
Articles from Romania

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 November 2013

    Romania: Teachers strike for better working and living conditions

    Ten thousand teachers affiliated to the Fédération des syndicats libres de l’enseignement (FSLE), one of EI’s national affiliates, marched through Bucharest on 6 November. They were demanding better wages and working conditions and an end to political interference in education.

    Romania: Teachers strike for better working and living conditions
  2. Standards and working conditions 1 October 2010

    European teacher unions resist attacks on public education

    Teacher unionists from Central and Eastern European (CEE) have adopted a declaration following a roundtable meeting in Bucharest, Romania, in which they have shared concerns about the effects of the economic crisis on funding for education and, in particular, on teachers' salaries.

    European teacher unions resist attacks on public education
  3. Union growth 7 June 2006

    Romania: Teachers ask president to mediate conflict

    Romanian EI affiliate Fédération des Syndicats de l’Enseignement SPIRU-HARET have demanded President Traian Basescu to once again intervene in their relations with the government, as the agreement reached with the government after their last protest has not been respected.

    Romania: Teachers ask president to mediate conflict
  4. Union growth 9 December 2005

    EI Europe declares its support for Romanian teachers

    The European Region of Education International, which represents 143 teacher organisations in 44 European countries, passed a resolution in its meeting in Luxemburg from 6-7 Dec, declaring its support for Romanian teachers.

    EI Europe declares its support for Romanian teachers