

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 28 September 2023

    Tanzania: EI requests the Government to stop meddling in the internal affairs of the Tanzania Teachers Union

    Education International is concerned by the disruption of legitimate union activities and meetings of the Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU) by the police, including a TTU Council meeting on 25 September. The intimidation and intervention in the internal affairs of the union by government authorities is a serious violation of international...

    Tanzania: EI requests the Government to stop meddling in the internal affairs of the Tanzania Teachers Union
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 2 February 2023

    Tanzania Teachers Union leadership appointments sparked concerns

    The Republic of Tanzania authorities have responded to concerns raised by Education International and have reevaluated their previous appointments of senior education union officials. The appointments in question involved Lucas Ulaya, Tanzania Teachers Union (TTU) President, and Maganga Japhet, TTU Secretary General, who had been unilaterally assigned to the positions...

    Tanzania Teachers Union leadership appointments sparked concerns
  3. Union growth 21 October 2020

    “Africa: Collaboration between Unions and Governments for a Better Future in Education”, by Cherine Sabry.

    Cherine Sabry

    Unions and governments have been in conflict since the dawn of time. The mere existence of unions as a force to defend workers’ rights where governments fail to do so in and of itself leads to this conflictual relationship. In Africa, unions have rarely been consulted during the COVID-19 crisis...

    “Africa: Collaboration between Unions and Governments for a Better Future in Education”, by Cherine Sabry.
All articles: Tanzania

Development Cooperation Projects

  1. Girls Not Brides

    Cooperating organizations
    Girls Not Brides Zimbabwe; Tanzania End Child Marriage Network; The Zambia Ending Child Marriage; The Zimbabwe Alliance to End Child Marriage and Girls Not Brides Zimbabwe
    Bangladesh; Ghana; Mozambique; Netherlands; Nepal; Uganda; United Kingdom; United States; Tanzania; Zambia,Zimbabwe
    Start date
    3 September 2018
    End date
    31 December 2020
    Girls Not Brides
  2. Social Dialogue and Quality Education in East Africa

    Cooperating organizations
    FEATU (Federation of East Africa Teachers Unions) ; KNUT; TTU; ZATU; UNATU; SNER; SYNEDUC; STEB
    East Afrika: Kenya, Tanzania, Zanzibar, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi
    Start date
    1 January 2018
    End date
    31 December 2021
    Social Dialogue and Quality Education in East Africa
  3. Early Childhood Education

    Cooperating organizations
    Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Zambia, Nigeria
    Start date
    2 February 2015
    End date
    26 April 2021
    Early Childhood Education
All Development Cooperation Projects: Tanzania
