
Articles from United Kingdom

  1. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2015

    UK: fighting student violence in schools

    Unions respond to data released by the Department for Education that shows the alarming rise of assaults on teachers by pupils, a problem that underlines the need to address student violence within education institutions.

    UK: fighting student violence in schools
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 June 2015

    UK: Education Bill a further step towards school privatisation, trade unions say

    Teacher unions in the UK are strongly criticising the Government’s Education Bill that seeks to convert 1,000 so-called ‘failing’ schools to academy status and remove “bureaucratic and legal loopholes.”

    UK: Education Bill a further step towards school privatisation, trade unions say
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 June 2015

    UK: Queen’s throne speech not welcomed by education unions

    Teachers unions in the United Kingdom are fiercely criticising the education policy included in the Queen’s Speech outlining the Government’s mandate as the new session of parliament following the national election officially opened.

    UK: Queen’s throne speech not welcomed by education unions
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 April 2015

    UK: Teachers’ decisive action against ‘for profit’ drive in education

    “#TellPearson no to ‘for profit’ schools because #ChildrenDeserve good public education @pearson.”This was one of the rallying slogans of education trade union leaders and parents in their action opposing education privatisation in London, UK.

    UK: Teachers’ decisive action against ‘for profit’ drive in education
  5. Standards and working conditions 9 April 2015

    UK: Education unions say experience counts

    The need to value older, experienced teachers was a hot topic for two of the UK’s education unions during their annual national conferences where they opposed what they see as on-going discrimination.

    UK: Education unions say experience counts
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 16 March 2015

    UK: Government publishes schools asbestos review

    The UK government has published the findings of its asbestos policy in schools review after bowing to education unions’ sustained pressure to go public, but critics say if still falls short.

    UK: Government publishes schools asbestos review
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 10 March 2015

    UK teachers’ unions: review of asbestos in schools must be released

    Staff and children continue to be put at risk, say education unions in the United Kingdom, who are urging their government to immediately publish its own review of asbestos management in schools.

    UK teachers’ unions: review of asbestos in schools must be released
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 27 February 2015

    UK: Survey highlights plight of teachers

    The excessive workloads and working hours facing teachers in the UK have been clearly established in figures published by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) to mark its annual Work Your Proper Hours Day.

    UK: Survey highlights plight of teachers
  9. Union renewal and development 23 February 2015

    The Oscars trigger debate on elitist revolving doors

    The Academy awards have ignited a debate on the chances of working-class actors to climb the ladder of success, given the increasing proportion of ‘posh actors’ hailing from elite schools sitting atop the acting summit.

    The Oscars trigger debate on elitist revolving doors
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 30 January 2015

    UK: Private schools not improving education quality - report

    Academies and free schools in the UK are not improving education in themselves, according to a report from the cross-party parliamentary Education Select Committee, whose findings have prompted a strong reaction from teacher unions.

    UK: Private schools not improving education quality - report
  11. Standards and working conditions 13 January 2015

    UK: education suffers as graduates shun teaching for higher paying jobs

    Children’s entitlement to a high-quality education is at risk because of the widening pay gap between teaching and other professions, according to research commissioned by the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers.

    UK: education suffers as graduates shun teaching for higher paying jobs
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 December 2014

    UK: Fraud at private alternative higher education colleges

    Students attending alternative higher education providers have claimed public financial support they were not entitled to, with many not even being properly registered to study, says report.

    UK: Fraud at private alternative higher education colleges
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 19 November 2014

    Nobel laureate in the UK to launch #UpForSchool petition

    The streets of London will be buzzing more than usual today as Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthi joins hundreds of youth activists and VIPs for A World at School’s #UpForSchool youth rally.

    Nobel laureate in the UK to launch #UpForSchool petition
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 October 2014

    UK: Education unions march against austerity

    Around 90,000 trade unionists – including members from Education International’s UK affiliates – took to the streets of London last weekend to march against austerity measures.

    UK: Education unions march against austerity
  15. Standards and working conditions 17 October 2014

    Annual Eurydice report on teachers’ and school heads’ salaries

    This year’s edition of the annual Eurydice report on teachers’ and school heads’ salaries and allowances shows that about half of the 33 surveyed European countries have applied salary cuts or salary freezes for public employees during the period 2009-2014. In these countries, teachers’ purchasing power in 2014 is still...

    Annual Eurydice report on teachers’ and school heads’ salaries
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 11 August 2014

    UK: At free schools, there’s no such thing as a free lunch

    A new study says that the Government’s free school programme implemented in disadvantaged areas is failing the poorest children it was created to serve in order to avoid paying for lunches.

    UK: At free schools, there’s no such thing as a free lunch
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 August 2014

    UK: Guarded reaction to new Ofsted chairman’s appointment

    The National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) and the National Union of Teachers (NUT), two EI national affiliates, have given a guarded welcome to the appointment of David Hoare as Chair of Ofsted, the official institution for inspecting schools.

    UK: Guarded reaction to new Ofsted chairman’s appointment
  18. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 July 2014

    10 July 2014: UK Strike action – Keep up the Pressure

    On 10 July 2014 thousands of teachers stood up for education and public services in England and Wales, answering to the call to strike action made by the National Union of Teacher (NUT) alongside with Unison, FBU, PCS, GMB and Unite.

    10 July 2014: UK Strike action – Keep up the Pressure