
Articles from United Kingdom

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 2 August 2018

    UK: worrying mental health issues for too many students

    Reacting to the announcement from the UK Department for Education on plans for all schools to teach children about good physical and mental health, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers has stressed that mental health issues represent a daily fact of life for many students.

    UK: worrying mental health issues for too many students
  2. Democracy 20 June 2018

    ILO Director General denounces “New Brutalism”

    “We have entered an age of new brutalism,” ILO Director General Guy Ryder told delegates of the 5th World Congress of UNI in Liverpool on 19 June. “We have entered an age where it is OK to dehumanize those who are rejected, who are marginalized, who are different or who...

    ILO Director General denounces “New Brutalism”
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 June 2018

    “Between hope and despair in the EU copyright reform- What's in it for education?”, by Nikola Wachter

    Nikola Wachter

    I am a teacher by training and I am concerned about the current European Union copyright reform. I am familiar with the day to day practices of preparing lessons, the search for the best picture, text snippet, piece of music or video that will help me to explain a certain...

    “Between hope and despair in the EU copyright reform- What's in it for education?”, by Nikola Wachter
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 May 2018

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller

    Andreas Keller

    Isn’ it ironic? 50 years ago, in May 1968, students in Paris were going to the barricades and aspiring to a societal revolution – and initiated an overdue reform of higher education almost throughout Europe eventually. Today, in May 2018, ministers in charge of higher education from 48 countries belonging...

    Go for it! The Bologna ministerial summit in Paris, by Andreas Keller
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 May 2018

    Educators confront Pearson for funding profit driven Bridge International Academies

    Education activists, teachers and global union leaders went to London to urge shareholders at the Pearson Annual General Meeting to stop funding Bridge International Academies, a for-profit company that makes money by shortchanging the education of thousands of at risk children.

    Educators confront Pearson for funding profit driven Bridge International Academies
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 May 2018

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley

    Philippa Cordingley

    One of the things we are exploring in our research into how different countries construct teachers’ professional identities that will be presented at Education International’s annual Research Network meeting today, is the nature of the links between investing in research-informed teaching and amplifying teachers’ collective professional voice.

    #ResNet: Amplifying teacher voice: getting stuck into research, by Philippa Cordingley
  7. Standards and working conditions 24 April 2018

    Not waiting for superman, by David Frost

    David Frost

    Last week I was fortunate in being able to participate in a conference on the island of Krk on the Croatian coast. The best part was linking up with colleagues from NGOs in places such as Bosnia & Herzegovina, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Macedonia and Palestine – all quite challenging contexts. It...

    Not waiting for superman, by David Frost
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 20 April 2018

    United Kingdom: 74th state to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration

    Education International welcomes the move by the United Kingdom to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration, committing itself to protect students, teachers, schools, and universities during times of violent conflict.

    United Kingdom: 74th state to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 April 2018

    UK: Survey reveals ‘heart-breaking’ impact of child poverty in schools

    Growing child poverty is affecting children’s learning in the UK, according to a recent National Education Union survey. However, schools and education staff are doing their utmost to provide the services and essentials of daily life to help disadvantaged families.

    UK: Survey reveals ‘heart-breaking’ impact of child poverty in schools
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 April 2018

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre

    Teresa Nobre

    What can a teacher do in a classroom with a poem, a video, an artwork or a piece of music created by someone else? From early childhood education to higher education, literary and artistic works can be used by teachers, academics and researchers, education support personnel and students for educational...

    Copyright and education: unequal conditions for teaching and learning in Europe, by Teresa Nobre
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 3 April 2018

    UK: education unionists in solidarity with Iranian and Argentinian colleagues

    Teacher unionists Esmail Abdi and Roberto Baradel have been recognised by the UK’s National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers for their fight for the rights of teachers and quality education in Iran and Argentina respectively.

    UK: education unionists in solidarity with Iranian and Argentinian colleagues
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 28 March 2018

    The UK University Strike – union renewal in action, by Howard Stevenson.

    Howard Stevenson

    Over the last few years I have researched and written a good deal about ‘union renewal’ – the process by which unions (re-)connect with their grassroots and create vibrant, inclusive and collective cultures that empower members to be the educators they want to be, working in the systems they aspire...

    The UK University Strike – union renewal in action, by Howard Stevenson.
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 March 2018

    UK teacher unionist wins Global Teacher Prize award

    Education International congratulates UK teacher unionist Andria Zafirakou upon winning the 2018 Global Teacher Prize award.

    UK teacher unionist wins Global Teacher Prize award
  14. Equity and inclusion 15 March 2018

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP

    Silvia Costa

    Refugees and migrants education, especially minors, is a top priority, the best way to empower them and foster their integration, but also one of the principles on which the EU is funded. It is incredible, though, that education of migrants - especially forced migrants and refugees - seems to be...

    “What Europe can do for refugees and migrants’ education” by Silvia Costa MEP
  15. Equity and inclusion 7 March 2018

    #8March: UK Union UCU addresses gender inequity head on

    Joanna de Groot

    Reducing gender disparity in pay and campaigning around issues of sexual harassment and violence against women in the workplace are two key areas focused on by the UK’s University and College Union (UCU).

    #8March: UK Union UCU addresses gender inequity head on