

  1. Standards and working conditions 23 August 2024

    Taiwan teacher union leader on hunger strike for pension fund

    In an effort to ensure justice and accountability, Hou Chung-Liang, President of the National Teachers’ Association (NTA Taiwan), has embarked on a hunger strike since August 20th. This drastic action aims to pressure the government into fulfilling its obligations as the employer of all civil servants, including teachers and education...

    Taiwan teacher union leader on hunger strike for pension fund
  2. Climate action and literacy 16 November 2021

    Taiwan: Climate literacy at heart of teacher union’s activities

    The National Teachers’ Association (NTA) of Taiwan seized the occasion of the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) to reaffirm its commitment to see climate change education (CCE) inserted in curricula at all education levels. COP26 was held in Glasgow from 31 October-12 November.

    Taiwan: Climate literacy at heart of teacher union’s activities
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 10 August 2021

    Taiwan: Union celebrates a decade of fighting for educators’ rights

    To mark its 10th anniversary, the National Teachers’ Association (NTA)/National Federation of Teachers Union (NFTU) of Taiwan has reaffirming its commitment to fight for teachers’ right to organise as public sector employees and to professional development.

    Taiwan: Union celebrates a decade of fighting for educators’ rights
  4. Leading the profession 21 June 2021

    Taiwan: Union successful in prioritising COVID-19 vaccination for teachers

    Teachers in Taiwan have been prioritised to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. This is a huge win for the National Teachers Association (NTA) which advocated for this during the second wave of the pandemic in the country.

    Taiwan: Union successful in prioritising COVID-19 vaccination for teachers
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 29 April 2021

    Marking May Day: Global education unions in solidarity with Taiwanese educators

    May Day for All –Education International stands in solidarity and in support of the National Teachers Association (NTA) of Taiwan, in its fight to recognise and ratify 1 May as the national holiday for working men and women in the country.

    Marking May Day: Global education unions in solidarity with Taiwanese educators
All articles: Taiwan
