
From work to school: putting an end to child labour


The eradication of child labour is one of our key priorities. There is broad consensus that the single most effective way to eradicate child labour is to improve access to and the quality of education. Universal quality education can break intergenerational cycles of poverty and dependence on child labour.

We have been developing and supporting anti-child labour projects in target countries across the world for over 10 years. Our projects focus on making the school environment conducive so as to attract children to school and prevent school abandonment. Working closely with our member organisations, we engage school leaders and teachers, parents and the wider community in projects with a holistic approach that cover issues around quality teaching, safe schools, professional ethics, inclusive education, gender equality and the status and employment conditions of teachers.

Our allies in this area are the ILO, UNESCO, UNICEF, and the global unions, including ITUC, the IUF, BWI and other civil society organisations at international and national level, such as the Dutch Stop Child Labour Coalition, the German GEW Fair Childhood Foundation, the AOb and Mondiaal FNV. Education International is a member of the civil society coalition Global Campaign for Education, the Global March against Child Labour, and Alliance 8.7.

Please follow our Facebook page Educators against child labour to get the latest news and blogs on this issue.


Education unions against child labour

7 July 2021

From work to school

  1. From work to school: putting an end to child labour 9 May 2021

    What is child labour?

    Child labour refers to work that is a) mentally, physically, socially or morally dangerous and harmful to children and that b) interferes with children’s schooling by depriving them of the opportunity to attend school; obliging them to leave school prematurely; or requiring them to attempt to combine school attendance with...

    Read more What is child labour?
  2. From work to school: putting an end to child labour 4 May 2021

    What is a child labour free zone?

    Child labour free zones are geographical areas – such as a village, plantation area, small island, urban neighbourhood, or cluster of communities – where all children are systematically being taken away from labour and (re)integrated into formal, full-time schools.

    Read more What is a child labour free zone?
  3. Equity and inclusion

    EI/AOb Child Labour Projects | Transnational Best Practices and Union Impacts

    Nora Wintour
    30 June 2020

    For the last two decades, EI and its affiliates, Algemene Onderwijsbond (AOb/the Netherlands) and Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW/Germany), through the Fair Childhood Foundation, have supported projects to reduce school dropout rates and child labour and to contribute to the development of child labour-free zones in over 13 countries on...

    EI/AOb Child Labour Projects | Transnational Best Practices and Union Impacts
    1. Download


  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 February 2022

    Albania: Education unions' success in combating child labour

    The Albanian trade unions FSASH and SPASH (1) have been involved in projects to combat child labour since 2002, with the support of international partners (2). More than 500 trade union leaders and 6,000 teachers have been trained in preventing dropping-out and in reintegrating former child labourers into school. The...

    Read more Albania: Education unions' success in combating child labour


  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 31 October 2024

    Burundi: over 400 children return to school thanks to education union project against child labour

    404 children came back to school in September 2024 in the Gihanga commune of Burundi thanks to a project against child labour implemented by STEB, the Union of Education Workers of Burundi, with support from Education International, the Fair Childhood Foundation of GEW, AOb, and Mondiaal FNV.

    Read more Burundi: over 400 children return to school thanks to education union project against child labour

Ivory Coast

  1. Equity and inclusion 4 May 2023

    Ivory Coast: Teachers mobilise communities to end child labour

    In the rural region of Soubré, Côte d'Ivoire, teachers play a key role in the fight against child labour. Thanks to the training provided by the SYNADEEPCI union in partnership with Education International, UNICEF, and Save the Children, education professionals have learned to distinguish between work that is socialising and...

    Read more Ivory Coast: Teachers mobilise communities to end child labour
  2. From work to school: putting an end to child labour

    "Together, we say no, no, no to child labour"

    5 June 2023

    Students who are members of the anti-child labour club at Gallea 1 school in Soubré, Ivory Coast raise community awareness of the risks faced by child labourers.

  3. From work to school: putting an end to child labour

    Ending child labour in the Ivory Coast: Know your rights

    5 June 2023

    A student member of the club against child labour at Gallea 1 school in Soubré, Ivory Coast uses slam poetry to raise children's awareness about their rights.


  1. Equity and inclusion 10 December 2024

    Malawi: Coming together across borders to eradicate child labour

    Education unionists from Burundi, Mali, Senegal, Togo, Uganda, and Zimbabwe came together in Malawi to learn about successful local efforts to end child labour. From 1 to 6 December 2024, coordinators and project leaders spearheading the unions’ work against child labour had the opportunity to exchange know-how and good practice...

    Read more Malawi: Coming together across borders to eradicate child labour
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 February 2023

    Malawi: Education union action rescues children from forced labour and keeps them in schools

    Education International member organisations in Malawi, the Teachers' Union of Malawi (TUM) and the Private Schools Employees Union of Malawi (PSEUM), were able to bring over 1,000 children back to school and prevent 1,200 others from dropping out.

    Read more Malawi: Education union action rescues children from forced labour and keeps them in schools


  1. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2017

    More than 1000 children have returned to school thanks to Malian teachers

    In Mali, the SNEC (National Union of Education and Culture) has contributed since 2014 to the development of child labour free zones in the regions of Bougouni, Niono, Macina, Dioila and Bla in partnership with local NGOs (ENDA Alphalog and CAEB).

