
Articles from United Kingdom

  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 July 2019

    “Productive capabilities develop TVET’s contribution to social justice”, by Gavin Moodie.

    Gavin Moodie

    Education International’s new report on "Technical and Vocational Education and Training as a Framework for Social Justice" charts a new way for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) to advance social justice.

    “Productive capabilities develop TVET’s contribution to social justice”, by Gavin Moodie.
  2. Climate action and literacy 23 July 2019

    “Climate change action: organising to win”, by Adam Lincoln.

    Adam Lincoln

    As education trade unionists gather together for the 8th EI World Congress, it is clear that working people and students are on the front lines of climate change. Already 83 million climate-related refugees have fled from disaster. 72 million jobs are threatened. Climate change affects our brothers and sisters –...

    “Climate change action: organising to win”, by Adam Lincoln.
  3. Leading the profession 9 July 2019

    #OffTrack #0: Educators Assess Progress Towards SDG 4, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    In 2015, governments committed to achieve inclusive, equitable, quality education for all by 2030 (Sustainable Development Goal 4, SDG 4). Four years later, the world is severely off track to achieve the goal. This mini blog series illustrates some of the many obstacles to the achievement of SDG 4, from...

    #OffTrack #0: Educators Assess Progress Towards SDG 4, by David Edwards.
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 13 May 2019

    UK: Death of an outstanding public education union leader

    Doug McAvoy, former General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers passed away on the morning of 12 May at the age of 80.

    UK: Death of an outstanding public education union leader
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 April 2019

    UK: Solidarity, democracy and unity high on the agendas of education trade unions

    During their annual conferences, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers and the National Education Union, both affiliated to Education International, have reasserted during their annual conferences their core values and determination to continue advocating education policies beneficial for educators and students.

    UK: Solidarity, democracy and unity high on the agendas of education trade unions
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 3 April 2019

    UK: Scapegoating teachers and other workers will not solve violent crime

    Commenting on the Downing Street Summit on violent crime, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) has reaffirmed that violent crime involving young people is a complex issue which will not be resolved by putting additional pressures and responsibilities on educators.

    UK: Scapegoating teachers and other workers will not solve violent crime
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 March 2019

    UK: The Chancellor’s speech does not adequately address the education funding crisis

    While commending the Chancellor of the Exchequer for announcing in his Spring Statement the funding of free sanitary products in secondary schools, UK education unions deeply regret that he did not address the national school funding crisis.

    UK: The Chancellor’s speech does not adequately address the education funding crisis
  8. Union growth 13 March 2019

    The #CSW63 Diaries

    Michelle Codrington-Rogers

    Michelle Codrington-Rogers, Junior Vice-President of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT)/UK, is currently an EI delegate to the 63rd Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW63). Follow the event through the eyes of teacher unionist on her blog. (https://mcn--nasuwt.blogspot.com/?m=1)

    The #CSW63 Diaries
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 March 2019

    UK: Union deplores weak legal protection of academic freedom

    Following the findings of a major report on academic freedom in the United Kingdom, the University and College Union has submitted an allegation to the Joint International Labour Organisation/UNESCO Committee of Experts regarding the non-compliance of the UK government's with the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation on the status of higher education...

    UK: Union deplores weak legal protection of academic freedom
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 October 2018

    UK: Chancellor’s budget speech does not address damage to children’s education of austerity

    Education unions in the United Kingdom have expressed their deep disappointment at the Chancellor’s budget speech, which, by only proposing ‘little extras’, does not end austerity measures that have been in effect for years, undermining schools and educators’ financial means as well as quality education for all.

    UK: Chancellor’s budget speech does not address damage to children’s education of austerity
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 October 2018

    UK: Education union concerns remain after reform to the framework of the school inspection

    Following the admission by the Chief Inspector of the school inspection agency Ofsted that focus on data has been a major factor in schools becoming exam factories, UK teacher unions have reiterated their views that the focus put on data has achieved the opposite of what the agency intended, namely...

    UK: Education union concerns remain after reform to the framework of the school inspection
  12. Standards and working conditions 14 September 2018

    UK: Employers misuse data rules to stifle workers’ rights

    Some employers in the UK are discriminating against employees and undermining education unions after the adoption of GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). That’s according to the NASUWT (National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers).

    UK: Employers misuse data rules to stifle workers’ rights
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 7 September 2018

    UK: education unions express concerns about student and teacher’ wellbeing on the release of GSCE results

    The release of this year’s results of the GSCE, the certificate ending secondary education in the UK, have prompted teacher unions to criticise the latest governmental reforms in the education system, and express their concerns about student and educator health and wellbeing.

    UK: education unions express concerns about student and teacher’ wellbeing on the release of GSCE results
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 August 2018

    Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers

    As the voice of the world’s educators, we welcome the inclusion of education as a priority for the G20, and hope the commitment to education will be ensured moving forward into Japan in 2019.

    Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers
  15. Leading the profession 2 August 2018

    "Is DFID’s approach to education worldwide approved by teachers in the UK?", by Samidha Garg and Anja Nielsen

    Anja Nielsen, Samidha Garg

    In February 2018, the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID), the institution responsible for administering the majority of the UK’s development assistance, released Get Children Learning, the Department’s new education policy.

    "Is DFID’s approach to education worldwide approved by teachers in the UK?", by Samidha Garg and Anja Nielsen