
  1. Fighting the commercialisation of education 25 March 2011

    G20 fails to address fundamentals – including investment in education

    The G20 Summit held in Seoul, Korea, on 11-12 November was marked by growing tensions between the world’s two biggest economies – the United States and China – and a failure to address fundamental issues required for sustainable growth and prosperity – including investment in education.

    G20 fails to address fundamentals – including investment in education
  2. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 March 2011

    WTO Talks Falter in Face of New Deadline

    Talks aimed at liberalizing the global trade in goods, agricultural products and services are once again in trouble as negotiators have been unable to bridge their differences despite an intensive week-long push to reach a solution.

    WTO Talks Falter in Face of New Deadline
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 March 2011

    Progress cited in domestic regulation talks

    While overall negotiations remain stalled, officials cited some progress in other aspects of the Doha Round, including controversial talks aimed at developing new legally-binding disciplines for domestic regulations that may affect trade.

    Progress cited in domestic regulation talks
  4. Fighting the commercialisation of education 10 March 2011

    Is there a future for Doha?

    While acknowledging that the end of year deadline to conclude the talks is extremely tight, Mexican Ambassador de Mateo was somewhat optimistic that a conclusion this year would be possible.

    Is there a future for Doha?
  5. Fighting the commercialisation of education 4 January 2011

    Unaccountable ‘free schools’ are not wanted say teachers

    A survey of British parents conducted by the National Union of Teachers (NUT), an EI affiliate, has found that a majority of new ‘free schools’ being opened in England are not wanted or needed.

    Unaccountable ‘free schools’ are not wanted say teachers
  6. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 October 2010

    ACTA: Deal or no deal?

    What’s been described as a near final draft of the controversial Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) was released in October amidst confusion over whether a deal had in fact been reached.

    ACTA: Deal or no deal?
  7. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 October 2010

    EU and Malaysia launch free trade talks

    The launch of negotiations follows an impasse in talks between the EU and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) that began in 2007.

    EU and Malaysia launch free trade talks
  8. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 October 2010

    South Africa to support EU trade partnership

    In an apparent about-turn, South African officials now say they are prepared to conclude an Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the European Union and the five-nation South African Customs Union (SACU) by the year’s end.

    South Africa to support EU trade partnership
  9. Fighting the commercialisation of education 28 October 2010

    Study warns of environmental impact from Canada-EU trade pact

    A report released the end of August cautions a comprehensive free trade deal between Canada and the European Union could lead to rising greenhouse gas emissions, privatization of water services, and disruptions to "First Nations" communities.

    Study warns of environmental impact from Canada-EU trade pact
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 July 2010

    Developing countries denounce ACTA

    Opposition to the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) in the developing world is mounting, with India and China formally raising complaints last month at the World Trade Organization.

    Developing countries denounce ACTA
  11. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 July 2010

    G-20 drop Doha deadline

    The declaration issued by the leaders of the 20 largest economies meeting in Toronto, Canada in June repeated the group’s commitments to oppose protectionism and support open markets, but notably omitted a prior promise to conclude the World Trade Organization’s Doha round of trade talks by the end of this...

    G-20 drop Doha deadline
  12. Fighting the commercialisation of education 20 July 2010

    Second Round of Trans-Pacific Partnership talks conclude

    Representatives from eight Pacific-rim nations met in San Francisco last month for the second round of negotiations aimed at establishing a new regional free trade zone.

    Second Round of Trans-Pacific Partnership talks conclude
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 19 May 2010

    Unions call for implementation of global Financial Transaction Tax

    Ahead of the informal meeting of the vice Finance Ministers and deputy Central Bankers of the Group of 20 nations convening today in Berlin, trade unionists and other activists around the world launched the "Make Finance Pay Week" on Monday calling for the implementation of a global tax on financial...

    Unions call for implementation of global Financial Transaction Tax
  14. Fighting the commercialisation of education 23 April 2010

    World Intellectual Property Day: EI calls for fair and balanced copyright rules

    Recently recognised as an official observer at the United Nations World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), the global federation representing educators worldwide issues a statement on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day on 26 Apr, calling for "fair and balanced copyright rules".

    World Intellectual Property Day: EI calls for fair and balanced copyright rules
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    WTO “stocktaking” meeting fails to make progress

    The latest attempt to kick-start stalled global trade talks ended on a sour note in March as European trade officials openly accused the United States of foot-dragging.

    WTO “stocktaking” meeting fails to make progress
  16. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    European Parliament demands to see ACTA text

    The European Parliament threatened on 10 March to petition the European Court of Justice in an effort to force the European Commission to make public the draft text of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA).

    European Parliament demands to see ACTA text
  17. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    Trans-Pacific Partnership talks launched in Australia

    Inaugural negotiations for a Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) aimed at creating an ambitious regional free trade zone were launched in Melbourne on 15 March.

    Trans-Pacific Partnership talks launched in Australia
  18. Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 April 2010

    EU demands Canada overhaul IP rules

    A leaked text of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) confirms that Canada’s copyright and patent legislation are being targeted in the negotiations.

    EU demands Canada overhaul IP rules