
  1. Equity and inclusion

    Statement by the global labour movement on the United Nations Secretary General’s Biennial Report on the Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration

    5 December 2024

    On 5 December 2024, United Nations Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, presents to the UN General Assembly his 3rd biennial report on the implementation of the Global Compact on Migration. The report also includes a limited set of indicators to assist reviews of the Compact alongside a strategy for improving disaggregated...

    Statement by the global labour movement on the United Nations Secretary General’s Biennial Report on the Implementation of the Global Compact for Migration
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  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Activating the recommendations on teachers in crisis contexts

    United Nations High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession recommendations

    22 May 2024

    The High-Level Panel on the Teaching Profession was convened by the United Nations Secretary General in response to the global teacher shortage. Tasked with providing policy advice for governments to ensure that every child’s right to a professionally-trained, qualified, and well-supported teacher is fulfilled, the Panel identified 59 recommendations.

    Activating the recommendations on teachers in crisis contexts
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  3. Equity and inclusion

    Pledging Guidance on Teachers and Teaching in Forced Displacement Situations

    2023 Global Refugee Forum

    3 October 2023

    In the lead up to the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) 2023, thematic task teams have been established within the GRF Education Alliance which brings together a range of stakeholders working together to operationalise the education-related provisions of the Global Compact on Refugees. Education International leads the GRF Education Alliance Task...

    Pledging Guidance on Teachers and Teaching in Forced Displacement Situations
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  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Education of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Context of COVID-19: The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan

    15 March 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated education systems, communities, and economies across Africa and globally. The health crisis has seriously affected the education, health and well-being of refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Uganda, South Sudan and across the continent.

    Education of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Context of COVID-19: The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan
    1. The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan
    2. Lições do Projeto de Educação para a Vida no Uganda e Sul do Sudão
  5. Equity and inclusion

    Promoting integration of migrants and refugees in and through education: Toolkit

    10 December 2018

    Education unions are defending the right to learn and to teach of newcomers. They develop advocacy to promote more inclusive schools in the context of increasingly diverse communities and in reaction to the rise of populist anti-immigration political forces. These strategies and practical actions are now compiled in a new...

    Promoting integration of migrants and refugees in and through education: Toolkit
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  6. Equity and inclusion

    Education: Hope for newcomers in Europe

    Nihad Bunar

    28 February 2018

    The aim of this volume is to bring together experiences from four European countries, Germany, Italy, Spain and Sweden, on how they have organised the reception of newly-arrived children in their schools, which challenges they face, what are the opportunities, where the support comes from and it has failed to...

    Education: Hope for newcomers in Europe
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  7. Equity and inclusion

    The journey of hope: Education for refugee and unaccompanied children in Italy

    Sonia Grigt

    30 November 2017

    The Italian legal framework provides a high level of protection for asylum-seeking and unaccompanied minors and a noticeably inclusive approach concerning the integration of these children into the education system. That said, recent developments of the immigration legal framework concerning unaccompanied minors and its impact on the fulfilment of their...

    The journey of hope: Education for refugee and unaccompanied children in Italy
    1. The journey of hope
    2. Il viaggio della speranza
  8. Equity and inclusion

    Spain: Hope through diversity

    Begoña López Cuesta

    29 November 2017

    Spanish legislation provides for the right of refugees to education and international protection. In practice, however, the absence of a legal framework and institutional infrastructure specifically designed to identify the needs of this target group and provide an appropriate response runs counter to this formal recognition.

    Spain: Hope through diversity
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  9. Equity and inclusion

    Opportunities and hope through education: How German schools include refugees

    Dita Vogel, Elina Stock

    28 November 2017

    The Federal Republic of Germany has always been heavily influenced by migration, both of a permanent and temporary nature. Despite high levels of immigration, government policies did not consider Germany a country of immigration until the new residence law that came into force in 2005. Since then, immigration is no...

    Opportunities and hope through education: How German schools include refugees
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  10. Equity and inclusion

    Newcomers: Hope in a cold climate

    Nihad Bunar

    31 October 2017

    The aim of this article is to describe and analyse major patterns of response from Swedish authorities and institutions towards newly arrived, asylum-seeking and refugee children during the last decade.

    Newcomers: Hope in a cold climate
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  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education

    Investing in the crisis: Private participation in the education of Syrian refugees

    Francine Menashy, Zeena Zakharia

    14 April 2017

    While education in emergencies has risen as a policy priority in the mandates of international organizations (Menashy and Dryden-Peterson, 2015), the share of total overseas development assistance to education has declined sharply in recent years, with funding persistently low in conflict-affected states (UNESCO, 2015; 2016).

    Investing in the crisis: Private participation in the education of Syrian refugees
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  12. Equity and inclusion

    Providing education to refugee children from conflict areas in the Middle East - Fast track to equal opportunities and integration

    Education International Refugee Education Conference

    6 December 2016

    Quality education is key to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It is crucial in confronting the social, economic, cultural and political challenges that are causing and resulting from the “global refugee crisis." Education is also the most effective tool to help forcibly displaced people integrate into their...

    Providing education to refugee children from conflict areas in the Middle East - Fast track to equal opportunities and integration
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  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Getting teacher migration and mobility right

    Marie-Louise Caravatti, Shannon Lederer, Allison Lupico, Nancy Van Meter

    31 May 2014

    With this study EI aims to identify best practices for international teacher migration, as well as to highlight issues of concern and expose abuses. This research report contributes new data and analysis that will deepen our understanding of the teacher migration phenomenon. It reaffirms our commitment to ensuring that migration...

    Getting teacher migration and mobility right
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  14. Equity and inclusion

    Education for refugee and asylum seeking children in OECD countries

    Paloma Bourgonje

    16 March 2010

    This study examines the educational situation of refugee and asylum-seeking children in four countries: Australia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. In all four countries migration has been a subject of political discussion and even controversy in recent decades.

    Education for refugee and asylum seeking children in OECD countries
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