
  1. Equity and inclusion 8 April 2014

    The European Institute for Gender Equality meets Trade Union Representatives - Members of the ETUCE Equality Working Group share their experience with the institute

    The European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) invited trade union representatives for a cross-sectoral meeting on its premises in Vilnius on 25 March 2014.

    The European Institute for Gender Equality meets Trade Union Representatives - Members of the ETUCE Equality Working Group share their experience with the institute
  2. Equity and inclusion 7 April 2014

    Dublin:Women central to sustainable future development

    The future will be created in classrooms. This was the key message of Her Excellency Tarja Halonen in her keynote opening speech to the EI’s Second World Women’s Conference today, 7 April, in Dublin, Ireland. Addressing almost 400 delegates from education trade unions representing around 90 countries across the globe,...

    Dublin:Women central to sustainable future development
  3. Equity and inclusion 6 April 2014

    Education International’s World Women's Conference 7-9 April 2014 in Dublin, Ireland

    Transforming words into action will be goal of nearly 400 women as they join forces for quality education at Education International’s second World Women’s Conference in Dublin, Ireland. From 7-9 April, female leaders in education and trade unions from around the world will tackle some of the biggest challenges facing...

    Education International’s World Women's Conference 7-9 April 2014 in Dublin, Ireland
  4. Equity and inclusion 4 April 2014

    Spain: Documentary on women teachers to be screened at World Women’s Conference

    An extraordinary historical documentary on the commitment shown by female teachers in Spain whilst fighting illiteracy will be screened at the Second World Women’s Conference on 6 April in Dublin, Ireland. The award-winning “Las Maestras de la Republica”, which recounts the teachers’ battle for the rights of women and the...

    Spain: Documentary on women teachers to be screened at World Women’s Conference
  5. Equity and inclusion 18 March 2014

    Côte d'Ivoire: Trade unionists highlight gender equality

    The Gender Equality Committee of EI affiliate Syndicat national de l’enseignement primaire public de Côte d’Ivoire (SNEPPCI) held an International Women's Day commemoration ceremony on 7 March.

    Côte d'Ivoire: Trade unionists highlight gender equality
  6. Equity and inclusion 14 March 2014

    UNCSW58: Women’s Leadership a priority in the post-2015 agenda

    Over 100 women from the five sub-regions of Africa discussed achievements in increasing women in leadership and decision-making roles in public life at a side event on 13 March to the 58th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW58). The meeting also considered priorities for the...

    UNCSW58: Women’s Leadership a priority in the post-2015 agenda
  7. Equity and inclusion 12 March 2014

    Afghanistan: Rebuilding girls’ education after decades of conflict

    Nahida, a school principal in Kabul, is the third participant in the ten-week #TeacherTuesday campaign, organised around the Education For All (EFA) Global Monitoring Report (GMR) 2013/4. In Afghanistan, conflict has raged for decades, cultural opposition to girls’ schooling is deep-seated, and education for girls was banned altogether under the...

    Afghanistan: Rebuilding girls’ education after decades of conflict
  8. Equity and inclusion 11 March 2014

    Beyond 2015: Putting girls’ education at the heart of the agenda

    “Which government is prepared to tell a girl that she will never be able to go to school, and neither will her children or her grandchildren, but, if she is very lucky, her great-grandchild might be the first girl of her family to go to school?” asked EI President Susan...

    Beyond 2015: Putting girls’ education at the heart of the agenda
  9. Equity and inclusion 11 March 2014

    Women work 59 days ‘for free’

    On average, women work 59 days unpaid per year. On occasion of the 4th European Equal Pay Day, the European Commission has released the new brochure Tackling the gender pay gap in the European Union, which explains the gender pay gap, its causes and the benefits of closing it.

    Women work 59 days ‘for free’
  10. Equity and inclusion 11 March 2014

    One in three women experienced violence

    33 % of women living in the European Union have experienced physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15, and one in 20 women was raped since the age of 15. These insights were revealed by an EU-wide survey on violence against women published by the European Agency for...

    One in three women experienced violence
  11. Equity and inclusion 4 March 2014

    How can education unions play an active role in ensuring that student performance is gender equal?

    At Education International’s (EI) North America and Caribbean Regional Conference, held in Montego Bay on 24-26 February, Ms. Georgia Waugh Richards from the Jamaica Teachers’ Association (JTA) suggested that in Caribbean countries “gender streaming” in education may help improve the performance of boys, who are lagging behind girls in school...

    How can education unions play an active role in ensuring that student performance is gender equal?
  12. Equity and inclusion 26 February 2014

    Spain: EI members committed to sexual and gender diversity

    EI welcomes the collaboration agreement to work towards eradicating discrimination against LGBT people in learning and teaching environments signed by member organisations in Spain - FECCOO, STES, FETE-UGT - and the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals organisations (FELGTB).

    Spain: EI members committed to sexual and gender diversity
  13. Equity and inclusion 26 February 2014

    Quality education for girls and women is progress for all

    EI has released its statement to mark International Women’s Day (IWD) 2014 on 8th March. EI affiliates are encouraged to use this statement in their own IWD communications and in connection with EI’s global campaign Unite for Quality Education.

    Quality education for girls and women is progress for all
  14. Equity and inclusion 25 February 2014

    International Women’s Day 2014

    Celebrated annually on 8 March, International Women’s Day encourages advocacy for women's advancement and gender equality. With thousands of events worldwide, it calls for challenging the status quo for women's equality and for inspiring positive change.

    International Women’s Day 2014
  15. Equity and inclusion 12 February 2014

    Philippines: action plan for gender equality

    EI, together with one Swedish affiliate Lärarförbundet, organised an evaluation and planning meeting for its Philippine member organisations in Manila, Philippines, from 30 January until 1 February. Twenty participants, i.e. five women leaders from four EI affiliates in the Philippines - ACT, FFW, TOPPS and SMP-NATOW - took part in...

    Philippines: action plan for gender equality
  16. Equity and inclusion 7 February 2014

    The European Parliament calls for EU roadmap to protect fundamental rights of LGBTI people

    On 4 February 2014, the European Parliament adopted a resolution to safeguard the fundamental rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people. The resolution calls upon the EU to make a roadmap to make fundamental rights a reality of LGBTI people.

    The European Parliament calls for EU roadmap to protect fundamental rights of LGBTI people
  17. Equity and inclusion 6 February 2014

    India: Unions develop Action Plan for gender equity

    A South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Women’s Network Planning Meeting has been held in New Delhi, India. Three union leaders from EI affiliate All India Secondary Teachers’ Federation (AISTF) National Office, six AISTF representatives from the Indian Maharashtra State, as well as six AISTF representatives from the Indian...

    India: Unions develop Action Plan for gender equity