
  1. Equity and inclusion 29 January 2014

    India: Unions develop Action Plan for gender equity

    A South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Women’s Network Planning Meeting has been held in New Delhi, India. Three union leaders from EI affiliate All India Secondary Teachers’ Federation (AISTF) National Office, six AISTF representatives from the Indian Maharashtra State, as well as six AISTF representatives from the Indian...

    India: Unions develop Action Plan for gender equity
  2. Equity and inclusion 28 January 2014

    On the move for equality by mainstreaming and developing expertise on gender equality in unions

    EI Deputy General Secretary Haldis Holst underlines the need to combine mainstreaming of gender equality policies and expertise in gender issues within education trade unions and the teaching profession, to help achieve quality education for all. These topics and many more will be addressed during the Second EI World Women’s...

    On the move for equality by mainstreaming and developing expertise on gender equality in unions
  3. Equity and inclusion 19 December 2013

    African workshop focuses on gender mainstreaming

    The Pan-Africa Teachers’ Centre (PATC) and EI African regional office (EIRAF) have joined UNESCO, UNICEF and several progressive regional and international organisations in coordinating a project to develop, print, validate and pilot a UNESCO guide on gender mainstreaming containing 10 modules to be used in Teacher Training Institutions (TEIs) in...

    African workshop focuses on gender mainstreaming
  4. Equity and inclusion 18 December 2013

    Sri Lanka: Seminar focused on union role in national legislation

    National laws, especially on gender issues, came under the spotlight at an International Labour Organisation (ILO)/National Laws Seminar evaluation and planning meeting attended by six EI affiliates from Sri Lanka. The seminar was organised by EI and its Norwegian affiliate, UEN, in Colombo, from 13-15 December.

    Sri Lanka: Seminar focused on union role in national legislation
  5. Equity and inclusion 25 November 2013

    Joint Statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    Gender-based violence (GBV) is a fundamental violation of human rights. It is one of the worst manifestations of gender-based discrimination, disproportionately affecting girls and women, and a major obstacle to achieving gender equality. This is a global phenomenon that knows no boundaries geographical, cultural, ethnic, economic or other.

    Joint Statement on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
  6. Equity and inclusion 21 November 2013

    Senegal: Call for increased participation of women

    Some 300 women (and a number of men) from 100 countries are attending the second world women's conference organised by the International Trade Union Confederation’s (ITUC) in Dakar, Senegal, from 19-21 November. This is the first time that an African country is hosting an ITUC World Women’s Conference. In recognising...

    Senegal: Call for increased participation of women
  7. Equity and inclusion 7 November 2013

    Nepal: Union rights and gender issues highlighted at educators’ workshop

    EI and its national affiliates, the Nepal National Teachers' Association (NNTA), the Nepal Teachers' Association (NTA), and the Sansthagat Vidyalaya Schickshak Union Nepal (ISTU), co-organised a joint workshop on trade union rights and gender issues in trade unions, education and society in Kathmandu, Nepal, from 22-24 October. Discussions were held...

    Nepal: Union rights and gender issues highlighted at educators’ workshop
  8. Equity and inclusion 25 October 2013

    European trade unionists want equality added to quality in education

    The Standing Committee for Equality of EI’s European region, the European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE), has met in Brussels, Belgium. From 21-22 October, education unionists highlighted the need for and activities organised to achieve equality in education.

    European trade unionists want equality added to quality in education
  9. Equity and inclusion 11 October 2013

    Message by Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary of Education International, on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October 2013

    The International Day of the Girl Child was celebrated for the first time in 2012 as a way of promoting girls’ human rights and focusing attention on the many challenges faced by girl children all over the world. Education International (EI) welcomes this year’s theme to mark Girl Child Day:...

    Message by Fred van Leeuwen, General Secretary of Education International, on the occasion of the International Day of the Girl Child, 11 October 2013
  10. Equity and inclusion 11 October 2013

    International Day of the Girl Child 2013

    Today, as we celebrate the second international day of the girl child, we also note that 2013 has put the challenges that girls face in accessing and successfully completing education at the very top of the international policy agenda. This is in no small measure due to the courage of...

    International Day of the Girl Child 2013
  11. Equity and inclusion 19 September 2013

    EI regional conferences: Gender equality at heart of discussions

    Kuala Lumpur: More than 80 trade unionists from the Asia-Pacific region gathered at the Women’s Caucus in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, prior to the 7th EI regional conference. The Caucus theme was: “Achieving gender equality through ending discrimination (against women and girls) in education”.

    EI regional conferences: Gender equality at heart of discussions
  12. Equity and inclusion 21 August 2013

    Educators' network to empower women in the Pacific

    Over 40 representatives from 11 countries in the Pacific gathered for two days in Fiji to outline their unions’ plans to grow the women’s networks and promote equality in education and unions in the region. The women’s network meeting was held prior to the triennial conference of the Council of...

    Educators' network to empower women in the Pacific
  13. Equity and inclusion 9 July 2013

    Education unionists mobilise for girls’ education on Malala Day

    EI affiliates around the world join the events being coordinated by the offices of the UN Special Envoy on Global Education, Gordon Brown on 12 July, to celebrate Malala Yousafzai’s sixteenth birthday and renew the call for all governments to guarantee equitable quality education for all, especially girls.

    Education unionists mobilise for girls’ education on Malala Day
  14. Equity and inclusion 4 July 2013

    Second EI Arab Women's Network meeting

    EI held the second meeting of its Arab Women Network (AWN) from 29-30 June in Beirut, Lebanon. This meeting aimed at following up on the discussions that started at last’s year inaugural meeting, where the AWN will build on the information shared and plan for future steps.

    Second EI Arab Women's Network meeting