
Articles from South Africa

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 17 March 2011

    South Africa: Government must endorse UN policy on human rights

    EI and its national affiliates, SADTU, NAPTO, and SAOU, are urging the Government of South African to sign up to the joint statement on ending violence and related human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

    South Africa: Government must endorse UN policy on human rights
  2. Union renewal and development 10 December 2010

    Thulas Nxesi appointed Deputy Minister

    Education International congratulates Thulas Nxesi on his appointment as the Deputy Minister for Rural Development and Land Reform. Mr Nxesi served as Education International's president from 2004-2009.

    Thulas Nxesi appointed Deputy Minister
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 October 2010

    South Africa to support EU trade partnership

    In an apparent about-turn, South African officials now say they are prepared to conclude an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union and the five-nation South African Customs Union (SACU) by the year’s end.

    South Africa to support EU trade partnership
  4. Standards and working conditions 2 September 2010

    SADTU members remain on indefinite strike over pay

    Public sector unions in South Africa have been in negotiation with the government to secure a living wage and increased housing allowances for workers.

    SADTU members remain on indefinite strike over pay
  5. Union renewal and development 26 July 2010

    Archbishop Tutu announces retirement from public life

    Archbishop Desmond Tutu is to withdraw from public life, after decades of struggling against apartheid and global injustices, to spend more time with his family – and watch cricket.

    Archbishop Tutu announces retirement from public life
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 May 2009

    SADTU predicts Ministry split will improve South African education system

    EI affiliate, the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU), has welcomed the new Government’s decision to reorganise the education sector by creating two distinct ministries - the Ministry of Basic Education and the Ministry of Higher Education and Training.

    SADTU predicts Ministry split will improve South African education system
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 16 October 2008

    Report on school violence unjustly targets teachers

    A report on violence in schools published last week by Plan International is sensationalist and unjustly targets teachers, said EI General Secretary Fred van Leeuwen in an address to the first congress of the South African teachers union NAPTOSA on 15 October.

    Report on school violence unjustly targets teachers
  8. Standards and working conditions 19 October 2007

    South Africa: Teachers Reject Salary Offer

    EI affiliate the South African Democratic Teachers' Union (Sadtu) had rejected the government's proposals on a new teacher payment regime which would link remuneration with performance.

    South Africa: Teachers Reject Salary Offer
  9. Standards and working conditions 10 October 2007

    South Africa: Graduates to repay state bursaries with service at rural schools

    Newly qualified teachers whose studies have been financed by the Education Department will be required to teach at remote schools for up to four years in an attempt to help schools most in need.

    South Africa: Graduates to repay state bursaries with service at rural schools
  10. Standards and working conditions 1 June 2007

    One million South African workers to strike today

    Up to one million South African public sector workers are set to go on strike today demanding higher pay. It will be one of the country’s largest strikes in more than a decade.

    One million South African workers to strike today
  11. Standards and working conditions 27 April 2006

    South Africa: Union slams mentorship scheme for poor schools

    EI affiliate the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) has criticised the Eastern Cape education department’s initiative to hire mentors and retirees to help solve the education crisis in the province.

    South Africa: Union slams mentorship scheme for poor schools
  12. Standards and working conditions 13 March 2006

    South Africa: Breakthrough for temporary teachers

    EI affiliate the South African Democratic Teachers Union (SADTU) and the education department have agreed that all temporary educators in the Eastern Cape province will be given permanent contracts.

    South Africa: Breakthrough for temporary teachers
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 February 2006

    South Africa: Bungle over exam has pupils & teachers fuming

    Eastern Cape Education Department superintendent-general Dave Edley yesterday promised an investigation to discover how the province published the wrong date for the matric supplementary examinations.

    South Africa: Bungle over exam has pupils & teachers fuming
  14. Standards and working conditions 9 February 2006

    South Africa: School fee promise good news in principle

    President Thabo Mbeki's promise to eliminate fees in the poorest 20% of schools in South Africa is meaningless without a deadline, says EI's affiliate.

    South Africa: School fee promise good news in principle
  15. Standards and working conditions 18 January 2006

    South Africa: Union decries plan to import teachers

    EI affiliate the South African Democratic Teachers' Union (SADTU) is angered over proposals to import maths and science teachers from India and Botswana.

    South Africa: Union decries plan to import teachers
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 January 2006

    South Africa: Poor parents miss out on fees waiver

    No state school opening its doors over the next two weeks is likely to waive fees, despite Education Minister Naledi Pandor’s promise to that effect, EI affiliate SADTU said.

    South Africa: Poor parents miss out on fees waiver