

  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 25 February 2025

    Go Public! Underfunding threatens Nordic education systems

    Despite their reputation for strong public education systems, Nordic countries in Europe are facing increasing inequalities, teacher shortages, and creeping privatisation. As governments shift the financial burden onto municipalities, schools are forced to compete with other public services for resources. The result? Wealthier areas can sustain higher investment in public...

    Go Public! Underfunding threatens Nordic education systems
  2. Union renewal and development 27 February 2023

    European unions’ solidarity brings progress on social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal

    Development cooperation (DC) partners of the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) – Education International’s European Region – met for a DC Café online and discussed activities related to social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal.

    European unions’ solidarity brings progress on social and policy dialogue, gender equity and union renewal
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 6 April 2021

    Europe: Study on industrial relations and privatisation

    A study for the ETUCE, EI’s European region, showed the impact of market ideology and management practices and privatisation on industrial relations and social dialogue. In addition to looking at the evolution of EU policy in the past decade, researchers studied different methods and results of industrial relations in Francophone...

    Europe: Study on industrial relations and privatisation
All articles: Sweden

Development Cooperation Projects

  1. Nordplus Horizontal 2020: Sustainable Ecosystems of Mentoring for Newly Qualified Teachers

    Host organizations
    University of SouthEastern Norway (USN)
    Cooperating organizations
    Danmarks Lærerforening, The Trade Union of Finland (OAJ), The Icelandic Teacher Union, Lärarförbundet, University of SouthEastern Norway (USN)
    Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Iceland, Norway
    Start date
    2 August 2020
    End date
    1 August 2023
    Nordplus Horizontal 2020: Sustainable Ecosystems of Mentoring for Newly Qualified Teachers
All Development Cooperation Projects: Sweden


Name Date Type Lang

Constructing teachers’ professional identities

4 January 2022 file Download
Case studies
4 January 2022 file Download
