

  1. Go public! Fund education 2 July 2024

    Go Public! G7 milestone achieved by Education International and member solidarity

    Education International (EI), alongside member organisations from G7 countries, sent a powerful message about the fundamental role of education unions and social dialogue ahead of the G7 Italy 2024 Ministerial meeting on Education.

    Go Public! G7 milestone achieved by Education International and member solidarity
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 June 2024

    Apologies! We have some good news about teaching.

    Gustavo E. Fischman, Margarita Pivovarova, Eric Haas

    A remarkable feature of many debates about the looming global teacher shortage is the deep-rooted and somewhat predictable perspectives about the role of teachers in this situation. Unfortunately, instead of well-thought-out ideas and exchanges, it appears that when the topic involves teachers, we are stuck with antagonistic perspectives, with each...

    Apologies! We have some good news about teaching.
  3. News 1 February 2024

    American Federation of Teachers Executive Council adopts resolution unanimously calling for the end of the Israel Hamas war by negotiated bilateral cease-fire, promoting steps toward a two-state solution for Israeli and Palestinian self-determination

    The American Federation of Teachers Executive Council, the body representing the union’s 1.72 million educators, higher education professionals, healthcare workers, and public employees, unanimously adopted an omnibus statement addressing the war in the Middle East and its impact on the United States. The American Federation of Teachers is a member...

    American Federation of Teachers Executive Council adopts resolution unanimously calling for the end of the Israel Hamas war by negotiated bilateral cease-fire, promoting steps toward a two-state solution for Israeli and Palestinian self-determination
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 26 January 2024

    Educators ready to play an active role in transforming education in North America and the Caribbean

    “Our activities here together these next few days are varied, but our purpose is fundamental – to reflect and learn from each other and to plan ways to encourage our members to play an active role in transforming education across this vast and varied region.” This was the call by...

    Educators ready to play an active role in transforming education in North America and the Caribbean
  5. Standards and working conditions 14 November 2023

    USA: Legislators recognize education support personnel play a critical role in providing quality education

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA), both affiliated to Education international (EI), have welcomed the introduction of the Paraprofessionals and Education Support Staff Bill of Rights , seeking to provide fair wages, comprehensive benefits and equitable working conditions to the dedicated paraeducators, classroom assistants,...

    USA: Legislators recognize education support personnel play a critical role in providing quality education
All articles: United States of America
