
Articles from Slovakia

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 June 2018

    “Between hope and despair in the EU copyright reform- What's in it for education?”, by Nikola Wachter

    Nikola Wachter

    I am a teacher by training and I am concerned about the current European Union copyright reform. I am familiar with the day to day practices of preparing lessons, the search for the best picture, text snippet, piece of music or video that will help me to explain a certain...

    “Between hope and despair in the EU copyright reform- What's in it for education?”, by Nikola Wachter
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 May 2018

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller

    Andreas Keller

    Isn’ it ironic? 50 years ago, in May 1968, students in Paris were going to the barricades and aspiring to a societal revolution – and initiated an overdue reform of higher education almost throughout Europe eventually. Today, in May 2018, ministers in charge of higher education from 48 countries belonging...

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 April 2018

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre

    Teresa Nobre

    What can a teacher do in a classroom with a poem, a video, an artwork or a piece of music created by someone else? From early childhood education to higher education, literary and artistic works can be used by teachers, academics and researchers, education support personnel and students for educational...

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre
  4. Equity and inclusion 15 March 2018

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP

    Silvia Costa

    Refugees and migrants education, especially minors, is a top priority, the best way to empower them and foster their integration, but also one of the principles on which the EU is funded. It is incredible, though, that education of migrants - especially forced migrants and refugees - seems to be...

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 June 2017

    The CETA’s “Investment Court System”: A Supreme Tribunal to Protect the Wealth of Foreign Nationals

    Gus Van Harten

    Imagine if governments proposed a supreme tribunal for the world. The tribunal would have the power to review anything countries can do in their sovereign role. It could review countries’ laws and regulations at any level. It could review the judgments of their highest courts.

    The CETA’s “Investment Court System”: A Supreme Tribunal to Protect the Wealth of Foreign Nationals
  6. Union growth 1 May 2017

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?

    As the occasion to celebrate and reaffirm the value and values of trade unions, from which their principles continue to inspire, today must also serve as a lens to carefully examine our societies and institutions.

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 March 2014

    Slovakia: ETUCE 10 key messages turned into concrete recommendations for Quality of Education

    OZPŠaV, the Trade Union of Workers in Education and Science of Slovakia succeeded in turning the 10 key messages adopted by the ETUCE Committee into concrete recommendations with regards to Slovak national specifications.

    Slovakia: ETUCE 10 key messages turned into concrete recommendations for Quality of Education
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 December 2012

    Slovakia: Teacher union suspends strike

    The Slovakian Trade Union of Workers in Education and Science (OZPŠaV), one of EI’s national affiliates, has announced the suspension of its strike after three days, due to the government’s willingness to engage in negotiations.

    Slovakia: Teacher union suspends strike
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 September 2012

    Slovakia: Unionists strike over unacceptable budget proposal

    The Trade Union of Workers in Education and Science of Slovakia (OZ PŠaV), one of EI’s national affiliates, embarked on a one-day strike on 13 September. It is dissatisfied with the Government’s 2013 budget proposal and fiscal roadmap for 2014-15, which do not address the presently unsustainable situation in education.

    Slovakia: Unionists strike over unacceptable budget proposal
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 September 2010

    Students and staff train to disseminate student centered learning practices

    Nearly 40 staff and student union members have gathered in Bratislava, Slovakia, to undertake an intensive three-day training programme on advocacy and lobbying skills for the promotion of student centered learning.

    Students and staff train to disseminate student centered learning practices
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 January 2010

    Slovak Republic facing trade lawsuit over health care reform

    A Dutch company is suing the Slovak Republic for allegedly breaching the terms of a bilateral investment treaty following passage of a law requiring that health insurance be provided on a not-for-profit basis.

    Slovak Republic facing trade lawsuit over health care reform