: Teachers stand by their students amid war and destruction
  5. Equity and inclusion 14 March 2024

    The targeting of Gaza’s essential workers and civilian infrastructure is an attack on us all

    By Daniel Bertossa

    The article below was written by Daniel Bertossa, General Secretary of Public Services International. We are featuring a segment of the article on the Education International website and encourage you to read the article in full here .

    The targeting of Gaza’s essential workers and civilian infrastructure is an attack on us all
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 13 February 2024

    Gaza’s journalists face hunger as well as bombing

    Article by Tim Dawson

    As the war in Gaza continues, Global Union Federations are shining a light on the crisis workers face across all economic sectors. Through a series of essays and articles on our websites, we aim to expose the conflict's devastating impact on livelihoods, safety and well-being for working people while emphasizing...

    Gaza’s journalists face hunger as well as bombing
  7. News 13 February 2024

    National Education Association Board of Directors takes action to reaffirm call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas

    The Board of Directors of the National Education Association renewed NEA’s original call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas when it adopted a motion that underscored the need for the release of the hostages abducted by Hamas from Israel on October 7, immediate and full humanitarian aid to affected...

    National Education Association Board of Directors takes action to reaffirm call for a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas
  8. Solidarity in emergencies 8 February 2024

    Union solidarity: Palestinian teachers provide socio-emotional support to their students

    Education International together with its member organisation, the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, and the Ministry of Education of the Palestinian Authority organised training sessions for Palestinian teachers to equip them with the skills they need to provide vital emotional support to their students traumatised by ongoing war and mass...

    Union solidarity: Palestinian teachers provide socio-emotional support to their students
  9. News 1 February 2024

    American Federation of Teachers Executive Council adopts resolution unanimously calling for the end of the Israel Hamas war by negotiated bilateral cease-fire, promoting steps toward a two-state solution for Israeli and Palestinian self-determination

    The American Federation of Teachers Executive Council, the body representing the union’s 1.72 million educators, higher education professionals, healthcare workers, and public employees, unanimously adopted an omnibus statement addressing the war in the Middle East and its impact on the United States. The American Federation of Teachers is a member...

    American Federation of Teachers Executive Council adopts resolution unanimously calling for the end of the Israel Hamas war by negotiated bilateral cease-fire, promoting steps toward a two-state solution for Israeli and Palestinian self-determination
  10. Democracy 31 January 2024

    Palestine: Global Unions Call for Unified Action Following ICJ Ruling on Gaza Genocide Case

    Statement by the Council of Global Unions

    The Global Unions signatory below note the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Order issued in the case filed by South Africa against Israel regarding the application of the Genocide Convention in the Gaza Strip, which demonstrates the vital importance of the international rule of law and effective enforcement.

    Palestine: Global Unions Call for Unified Action Following ICJ Ruling on Gaza Genocide Case
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 January 2024

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all

    On January 24, the International Day of Education, education unionists from around the world came together to reaffirm their commitment to the universal right to education and to mark the first year of the Education International global campaign Go Public! Fund Education. The campaign is an urgent call for governments...

    International Day of Education: Unionists celebrate the right to education by campaigning for quality public education for all
  12. Solidarity in emergencies 21 December 2023

    Education International mobilises global education support for Palestinian educators

    The ongoing war between Israel and the Hamas has had a devastating impact on the Palestinian people, with thousands of deaths, the destruction of basic services and infrastructure, and the fear of widespread hunger, disease, and displacement. According to the World Health Organization, more than 20 thousand people have been...

    Education International mobilises global education support for Palestinian educators
  13. Solidarity in emergencies 20 November 2023

    Solidarity with teachers and students in Palestine

    Education International is launching a call for solidarity in support of our Palestinian colleagues in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, the General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT), the General Union of Workers in Kindergartens and Private Schools (GUWKPS) and the Palestinian Federation of Unions of University Professors and...

    Solidarity with teachers and students in Palestine
  14. Democracy 7 November 2023

    Education International calls for urgent humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza

    Education International (EI) calls on the international community to urgently implement a humanitarian ceasefire to stop the killing of students, teachers, and all civilians in Gaza. EI also calls for an end to the Israeli bombardments and military actions which have caused the death of thousands of civilians, including over...

    Education International calls for urgent humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza
  15. Statements 14 October 2023

    Education International calls for an immediate stop to the disproportionate and indistinct retaliation in Gaza

    In the face of escalating violence in the Gaza Strip, Education International called upon the Israel War Cabinet to end the suffering and destruction and to respect the principles of the United Nations Charter and international humanitarian law. The appeal reminds the parties to return the captives, protect the lives...

    Education International calls for an immediate stop to the disproportionate and indistinct retaliation in Gaza
  16. Equity and inclusion 12 October 2023

    Palestine: Empowering women teachers

    The General Union of Palestinian Teachers (GUPT) has put gender equity at the heart of union priorities, organising training sessions for women members around the theme “Women's and girls’ full participation in society: Are Palestinian women reaping the benefits of education in similar ways to the rest of the world?”

    Palestine: Empowering women teachers
  17. Democracy 9 October 2023

    Joint EI-ETUCE Statement on Israel and Palestine

    Education International and the European Trade Union Committee for Education condemn the severe attack Hamas launched against Israel. Education International stands in solidarity with the teachers, students, and communities in the region and calls on the international community to do their utmost to stop the bloodshed and avoid a catastrophic...

    Joint EI-ETUCE Statement on Israel and Palestine