
Articles from Philippines

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 December 2024

    The Philippines: Unions commit to go public, fund education, and counter teacher shortage

    With a declining education budget and an increasing national teacher shortage, education unions in the Philippines are demanding greater governmental investment to recruit and retain teachers and ensure quality education for all.

    The Philippines: Unions commit to go public, fund education, and counter teacher shortage
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 20 November 2023

    We stand with France Castro. Education International firmly condemns the death threats against the Filipino congresswoman

    France Castro has received repeated death threats from Rodrigo Duterte, former President of the Philippines. The lawmaker has filed a formal complaint against Duterte, making this the first criminal case against Duterte after the end of his mandate.

    We stand with France Castro. Education International firmly condemns the death threats against the Filipino congresswoman
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 September 2023

    Copyright in education: bringing the classroom to life

    Dr Dara Dimitrov

    As the daughter of a refugee, education as a necessity was drummed into me. ‘You need to get a good education’ was my father’s lead mantra. My father was denied that right, and although he spoke seven languages, he could barely read one. My father saw education as a way...

    Copyright in education: bringing the classroom to life
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 12 June 2023

    ComNet: Communicators working together to change the narrative around public education

    Around 100 communicators working in education unions gathered online on June 1st as part of Education International (EI) Communicators’ Network (ComNet). They reconnected, exchanged experiences and ideas, and got ready to bring the EI “Go Public! Fund Education” campaign forward.

    ComNet: Communicators working together to change the narrative around public education
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 16 February 2023

    Philippines: Educators submit recommendations to ILO to ensure the protection of trade union rights

    Education International (EI) has welcomed the recent International Labour Organization High Level Tripartite Mission (ILO HLTM) to the Philippines. This mission is the result of longstanding advocacy by human and trade union activists in this country, and EI national member organisations – the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), the Federation...

    Philippines: Educators submit recommendations to ILO to ensure the protection of trade union rights
  6. Standards and working conditions 30 January 2023

    Education unions across the world mobilise to Go Public and Fund Education

    On 24 January, Education International marked the International Day of Education by launching its new global campaign: Go Public! Fund Education. The campaign is an urgent call for governments to fully fund public education and to value, respect, and pay teachers and education workers as the indispensable professionals at the...

    Education unions across the world mobilise to Go Public and Fund Education
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 2 November 2021

    Forging global solidarity to safeguard rights

    The 58th meeting of Education International’s Executive Board (ExBo), held virtually on 26 October, was marked by a solid commitment to vaccine equity from education unions around the world. Access to COVID-19 vaccines for teachers and education support personnel globally is essential for a safe and permanent return to onsite...

    Forging global solidarity to safeguard rights
  8. Democracy 8 October 2021

    Educators of the world congratulate Maria Ressa on being awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize

    The 2021 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded jointly to journalists Maria Ressa and Dmitry Muratov “for their efforts to safeguard freedom of expression, which is a precondition for democracy and lasting peace”. Ressa has been a friend and ally of Education International and the global teaching community, joining forces...

    Educators of the world congratulate Maria Ressa on being awarded the 2021 Nobel Peace Prize
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 14 September 2021

    Philippines: Call for global action as independent report catalogues government’s human rights violations

    Education International has called for an end to the violence and state-sponsored attacks on Filipino educators. Its comments follow an independent investigation which shows that the Duterte government is deliberately violating human rights, using violence and repression against those who are standing up for education, democracy, and peace.

    Philippines: Call for global action as independent report catalogues government’s human rights violations
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 19 July 2021

    Philippines: Education unionists targeted by Duterte regime in escalating human rights violations

    The Second Report of the Independent International Commission of Investigation into Human Rights Violations in the Philippines (Investigate PH) was released this month. The report documents intensifying human rights violations perpetrated by state agents, in line with President Rodrigo Duterte’s security policies and violent statements that have been adopted as...

    Philippines: Education unionists targeted by Duterte regime in escalating human rights violations
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 10 March 2021

    Philippines: Union condemns Duterte Government’s denial of youth’s right to education

    With schools closed for one year in the Philippines, the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) has criticised President Duterte for being the biggest obstacle to the realisation of the youth’s right to education during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Philippines: Union condemns Duterte Government’s denial of youth’s right to education
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 5 January 2021

    The Philippines: Trade union calls for greater resources for distance learning

    As in many countries during the pandemic, the Philippines shifted to distance learning modalities to enable education continuity. However, the remote learning programme met with problems of inadequate funding and issues of Internet connectivity and access to teaching and learning resources. The Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT), one of Education...

    The Philippines: Trade union calls for greater resources for distance learning
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 1 December 2020

    Philippines: Global Day of Action

    November 30 was a Global Day of Action on the Philippines. The global trade union movement showed its solidarity with trade unionists and other activists who struggle for human rights and democracy in a country where both are in danger since the election of President Rodrigo Duterte in 2016.

    Philippines: Global Day of Action
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 23 November 2020

    The Philippines: Unionism Is not Terrorism

    Trade union and other leaders and activists from the Philippines recounted stories of repression in the Philippines in a Council of Global Unions Webinar on the Quest for Justice held on 23 November 2020. Vivid accounts were given of killings, threats and intimidation, red-tagging, and police abuses across private and...

    The Philippines: Unionism Is not Terrorism
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 19 November 2020

    The Philippines: Webinar on Workers’ Quest for Justice

    Assaults on human and trade union rights are growing in the Philippines. As part of its ongoing solidarity campaign, the Council of Global Unions (CGU), has organised a webinar on Monday, 23 November, where trade union and human rights activists will explain the latest moves of the Duterte government and...

    The Philippines: Webinar on Workers’ Quest for Justice