
Articles from United States of America

  1. Union growth 18 July 2008

    US Democrats woo teachers' unions

    Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is determined to help American educators create better opportunities for all children by improving education quality throughout the United States. He criticized the Bush administration for having failed to give teachers the means to achieve the goals of the No Child Left Behind Act, which...

    US Democrats woo teachers' unions
  2. Leading the profession 26 March 2008

    Hatwood Futrell offers blueprint for education

    EI's founding President Mary Hatwood Futrell says redefining schooling is not a national issue, but a global one.

    Hatwood Futrell offers blueprint for education
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 13 February 2008

    USTR attacks NGOs for criticizing WTO

    The U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab has lashed out against non-governmental organizations for their criticisms of WTO trade talks.

    USTR attacks NGOs for criticizing WTO
  4. Union renewal and development 6 February 2008

    In memoriam: Willard McGuire

    Distinguished educator and teacher trade unionist Willard McGuire passed away on 2 February at his home in Minnesota. He was 79. McGuire served as president of the National Education Association, the largest education union in the United States, from 1979 to 1983. A devoted children's advocate, he used the power...

    In memoriam: Willard McGuire
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 18 June 2007

    USA: White House, Democrats reach deal on FTAs

    The Bush administration and senior Democratic lawmakers have agreed to a deal to include environmental and labour protections in any new bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs) the country signs.

    USA: White House, Democrats reach deal on FTAs
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 April 2007

    US Democrats unveil trade strategy

    Congressional Democratic leaders unveiled a set of policy principles that they want incorporated into several pending free trade agreements (FTAs), as well as the country's broader trade agenda.

    US Democrats unveil trade strategy
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 24 April 2007

    USA: college groups issue GATS warning

    Two dozen groups representing American colleges are urging the United States and other member countries of the WTO not to make GATS concessions that would threaten higher education institutions.

    USA: college groups issue GATS warning
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 February 2007

    U.S has failed to comply in gambling case: WTO panel

    A WTO panel has found that the United States has failed to comply with a controversial ruling against American restrictions on Internet gambling.

    U.S has failed to comply in gambling case: WTO panel
  9. Standards and working conditions 2 March 2006

    USA: Affiliates unite to oppose "65% solution"

    EI affiliates the AFT and NEA are united in their opposition to proposed legislation that would require a minimum of 65% of education spending in school districts goes to direct instruction in the classroom.

    USA: Affiliates unite to oppose "65% solution"
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 February 2006

    USA: Affiliates united in opposition to proposed education budget cuts

    EI affiliates the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Authority (NEA) are united in their opposition to proposed budget cuts for education.

    USA: Affiliates united in opposition to proposed education budget cuts
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 February 2006

    USA: “No Child Left Behind” is failing to lead the way, say affiliates

    While both the AFT and NEA agree that the NCLB initiative established laudable goals - high standards, accountability for all, and the belief that all children can learn, regardless of their background or ability - its underfunding and bureaucracy are masking the true progress made in schools.

    USA: “No Child Left Behind” is failing to lead the way, say affiliates
  12. Standards and working conditions 9 February 2006

    USA: Teachers' Needs Survey

    With the assistance of EI affiliates, the National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT), the American Psychological Association (APA) is gathering information about teachers' perceptions of professional development in several areas, including classroom management, instructional practices, classroom diversity, family and community outreach, and other teaching skills...

    USA: Teachers' Needs Survey
  13. Union renewal and development 1 February 2006

    Remembering Coretta Scott King

    Coretta Scott King, civil rights activist and wife of Dr Martin Luther King Jr, has died aged 78.

    Remembering Coretta Scott King
  14. Standards and working conditions 7 December 2005

    USA: teacher salaries lag behind inflation

    EI affiliates in the United States of America, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the National Education Association (NEA), both denounce the fact that teacher salaries are lagging behind rising inflation rates.

    USA: teacher salaries lag behind inflation
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 November 2005

    USA: Affiliate Seek Records on Exclusions of Foreign Scholars

    The national groups accuse the federal agencies of illegally withholding information on the government’s practice of excluding prominent foreign intellectuals based on their political views.

    USA: Affiliate Seek Records on Exclusions of Foreign Scholars