    Read more More than 1000 children have returned to school thanks to Malian teachers
  2. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2017

    Portrait of a parent: Kadjatou Douna, member of the Syentoula Mothers' Association

    "The happiness expressed by my daughter on her return to school, her academic success and the awareness related to the project convinced me to do everything possible to enable her to continue her education."

    Read more Portrait of a parent: Kadjatou Douna, member of the Syentoula Mothers' Association


  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 August 2021

    Nicaragua: Creating happier school environments to mitigate child labour

    The education union CGTEN-ANDEN is helping teachers in Nicaragua’s regions of León and La Dalia to diversify their teaching methods and use traditional music, dance and games to make school fun for students. The initiative is part of the union’s project to eradicate child labour.

    Read more Nicaragua: Creating happier school environments to mitigate child labour
  2. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2017

    Nicaragua: A trade union project re-ignites enthusiasm for education

    In Nicaragua, the activities conducted by CGTEN-ANDEN to create a child labour free zone in La Dalia (a district of Matagalpa) have fostered new enthusiasm for education in the region. 83 teachers from 31 schools received training on topics such as communication and negotiation techniques, leadership abilities, and others. The...

    Read more Nicaragua: A trade union project re-ignites enthusiasm for education
  3. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2017

    A summer school to tackle early school leaving

    In December 2016 and January 2017 (the winter and summer holidays in Nicaragua), CGTEN-Anden organised a summer school in La Dalia for two groups of 30 children who left school early or are at risk of dropping out of school.

    Read more A summer school to tackle early school leaving


  1. Equity and inclusion 14 June 2024

    Togo: Raising awareness is the key to combating child labour

    A pilot project carried out by the Fédération des Syndicats de l'Education Nationale (Federation of National Education Unions - FESEN) in the region of Sotouboua, in central Togo, is helping to change attitudes so that child labour is no longer considered acceptable. Agricultural and domestic work are the main activities...

    Read more Togo: Raising awareness is the key to combating child labour


  1. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2017

    From coffee plantations to school

    In Uganda, the teachers’ union UNATU (1) has linked up with an NGO and a coffee export business to develop child-labor-free areas in the Western Nile region.

    Read more From coffee plantations to school
  2. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2017

    Portrait of a teacher: Festo Onecan, Headteacher of the Avuru school

    Before the project was launched, some parents viewed children as a source of income.By making them aware, talking openly with them, giving examples of families where children are educated, we are able to make them understand that they have to bring their children back to school.The support of city councillors...

    Read more Portrait of a teacher: Festo Onecan, Headteacher of the Avuru school


  1. Equity and inclusion 11 June 2017

    The unions of Zimbabwe unite against child labour

    In Zimbabwe, the PTUZ (Progressive Teachers’ Union of Zimbabwe) and ZIMTA (Zimbabwe Teachers’ Association) unions have been involved in the Out of Work Into School project since 2015.

    Read more The unions of Zimbabwe unite against child labour

Latest news

  1. Equity and inclusion 12 June 2024

    Quality public schools, empowered teachers and a student centered approach are key to eliminating child labour

    Projects to address child labour carried out by Education International affiliates in 15 countries (1) have enabled more than 8,000 former child workers to return to school over the past nine years. Awareness-raising campaigns, visits to parents by teachers and local authorities, and the adoption of local by-laws banning child...

    Read more Quality public schools, empowered teachers and a student centered approach are key to eliminating child labour
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 July 2023

    Inclusive, quality education: the key to ending child labour

    From India to Senegal, from Albania to Uganda and Mali, Education International (EI) members raised their voices in support of quality education to commemorate World Day Against Child Labour on June 12th.

    Read more Inclusive, quality education: the key to ending child labour
  3. Union renewal and development 3 July 2023

    Developing Child Labour Free Zones is a key to protecting children’s right to education

    “This fight against child labour is grounded in Education International’s belief that education is a human right,” described Pedi Anawi, regional coordinator of EI Africa. “We believe that no child should be left behind.” Child labour prevents children from receiving the education they are entitled to. The online DC (development...

    Read more Developing Child Labour Free Zones is a key to protecting children’s right to education
  4. Equity and inclusion 10 June 2023

    Education International Statement on World Day against Child Labour

    On World Day against Child Labour, Education International (EI) and its member organisations reiterate their commitment to advocate for the millions of children around the globe who are being exploited through child labour of any form. EI is committed to raising awareness, advocating, and working to eradicate child labour and...

    Read more Education International Statement on World Day against Child Labour
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 June 2023

    Eradicating child labour and getting children (back) into school: a fight waged by teachers and their unions around the world

    “One of my pupils, aged 9, had already left for Kayes, 750 km from our village, to work in a gold mine, because of his family's economic situation. His father told me that if I could go to Kayes, he would allow his son to return to school. I borrowed...

    Read more Eradicating child labour and getting children (back) into school: a fight waged by teachers and their unions around the world
more: Latest news

Our policy on child labour

more: Our policy on child labour