

  1. Leading the profession 21 June 2023

    Teaching society through strike protest songs

    Piotr Kowzan

    Strikes are emotionally difficult because a prolonged absence from work can be challenging for teachers, especially if they spend the strike period in schools with no students. It is often a moment of financial distress for teachers’ families. When confronted by the police, strikers face physical danger as well. But,...

    Teaching society through strike protest songs
  2. Democracy 5 September 2022

    Polish educators in full solidarity with Ukrainian colleagues and children

    From hosting refugees in union buildings, to organising donations, volunteering at border crossings and reception centres and organising classes for children, education unions and their members in Poland have shown great solidarity with those fleeing the war raging in the neighbouring country of Ukraine.

    Polish educators in full solidarity with Ukrainian colleagues and children
  3. Leading the profession 2 August 2022

    Outstanding education unionists receive the Kounka Damianova Award

    The Kounka Damianova Award was given to Borka Visnic of the Teachers Union of Serbia (TUS) and Dorota Obidniak of the Polish Związek Nauczycielstwa Polskiego (ZNP) during the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) Special conference held from 5-6 July, in Liège, Belgium.

    Outstanding education unionists receive the Kounka Damianova Award
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 6 April 2021

    Europe: Study on industrial relations and privatisation

    A study for the ETUCE, EI’s European region, showed the impact of market ideology and management practices and privatisation on industrial relations and social dialogue. In addition to looking at the evolution of EU policy in the past decade, researchers studied different methods and results of industrial relations in Francophone...

    Europe: Study on industrial relations and privatisation
  5. Union growth 30 March 2021

    "Today, solidarity with women is a fight for democracy”, by Sławomir Broniarz.

    Slawomir Broniarz

    Currently, women and LGBTI people in Poland face a very difficult situation. However, it would be wrong and short-sighted to see attacks on women or LGBTI people as the problem of a single country or of one radically conservative government that seeks to establish an authoritarian regime. Poland is not...

    "Today, solidarity with women is a fight for democracy”, by Sławomir Broniarz.
All articles: Poland

Development Cooperation Projects

  1. Comenius

    Host organizations
    Cooperating organizations
    Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia
    Start date
    3 February 2020
    End date
    4 February 2021
All Development Cooperation Projects: Poland
