Union renewal and development 4 January 2021 Best wishes for 2021!
Education International sends its best wishes to everyone from the global education community for this new year. With the COVID-19 pandemic still threatening lives, we will continue our struggle for a safe and healthy return to the classroom for teachers, education support personnel, and students. We will also do our...
Best wishes for 2021! -
Trade union rights are human rights 17 December 2020 Mexico: COVID-19 must be considered an occupational disease
The Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores de la Educación (SNTE) has asked the Mexican Ministry of Public Education to ensure that COVID-19 is considered an occupational disease. This is just one measure to facilitate the safe return to presential teaching and learning.
Mexico: COVID-19 must be considered an occupational disease -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 December 2020 Germany: Early childhood education staffing under enormous stress
Education unions in Germany have asked public authorities to better recognise the role played by early childhood educators during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have asked for increased resources for staffing and funding in the KiTa – early childhood education (ECE) schools.
Germany: Early childhood education staffing under enormous stress -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 December 2020 Malaysia: Union solidarity for remote education for marginalised students
Education International has joined the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) to support Malaysian students from poor and marginalised communities to access online classes crucial during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Malaysia: Union solidarity for remote education for marginalised students -
Standards and working conditions 9 December 2020 Iraq: Modern teaching methods focus of education union’s teacher training
The use of modern teaching methods was at the heart of professional development training organised by the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU), with the support of Education International (EI), in the Raparin, Koya and Akra regions.
Iraq: Modern teaching methods focus of education union’s teacher training -
Standards and working conditions 9 December 2020 Portugal: Union calls for strike to force government to negotiate
In Portugal, the Federaçao Nacional dos Professores (FENPROF) has urged educators to go on strike on 11 December. The national action is intended to put pressure on the government and members of Parliament, demanding respect for the profession, improvement of their working and living conditions, and a solution to the...
Portugal: Union calls for strike to force government to negotiate -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 December 2020 WIPO’s missed opportunity to produce guidance on copyright exceptions hits education during pandemic
A legal instrument on copyright exceptions for the use of materials for teaching, learning, research, and the work of cultural heritage organisations is still not available. According to Education International, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) missed an opportunity at its recent Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights (SCCR)...
WIPO’s missed opportunity to produce guidance on copyright exceptions hits education during pandemic -
Trade union rights are human rights 7 December 2020 Portugal: Education union calls for adequate framework to ensure the health and safety of teachers in risk groups
The Federação Nacional da Educação has condemned the fact that the lack of a clear and appropriate national framework to regulate leaves during the pandemic has led to nearly all teachers belonging to high-risk groups still being present in class to teach.
Portugal: Education union calls for adequate framework to ensure the health and safety of teachers in risk groups -
Union growth 4 December 2020 UK: Education unions react to Department for Education request to authorities to address accountability, workload, funding, qualifications, and inspections
Teacher unions in the UK have reacted to announcements by the Department for Education (DfE), requesting public authorities to better address educators’ workload, accountability, pay and funding to ensure quality education for all.
UK: Education unions react to Department for Education request to authorities to address accountability, workload, funding, qualifications, and inspections -
Trade union rights are human rights 3 December 2020 Africa: Teacher unions continue to fight child labour despite Covid-pandemic
As the Covid-19 crisis poses a threat to achievements made to get children into school and out of work, an online webinar has brought together unionists and experts to strengthen strategies and allow teachers to continue helping students.
Africa: Teacher unions continue to fight child labour despite Covid-pandemic -
Union growth 3 December 2020 Indonesia: Education union celebrate 75th anniversary and educators’ unwavering commitment in the face of tough challenges
Indonesian teachers were praised for providing quality education during the COVID-19 crisis at the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI) and of the 2020 National Teacher’s Day.
Indonesia: Education union celebrate 75th anniversary and educators’ unwavering commitment in the face of tough challenges -
Trade union rights are human rights 2 December 2020 Portugal: Teachers in high-risk groups need improved conditions and options
The Federação Nacional da Educação (FNE) has highlighted its concerns about the safety of Portuguese teachers and education support personnel (ESP) during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially if they belong to high-risk groups.
Portugal: Teachers in high-risk groups need improved conditions and options -
Trade union rights are human rights 27 November 2020 UK: Well-being of education professionals
On 26 November, Education Support issued its annual index on teacher wellbeing for 2020. Education Support was founded in 2015 but has roots that go back 140 years. It is a respected and authoritative organisation that focuses on mental health and wellbeing of teachers and other education professionals in the...
UK: Well-being of education professionals -
Trade union rights are human rights 27 November 2020 Australia: Union calls for increased public education funding to reduce ‘vast inequities’ in sector
The Australian Education Union (AEU) has reiterated its demand for increased and proper funding of public education. Its call comes as the COVID-19 pandemic highlights long-standing inequities in education.
Australia: Union calls for increased public education funding to reduce ‘vast inequities’ in sector -
Trade union rights are human rights 26 November 2020 Webinar | Teachers, Students, and Public Education in the Fight against COVID-19
On 1 December, Open Society Foundations, Education International and the Global Student Forum are hosting a webinar on the impact of COVID-19 on education and the urgent need to reopen learning institutions confidently and safely.
Webinar | Teachers, Students, and Public Education in the Fight against COVID-19 -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 November 2020 UK: Education unions seek increased support from Government amidst the pandemic
With the COVID-19 crisis still raging, teacher unionists in the UK have deplored the falling school attendance rates and presented a plan to secure safe schools and ensure quality education during the pandemic.
UK: Education unions seek increased support from Government amidst the pandemic -
Fighting the commercialisation of education 25 November 2020 Survey Report | Teaching with Tech: The Role of Education Unions in Shaping the Future
Today Education International released the report of its Future of Work in Education Global Survey on the use of technology in education. Produced by Dr Christina Colclough, the report was launched during a special session of the Education International Executive Board.
Survey Report | Teaching with Tech: The Role of Education Unions in Shaping the Future -
Trade union rights are human rights 25 November 2020 Niger: Trade union unity on skill development and improved working conditions for teachers
With the help of the of Education International’s COVID-19 Solidarity Fund, the national unions that are members of Education International affiliate structure in Niger (IESNI) have collaborated in the organisation of an Inclusive Education Policy Forum, a skill development workshop for twenty-five female teachers, and the organisation of an awareness-raising...
Niger: Trade union unity on skill development and improved working conditions for teachers