
  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery | 10 Principles

    Education International and the OECD

    28 April 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the frequent closure of school buildings in most countries in the world and has interrupted the school attendance of at least 1.2 billion students in 2020 and 2021. Although many education systems have been able to adapt in varying degrees, the pandemic has shown...

    Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery | 10 Principles
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  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 April 2021

    EI and OECD launch Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery

    How will we ensure effective and equitable educational recovery from COVID19? Education International and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) developed ten key principles which every country can use.

    EI and OECD launch Principles for Effective and Equitable Educational Recovery
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 14 December 2020

    Education International and UNESCO call for educators to be considered a priority group in COVID-19 vaccinations

    Today, on the 60th anniversary of the Convention that promotes the universal right to education, Education International and UNESCO published a joint message calling on governments and the international community to consider teachers and education support personnel as a priority group in COVID-19 vaccination efforts. The call came as some...

    Education International and UNESCO call for educators to be considered a priority group in COVID-19 vaccinations
  4. Equity and inclusion

    Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic

    A Guide for Education Unions

    3 December 2020

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to unprecedented school closures that have affected over 1.5 billion students worldwide. However, the impact of the pandemic has not been equal, with vulnerable and disadvantaged students disproportionately affected by the resulting global crisis in teaching and learning.

    Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic
    1. Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the Covid-19 Pandemic
    2. التدقيق بمبادئ العدالة ال ت بوية في ظل جائحة كوفيد- 91 دليل خاص بنقابات التعليم
    3. Guia: Auditoria da equidade na educação durantea pandemia da Covid-19
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 December 2020

    Education International Launches Guide on Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic

    To address the strong concerns that have arisen across the world about equity gaps within education as a result of the closure of schools and other educational settings due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global federation of education unions has published a Guide for its member organisations on the process...

    Education International Launches Guide on Auditing Educational Equity in Light of the COVID-19 Pandemic
  6. Standards and working conditions

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19

    30 July 2020

    Forward to School provides a wealth of resources to inform the response of education unions in this next stage of the Covid-19 education crisis. It features information, research and, most importantly, examples of union actions in more than 50 countries across all regions.

    Forward to School: Guidance, Considerations and Resources for and from Education Unions to Inform Decision-Making in Times of Covid-19
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  7. Trade union rights are human rights 13 July 2020

    Learning from one another: EI publishes "Forward to School"

    Education International released its publication Forward to School on 13 July. The document is based on the five pillars identified in the EI Guidance on Reopening Schools and Education Institutions released in April.

    Learning from one another: EI publishes "Forward to School"
  8. Union renewal and development 30 April 2020

    Education International Guidance on Reopening Schools and Education Institutions

    As a growing number of countries are considering easing restrictions and gradually resuming onsite education, Education International stresses a set of five dimensions that should be considered by governments, in dialogue with educators and their unions, when planning this next phase of the response to the COVID-19 crisis in education.

    Education International Guidance on Reopening Schools and Education Institutions
  9. Standards and working conditions

    EI Guidance to Reopening Schools and Education Institutions

    30 April 2020

    With schools and education institutions closed in a majority of countries, there are critical issues for governments to take into consideration, as countries gradually begin to re-open early childhood institutions, schools and higher education institutions. It is imperative that governments communicate transparently and continuously about the plans for reopening onsite...

    EI Guidance to Reopening Schools and Education Institutions
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  10. Trade union rights are human rights 6 April 2020

    COVID-19: Educators call for global solidarity and a human-centred approach to the crisis

    The Education International Executive Board held an emergency webinar on Friday, 3 April. During the call, the Executive Board adopted a resolution outlining educators’ key demands to all governments and international institutions dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak.

    COVID-19: Educators call for global solidarity and a human-centred approach to the crisis
  11. Standards and working conditions

    Guiding principles on the COVID-19 pandemic

    27 March 2020

    The following principles and recommendations should guide the responses of education unions, governments and partners to COVID-19.

    Guiding principles on the COVID-19 pandemic
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  12. Trade union rights are human rights 27 March 2020

    Guiding principles on the COVID-19 pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic continues to grow at an alarming rate, resulting in numerous infections and fatalities across the globe. The impact on education has been devastating, with UNESCO reporting that over 1.5 billion students had been affected due to school closures in 165 countries as of 26 March 2020; this...

    Guiding principles on the COVID-19 pandemic
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 20 March 2020

    World Health Organisation guidelines

    In order to minimise the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, it is essential to follow the guidelines provided by the World Health Organisation and the advice of national health authorities. Misinformation during this crisis can have deadly consequences. Educators play an essential role in informing their students and communities on...

    World Health Organisation guidelines