
Articles from United States of America

  1. Leading the profession 25 April 2023

    Summit to focus on key global education issues at EI 30th anniversary

    The 13th annual International Summit on the Teaching Profession convened in Washington, DC on April 25th, amid growing concerns over the teacher shortage crisis, shrinking education budgets, and continuing changes in education technology.

    Summit to focus on key global education issues at EI 30th anniversary
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 April 2023

    In defense of public education

    Randi Weingarten

    The present article reproduces excerpts from the speech given at the National Press Club on March 28, 2023.

    In defense of public education
  3. Climate action and literacy 9 August 2022

    Including Indigenous identities and ways of knowing in education and science

    Charitie Ropati

    Engineers and scientists are vital to meeting Sustainable Development Goals but the ecological knowledge that Indigenous people hold when we care for the land are things that are central to the existence of life.

    Including Indigenous identities and ways of knowing in education and science
  4. Equity and inclusion 21 December 2021

    Expanding Vaccines Beyond Our Borders

    Randi Weingarten, Mugwena Maluleke

    If there is one thing we never see again, let it be a crematorium waiting list. Let temporary morgue tents be just that—temporary. We have the capacity to make that happen—to prepare for the next global public health crisis, so we never see this level of chaos and destruction again,...

    Expanding Vaccines Beyond Our Borders
  5. Equity and inclusion 16 December 2021

    Education unions in Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Canada, the USA and South Africa call on governments to support vaccine equity

    Education International member organisations in Germany, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Canada, the United States of America and South Africa are calling on governments to support the temporary waiver of intellectual property rights on Covid-19 vaccines and treatments at the World Trade Organization. If adopted, the waiver would enable an expansion...

    Education unions in Germany, the UK, Switzerland, Canada, the USA and South Africa call on governments to support vaccine equity
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 June 2021

    G7 leaders commit to support girls’ education but fall short on financing the promise

    During last weekend’s meeting, G7 leaders announced their support for theGirls’ Education Declaration and committed to addressing the setbacks brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, financial commitments announced for the Global Partnership for Education are below the amount needed to ensure the most vulnerable have access to education.

    G7 leaders commit to support girls’ education but fall short on financing the promise
  7. Standards and working conditions 15 May 2021

    “Education Support personnel are the glue that holds their schools together!”

    Becky Marciante

    Becky Marciante is a Clinic Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) at Mulberry Middle School in Mulberry, Florida (USA) and a member of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT). She has worked for the Polk County Public School system since December 2015. As we prepare for celebrating World Education Support Personnel Day...

    “Education Support personnel are the glue that holds their schools together!”
  8. Union growth 7 April 2021

    USA: Education unions join forces to build back better education system

    With a new administration vowing to “build back better” from the public health, education, and economic crises of the Trump era, the two largest US educators’ unions, both Education International affiliates, have a shared agenda to ensure students and school communities receive the support they need for recovery and renewal.

    USA: Education unions join forces to build back better education system
  9. Democracy 17 February 2021

    USA: Trade union joins call for a New Deal for Higher Education

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) have launched a campaign calling for increased funding and reforms in public colleges and universities. The two organisations have partnered in this campaign because a crisis for higher education means a crisis for democracy.

    USA: Trade union joins call for a New Deal for Higher Education
  10. Democracy 20 January 2021

    “Riot Backlash Hastens Moment of Truth for Internet Giants”

    Aidan White

    As President-elect Joe Biden is inaugurated this week in the caged and militarised environment of the US Capitol, battle lines are being drawn in a concerted political attempt to regulate the power of the behemoths of the internet including Facebook, Google, and Twitter. The unregulated dominance of the online world...

    “Riot Backlash Hastens Moment of Truth for Internet Giants”
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 8 January 2021

    USA: Education unions condemn attack on democracy

    The National Education Association (NEA) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) have reacted to the 6 January’s assault in Washington DC, where rioters encouraged by President Donald Trump stormed the Capitol building during a joint session of Congress to certify the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

    USA: Education unions condemn attack on democracy
  12. Union growth 16 September 2020

    US: AFT and RFK Human Rights launch human rights and democracy programme

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), working with RFK Human Rights will launch a programme to share lesson plans on human rights and democracy developed by classroom teachers at a webinar on 17 September. The webinar, “Defenders of Human Rights and Democracy in Your Community” will feature AFT President Randi...

    US: AFT and RFK Human Rights launch human rights and democracy programme
  13. Equity and inclusion 28 August 2020

    United States: AFT mobilises for 28 August March on Washington

    Many thousands of people are marching in Washington, DC in the “Commitment March: Get Your Knee Off Our Necks”. The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), several other trade unions as well as civil rights and other civil society organisations are mobilising to bring attention to systemic racism, the need for...

    United States: AFT mobilises for 28 August March on Washington
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 August 2020

    "Support staff are the infrastructure of the world", by Lorretta Johnson.

    Lorretta Johnson

    During this pandemic, it has become very obvious who the essential workers are. Let me be clear. I am not criticizing mayors, university presidents or school superintendents. But amid the COVID-19 contagion, we would be nowhere without custodians, paraprofessionals, food service workers, administrative assistants and school bus drivers.

    "Support staff are the infrastructure of the world", by Lorretta Johnson.
  15. Democracy 6 August 2020

    United States: American Federation of Teachers holds convention in time of crisis

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), in a convention held virtually, organised a series of discussions and adopted resolutions on education, trade union and policy issues. The convention endorsed Joe Biden for President by a vote of more than 90 per cent of delegates after an unprecedented, extensive membership consultation...

    United States: American Federation of Teachers holds convention in time of crisis
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 17 July 2020

    USA: The voice of education professionals must be heard on safely reopening schools

    Education International’s affiliates in the United States have reasserted the need for public authorities to listen to the voice of educators and their professional organisations when reopening schools and education institutions, and to deliver proper funding for the education sector.

    USA: The voice of education professionals must be heard on safely reopening schools
  17. Trade union rights are human rights 6 July 2020

    USA: The National Education Association holds virtual Representative Assembly

    On 2 and 3 July, the National Education Association (NEA) of the United States held a virtual representative assembly with the participation of over 7,000 delegates. The theme of the assembly was “Our Democracy; Our Responsibility; Our time”.

    USA: The National Education Association holds virtual Representative Assembly
  18. Trade union rights are human rights 5 June 2020

    USA: Educators join in public outcry and demand justice for George Floyd

    Addressing the Minneapolis Police Department, Minnesota’s elected officials, and the media, the Minneapolis Federation of Teachers and Education Support Personnel demand justice after the death of George Floyd, a black citizen, while he was arrested by police officers. They are calling members and concerned citizens for solidarity by adding their...

    USA: Educators join in public outcry and demand justice for George Floyd