
Articles from Zimbabwe

  1. Standards and working conditions 16 April 2010

    Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teacher shortage

    Zimbabwe Education Minister David Coltart promised delegates attending the annual conference of the Zimbabwe Teachers' Association (ZIMTA) on 14 April that he would immediately terminate the possibility for parents to pay incentives to teachers, if the country’s teachers organisations would ask him to do so.

    Zimbabwe: Deteriorating education system and political tensions have led to severe teacher shortage
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 12 August 2009

    Zimbabwe: teachers’ salary still below poverty line

    Zimbabwean teacher unions ZIMTA and PTUZ have called the recent salary increase that places teacher salaries at US$155 a month ‘inadequate’ and urged the government to provide a living wage for teachers.

    Zimbabwe: teachers’ salary still below poverty line
  3. Standards and working conditions 27 July 2009

    Teacher unions in Zimbabwe demand decent salaries

    EI’s largest affiliates in Zimbabwe – the Zimbabwe Teachers Association (ZIMTA) and the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) – were sharply critical of the salary increase for civil servants announced last week by the government.

    Teacher unions in Zimbabwe demand decent salaries
  4. Standards and working conditions 7 May 2009

    Zimbabwe: teachers cancelled strike to show faith in government

    Zimbabwean teachers cancelled their strike on 5 May to show their faith in the government, even though the interim US$800 monthly salary promised to them in February has yet to be paid.

    Zimbabwe: teachers cancelled strike to show faith in government
  5. Standards and working conditions 17 February 2009

    Zimbabwe: Teachers hope an end to the education crisis is near

    Hopes were raised when Zimbabwe’s new Prime Minister, Morgan Tsvangirai, promised that all civil servants, including teachers, would be paid in foreign currency by the end of February.

    Zimbabwe: Teachers hope an end to the education crisis is near
  6. Standards and working conditions 23 January 2009

    Zimbabwean teachers received Z$29 trillion pay this month

    Both EI member organisations in Zimbabwe denounce the latest salary paid to teachers by the government. On 21 January, the teacher unions told reporters that their members were paid an average of Z$29 trillion as salary for January 2009. This amount is less than US$10.

    Zimbabwean teachers received Z$29 trillion pay this month
  7. Union growth 4 December 2008

    Zimbabwe: Ten teachers released, but four still incarcerated

    Latest reports from Zimbabwe show that more teachers than originally known were arrested in this week's crackdown by the Mugabe government in response to demonstrations protesting the financial and humanitarian crisis. In fact, of the 14 arrested, four remain in prison.

    Zimbabwe: Ten teachers released, but four still incarcerated
  8. Union growth 3 December 2008

    Zimbabwe: Five teachers among sweep of arrests of union leaders

    Five leaders of the Progressive Teachers Union of Zimbabwe, including PTUZ General Secretary Raymond Majongwe, are among 48 trade unionists who were caught up in a wave of arrests across the country on 3 December.

    Zimbabwe: Five teachers among sweep of arrests of union leaders
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 14 November 2008

    Zimbabwe: Education Fails amid Examination Debate

    Zimbabwe’s teacher unions have called for action in the face of the inexorable collapse of the education system that is taking its toll on teachers and students alike.

    Zimbabwe: Education Fails amid Examination Debate
  10. Union growth 26 September 2008

    Zimbabwean teacher trade unionist released from prison

    The President of the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe, who was illegally arrested and held incommunicado under appalling conditions, has now been released from prison.

    Zimbabwean teacher trade unionist released from prison
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 1 July 2008

    Zimbabwe: Attacks on unionists continue after election

    The national campaign of intimidation against human and trade union rights activists continues even after Robert Mugabe has been sworn in for another 5-year term. This follows an election process described by the African Union as "falling short of accepted AU standards."

    Zimbabwe: Attacks on unionists continue after election
  12. Union growth 24 June 2008

    Zimbabwe: Trade Unions Call for ILO Commission of Inquiry

    Trade unionists, including educators from across Africa and from around the world have called for an official ILO Commission of Inquiry into Zimbabwe, as more reports of torture and murder of trade unionists emerge from the country.

    Zimbabwe: Trade Unions Call for ILO Commission of Inquiry
  13. Union growth 20 June 2008

    Zimbabwe: Two teachers dead, three more missing

    Zimbabwean teachers are being severely targeted in the brutal reprisals now being meted out as Robert Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party desperately cling to power. EI’s affiliate the Zimbabwe Teacher Association (ZIMTA) and the Progressive Teachers' Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ) both reported violence against teachers in the rural areas.

    Zimbabwe: Two teachers dead, three more missing
  14. Union growth 11 June 2008

    Zimbabwe: Teacher unionists under attack again

    Harassment and intimidation of teachers and their trade unions continues in Zimbabwe in the lead-up to the June 27 election to determine whether Robert Mugabe of the ZANU-PF or his opposition challenger Morgan Tsvangirai will win the presidency.

    Zimbabwe: Teacher unionists under attack again
  15. Union growth 23 May 2008

    Zimbabwe: Solidarity with teachers and trade unionists

    Teachers and human and trade union rights activists worldwide are invited to support their colleagues in Zimbabwe by responding to theEI Urgent Action Appeal . So far, over a dozen teacher unions have condemned the violations of basic human and trade union rights against teachers.

    Zimbabwe: Solidarity with teachers and trade unionists
  16. Union growth 16 May 2008

    Zimbabwe: Another trade unionist arrested

    EI strongly protests the arrest of Raymond Majongwe, the General Secretary of the Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe (PTUZ). Majongwe was picked up by the police on May 15 at the High Court of Zimbabwe where he was attending a hearing in which leaders of the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade...

    Zimbabwe: Another trade unionist arrested