
Articles from United Kingdom

  1. Union growth 21 April 2011

    UK: Unionists back Zimbabwe Vigil

    The UK Trades Union Congress (TUC) has supported the lunchtime Vigil organised by Action for Southern Africa (ACTSA) outside the Zimbabwe Embassy in London, UK.

    UK: Unionists back Zimbabwe Vigil
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 April 2011

    Survey finds poverty hitting pupils' learning

    A survey by the ATL (UK) teachers' union has found that many pupils living in poverty come to school hungry, tired and in worn-out clothes.

    Survey finds poverty hitting pupils' learning
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 19 April 2011

    UK teachers awarded millions in compensation

    The NASUWT, one of the largest teacher unions in the UK, has secured millions of pounds in compensation for its members who suffered accidents, assaults and injuries suffered on school grounds in 2010.

    UK teachers awarded millions in compensation
  4. Equity and inclusion 29 March 2011

    Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans History Month in British schools

    Throughout the month of February, since 2005, teachers and members of EI’s British affiliates have taken the opportunity to celebrate LGBT History Month to teach their students and colleagues about the lives, experiences and diversity of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in Britain.

    Celebrating Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans History Month in British schools
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 March 2011

    England: Students face exorbitant tuition fees

    When the recently elected Conservative and Liberal British government announced that it wanted to transfer the burden of funding education from the state to students, the UCU and its allies from student, parent and teaching all came together to build the first wave of opposition to cuts in vital public...

    England: Students face exorbitant tuition fees
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 March 2011

    UK: Unions march for alternative economic choices and growth

    EI’s British member organisations are backing their national Trades Union Congress (TUC) call for action and will join a March for the Alternative on 26 March.

    UK: Unions march for alternative economic choices and growth
  7. Union renewal and development 3 February 2011

    UK: Training of teachers vital to managing pupil behaviour

    The National Union of Teachers has responded to a parliamentary Education Committee report into behaviour and discipline in schools by demanding that teachers have access to continuous professional development.

    UK: Training of teachers vital to managing pupil behaviour
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 4 January 2011

    Unaccountable ‘free schools’ are not wanted say teachers

    A survey of British parents conducted by the National Union of Teachers (NUT), an EI affiliate, has found that a majority of new ‘free schools’ being opened in England are not wanted or needed.

    Unaccountable ‘free schools’ are not wanted say teachers
  9. Equity and inclusion 18 November 2010

    People coming out as gay at younger age, research shows

    The average age at which people come out as gay, lesbian or bisexual has fallen steadily over the last four decades, according to the British gay rights group, Stonewall.

    People coming out as gay at younger age, research shows
  10. Standards and working conditions 10 August 2010

    UK: School staff victims of unfounded allegations

    More than 1,700 staff in UK schools were accused of misbehaviour by parents or pupils last year.

    UK: School staff victims of unfounded allegations
  11. Equity and inclusion 2 August 2010

    UK budget faces legal challenge over gender discrimination

    The UK government's budget may be unlawful according to a legal case launched in the high court. It is claimed Treasury officials broke the law by not carrying out an equality assessment of whether plans for spending cuts would hit women most.

    UK budget faces legal challenge over gender discrimination
  12. Leading the profession 12 March 2010

    UK: EI member organisations react to report on racism in schools

    Two EI member organisations reacted to the Maurice Smith Review released today, which recommends that "teachers in England should not be banned from membership of the British National Party (BNP) or any group which may promote racism".

    UK: EI member organisations react to report on racism in schools
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 July 2009

    UK: "Say no to academic vandalism"

    The University and College Union (UCU) which represents further and higher education staff in the United Kingdom is holding a national day of protest on 3 July.

    UK: "Say no to academic vandalism"
  14. Leading the profession 9 September 2008

    SATS fiasco: Standard testing fails Britain

    Britain’s system of standardised testing is in disarray following large-scale bungling by the American company contracted to mark students’ papers.

    SATS fiasco: Standard testing fails Britain
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 July 2008

    UK lecturers want greater involvement in university climate efforts

    The University and College Union (UCU) is congratulating UK universities that are doing the most to combat climate change, but is still urging all universities to step up the involvement of staff and students in their efforts. The union has called for a carbon reduction strategy on every campus based...

    UK lecturers want greater involvement in university climate efforts
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 June 2008

    UK: Keele University greylisting suspended as union strikes deal

    The University and College Union (UCU) announced on 12 June that it has reached an interim agreement with Keele University over the current dispute involving the School of Economic and Management Studies (SEMS) and the Centre for Health Planning and Management (CHPM).

    UK: Keele University greylisting suspended as union strikes deal
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 June 2008

    UK: UCU's greylisting of the University of Keele to begin on 13 June

    The University and College Union (UCU) will "greylist" the University of Keele from 13 June. The term greylisting refers to a voluntary refusal to participate in the academic and other university activities where appropriate at Keele.

    UK: UCU's greylisting of the University of Keele to begin on 13 June