
Articles from United States of America

  1. Union growth 24 August 2018

    Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers

    As the voice of the world’s educators, we welcome the inclusion of education as a priority for the G20, and hope the commitment to education will be ensured moving forward into Japan in 2019.

    Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers
  2. Union growth 23 August 2018

    #EI25: “When Ordinary People Demand Justice”, by Lily Eskelsen García

    Lily Eskelsen García

    Sometimes what touches us at an international meeting isn’t what’s on the agenda. It’s what was outside on the street. Sometimes it’s the crushing courage of tiny, fragile grandmothers who would not be stopped and who serve as an example to all social justice activists of what we are called...

    #EI25: “When Ordinary People Demand Justice”, by Lily Eskelsen García
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 23 July 2018

    American Federation of Teachers: Hope in times of darkness. Our collective voice is stronger!

    Under the banner of "We care. We fight. We show up. We vote,” more than 3 000 educators, health professionals and public employees came together for the biannual convention of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

    American Federation of Teachers: Hope in times of darkness. Our collective voice is stronger!
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 5 July 2018

    "The world is with you": EI General Secretary, David Edwards addresses delegates of the National Education Association

    EI General Secretary, David Edwards addressed the Representative Assembly of the National Education Association (NEA), the top decision-making body for the more than 3-million member union, the largest in the United States.

    "The world is with you": EI General Secretary, David Edwards addresses delegates of the National Education Association
  5. Standards and working conditions 27 June 2018

    Unions vow to remain strong despite Janus ruling

    The Supreme Court of the United States just delivered a painful blow to working people and to the unions which stand up for their rights. In a narrow 5 to 4 vote, the justices decided in the Janus v. AFSCME case, that public sector unions must use their resources to...

    Unions vow to remain strong despite Janus ruling
  6. Equity and inclusion 21 June 2018

    Education International denounces the abuse of migrant children by U.S. government

    Education International strongly condemns the forceful and systematic separation of children from their parents, the jailing of infants and minors and the violation of basic human rights displayed by the U.S. government against migrants seeking refuge.

    Education International denounces the abuse of migrant children by U.S. government
  7. Equity and inclusion 20 June 2018

    World Refugee Day: “Never Be Afraid to Advocate for Students”, by Mandy Manning.

    Mandy Manning

    Manning was named National Teacher of the Year in the United States. She has taught English and math at the Newcomer Center at Joel E. Ferris High School in Spokane, Washington, for seven years, and her refugee students come from countries all over the world, including Syria, Mexico, and Sudan....

    World Refugee Day: “Never Be Afraid to Advocate for Students”, by Mandy Manning.
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 May 2018

    Discovering more about Education Support Personnel, by Philippa Butler

    Philippa Butler

    Education Support Personnel (ESP) play a vital role in promoting quality education, fostering a safe and positive learning environment for all students, and ensuring that schools and education institutions function effectively. ESP cover a wide range of people working in the education sector, such as teaching and learning assistants, school...

    Discovering more about Education Support Personnel, by Philippa Butler
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 22 March 2018

    Safe Schools for All, Social Media Toolkit

    Join the global movement of students and educators organizing to end gun violence in schools and create safe schools for all.

    Safe Schools for All, Social Media Toolkit
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 22 March 2018

    We Demand Quality Education for All in Schools that are Free From Gun Violence

    As the voice of teachers and education support personnel worldwide, we stand in solidarity with the students, teachers, school staff, parents and allies as they courageously lift their voices and take action to demand a quality education for all in schools that are free from gun violence.

    We Demand Quality Education for All in Schools that are Free From Gun Violence
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 21 March 2018

    March for Our Lives Means Black Lives Too

    Jesse Hagopian

    As this youth fueled movement to stop gun violence in schools grows, we need to truly listen to what the students are demanding. And if we listen to students we will hear that they are making important connections between the March for Our Lives and the movement for Black lives.

    March for Our Lives Means Black Lives Too
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 16 March 2018

    CSW 62: education trade unionists push for achievement of gender equality and empowerment of rural women and girls

    Participants from Education International’s member organisations were among the over 100 trade unionists from 42 countries at the 62nd Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, which got underway in New York on 12 March.

    CSW 62: education trade unionists push for achievement of gender equality and empowerment of rural women and girls
  13. Equity and inclusion 8 March 2018

    #8March: Takeaways from EI World Women’s Conference

    Shaniqua Williams

    Attending the 2018 3rd Education International World Women’s Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, was not only my first time outside of the United States, but also my first time at an Education International event. Truth be told, I had only just heard of Education International at last summer’s National Education Association...

    #8March: Takeaways from EI World Women’s Conference
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 23 February 2018

    #ItsAboutFreedom: Educators worldwide support US unions under attack

    Educators are uniting worldwide in support of their colleagues in the USA, who face one of the most severe anti-union attacks in recent history, aiming at destroying public employee and teacher unions through a Supreme Court case.

    #ItsAboutFreedom: Educators worldwide support US unions under attack
  15. Union renewal and development 15 February 2018

    United States: Grief and disbelief after school shooting

    Educators the world over have expressed their shock and distress at the news of another deadly shooting in a US school.

    United States: Grief and disbelief after school shooting
  16. Union renewal and development 13 February 2018

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #14: Where is the World in the WDR 2018? An Appeal to Rename it the ‘American Development Report’ by Jeremy Rappleye & Hikaru Komatsu

    Jeremy Rappleye, Hikaru Komatsu

    The 2018 World Development Report “Learning to Realize Education’s Promise” provides deep insights into the worldview of the World Bank, the world’s most powerful development institution. Instead of critically questioning the Bank’s explicit claims – as most of the blogs thus far have done – it is also worth pausing...

    #WDR2018 Reality Check #14: Where is the World in the WDR 2018? An Appeal to Rename it the ‘American Development Report’ by Jeremy Rappleye & Hikaru Komatsu
  17. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 February 2018

    USA: joint teacher union action aims to put education secretary on notice

    The American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association have teamed up to deliver 80,000 report cards to Secretary DeVos’ doorstep on the anniversary of her appointment to call for her resignation.

    USA: joint teacher union action aims to put education secretary on notice