
Articles from United States of America

  1. Union renewal and development 12 September 2016

    USA: Trump’s proposed education cuts detrimental to students and teachers

    US education unions have expressed serious concerns at Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s announcement that he will reduce the education budget by US$20 billion.

    USA: Trump’s proposed education cuts detrimental to students and teachers
  2. Standards and working conditions 3 August 2016

    US: new study reveals that unions boost quality of education

    Teachers’ unions do not overprotect tenured teachers, according to a recent study, in fact they create a net positive for educational quality by contributing to increased teacher quality and higher educational attainment for students.

    US: new study reveals that unions boost quality of education
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 1 August 2016

    USA: Teachers reach out after Orlando massacre

    Teacher unions and trade unions in the United States are working togetherto provide support and resources to the Orlando community after the mass shooting at a night club in June.

    USA: Teachers reach out after Orlando massacre
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 July 2016

    EI President commends the AFT for its 100 years of championing quality public education

    Education International's President Susan Hopgood joined the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the American Federation of Teachers, thanking the education union “for setting an important example”, and “fighting for the public school, for equity and for democratic values”.

    EI President commends the AFT for its 100 years of championing quality public education
  5. Union renewal and development 19 July 2016

    USA: AFT endorses Clinton as it marks centenary

    The American Federation of Teachers kicked-off its 84th Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota by welcoming Hillary Rodham Clinton. The AFT supports Clinton to be elected as President of the United States in November.

    USA: AFT endorses Clinton as it marks centenary
  6. Union renewal and development 7 July 2016

    The NEA unites as historic US presidential election looms large

    The message of solidarity was sombre but clear in Washington, D.C. as the National Education Association's LGBTQ Caucus honoured the 49 lives lost in Orlando last month to open the 154th Representative Assembly.

    The NEA unites as historic US presidential election looms large
  7. Union renewal and development 6 July 2016

    USA: Democratic nominee Clinton makes her presidential pitch to teachers

    Speaking to 7,000 delegates at the National Education Association’s Representative Assembly, Hillary Clinton passionately laid out her education vision to America’s largest union as she looks to gain support ahead of November’s election.

    USA: Democratic nominee Clinton makes her presidential pitch to teachers
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 April 2016

    Good news for California teachers as appeals court rules in favour of tenure

    Students, teachers and their unions have reason to celebrate after an appeals court reversed an earlier decision that severely weakened teacher tenure, stating that protecting teachers’ jobs does not rob students of quality education.

    Good news for California teachers as appeals court rules in favour of tenure
  9. Standards and working conditions 30 March 2016

    USA: Major court victory for unions

    The US Supreme Court has ruled in favour of public employee unions, rejecting a conservative attack on the basis of the fees collected from non-members.

    USA: Major court victory for unions
  10. Standards and working conditions 30 March 2016

    USA: Major court victory for unions

    The US Supreme Court has ruled in favour of public employee unions, rejecting a conservative attack on the basis of the fees collected from non-members.

    USA: Major court victory for unions
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 March 2016

    Pearson: wrong strategical approach, unions fear

    A coalition of shareholders, led by US and British unions whose pension funds hold stock in the company, have voiced concern that the global education publisher and provider Pearson is building its business strategy on an “over-reliance” on educational testing.

    Pearson: wrong strategical approach, unions fear
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 February 2016

    USA: Teachers, students and parents stage massive walk-ins for public schools

    Teachers across the US “reclaimed” their public schools in a mass coordinated mobilisation to throw the spotlight on the challenges facing public education and solutions needed to address them.

    USA: Teachers, students and parents stage massive walk-ins for public schools
  13. Equity and inclusion 13 January 2016

    USA: educators play key role in combatting human trafficking

    American education unions are taking the fight against human trafficking to the classroom, with a toolkit designed to help teachers recognise and act in case a student is suspected of being a victim.

    USA: educators play key role in combatting human trafficking
  14. Union renewal and development 30 October 2015

    Obama’s admission that high-stakes testing doesn’t work a positive step forward

    This week’s announcement by the American president that he and his administration acknowledge that current high-stakes standardized testing does not work may be the first step to returning quality learning to classrooms.

    Obama’s admission that high-stakes testing doesn’t work a positive step forward
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 2 October 2015

    More shooting horror on a US college campus

    A young lone gunman killed nine people at an American college - Umpqua Community College in Roseburg on Thursday morning.

    More shooting horror on a US college campus
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 August 2015

    United States: Education Support Personnel hit hard by budget cuts

    The educaction community in the United States highlights a worrying trend: shrinking budgets or ending grant money push Education Support Personnel (ESP) into unemployment, reducing overall education employee capacity.

    United States: Education Support Personnel hit hard by budget cuts