
  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 July 2021

    Facing the pandemic: Educators lead in solidarity for an equitable recovery

    Latest message from Education International General Secretary stresses the role of the education union movement in the fight against COVID-19 and climate change to further social justice, democracy and a sustainable future for all.

    Facing the pandemic: Educators lead in solidarity for an equitable recovery
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 June 2022

    Education International calls for a new deal for teachers at the Transforming Education Pre-Summit

    Educators’ insights on progress, challenges, and strategies for the future of education will all feature in Education International’s contribution to UNESCO’s Transforming Education Pre‐Summit, taking place from 28-30 June in Paris, France.

    Education International calls for a new deal for teachers at the Transforming Education Pre-Summit
  3. Future of work in education

    The pandemic - moving forward: Governments and teacher unions working together to leave no-one behind

    A briefing by Education International for the International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2022

    9 May 2022

    Convened by Education International and the OECD, the International Summit on the Teaching Profession brings together governments and education unions in OECD countries in order to strengthen and support an informed and honest policy dialogue between and among elected representatives of the teaching profession and national government authorities.

    The pandemic - moving forward: Governments and teacher unions working together to leave no-one behind
    1. Download
  4. Leading the profession 20 January 2022

    France: unions continue to mobilise for improved health and working conditions in education

    Following the strongly supported strike on 13 January , the French trade union federations have called for another day of action on 20 January to continue to demand adequate health conditions to protect against COVID-19 in schools and an improvement in the status of teachers.

    France: unions continue to mobilise for improved health and working conditions in education
  5. Standards and working conditions 13 January 2022

    France: wide participation in strike action against the management of the health crisis in schools

    Education unions in France mobilised on 13 January calling for staff to be respected and that schools have the resources they need to function amid the COVID-19 health crisis. The trigger for the strike was the health protocol for schools, announced in the press just hours before the start of...

    France: wide participation in strike action against the management of the health crisis in schools
  6. Democracy 9 December 2021

    Francophonie: education and the trade union movement show their resilience in face of the health crisis

    The theme of the XVIIth meeting of the Comité syndical francophone de l'éducation et de la formation (CSFEF), which brings together the education unions of French-speaking countries, was “Schools as a vehicle for solidarity and development - if countries give themselves the means”. Participants noted that unions have been very...

    Francophonie: education and the trade union movement show their resilience in face of the health crisis
  7. Leading the profession 3 December 2021

    Asia-Pacific: Living and working conditions of educators severely impacted by the pandemic

    The stress and increased workload imposed on educators throughout the COVID-19 pandemic and their concerns about the future of their work were highlighted during the regional webinar organised by the Education International Asia-Pacific (EIAP) office in partnership with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific....

    Asia-Pacific: Living and working conditions of educators severely impacted by the pandemic
  8. Future of work in education

    The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021

    Greg Thompson

    12 October 2021

    The status of teachers remains a concern in many jurisdictions. Teachers are aware that holding the same qualifications or levels of training as other professions does not bring the same status, despite teaching and facilitating learning being complex work that requires significant expertise.

    The Global Report on the Status of Teachers 2021
    1. The Global Report on the Status of Teachers
    2. The Global Report on the Status of Teachers | Summary
  9. Leading the profession 13 August 2021

    India: educators urge governments to take urgent action to guarantee the health and safety of the education community

    The All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF) has repeatedly urged public authorities, at state and federal levels, to listen to the educators’ voice to best ensure teachers, education support personnel and students’ health and safety during the raging COVID-19 pandemic severely affecting them.

    India: educators urge governments to take urgent action to guarantee the health and safety of the education community
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 4 August 2021

    Fiji: Education union raises concerns about threat to health of teachers and students

    The Fiji Teachers’ Union (FTU) has repeatedly asked public authorities to enter discussions to ensure safe practices around student worksheets. And it has called on educators to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

    Fiji: Education union raises concerns about threat to health of teachers and students
  11. Standards and working conditions 2 August 2021

    Rwanda: SYPERWA stands by teachers during the crisis

    Rwandan education workers’ union SYPERWA organised a tour to meet teachers from private schools and help them solve the problems encountered. Thanks to Education International’s COVID-19 solidarity fund, the union has been able to map the issues for teachers affected by COVID-19, provide legal assistance to teachers suspended as a...

    Rwanda: SYPERWA stands by teachers during the crisis
  12. Equity and inclusion

    Crises and the COVID-19 pandemic: education responses and choices during times of disruptions

    A global synthesis and Sub-Saharan African country analysis: Cabo Verde, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Ivory Coast, Mali, Mozambique, South Africa, Uganda

    31 July 2021

    This research was commissioned by the Open Society Foundation (OSF) and Education International (EI) with the aim of understanding the global policy responses to education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The research also aims to understand how various states have responded to the pandemic in the midst of...

    Crises and the COVID-19 pandemic: education responses and choices during times of disruptions
    1. Download
  13. Union growth 15 July 2021

    Gabon: SENA supports teachers during COVID-19 crisis

    In light of the gaps in the information provided by the authorities on the dangers of COVID-19, Gabon’s education union SENA has launched a nationwide campaign to inform education workers and encourage them to organise.

    Gabon: SENA supports teachers during COVID-19 crisis
  14. Union renewal and development 9 July 2021

    Arab educators and their unions ready to rebuild education and shape the future of their work

    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in the education sector, the future of work, climate change action, the protection of human and trade union rights, and safeguarding democracy were at the heart of discussions during the 5th Conference of Education International's Arab Countries Cross-Regional Structure (ACCRS).

    Arab educators and their unions ready to rebuild education and shape the future of their work
  15. Leading the profession 21 June 2021

    Taiwan: Union successful in prioritising COVID-19 vaccination for teachers

    Teachers in Taiwan have been prioritised to receive the COVID-19 vaccination. This is a huge win for the National Teachers Association (NTA) which advocated for this during the second wave of the pandemic in the country.

    Taiwan: Union successful in prioritising COVID-19 vaccination for teachers
  16. Equity and inclusion 17 June 2021

    Honduras: Union acts on the needs of educators with disabilities during pandemic

    The COVID-19 pandemic has led to innovation and renewed engagement by education unions. In Honduras, the Colegio Profesional Superación Magisterial (COLPROSUMAH) has done its utmost to guarantee decent living and working conditions for teachers and educational support personnel living with disabilities.

    Honduras: Union acts on the needs of educators with disabilities during pandemic
  17. Leading the profession 8 June 2021

    Education research in the spotlight: COVID-19 recovery and the status of teachers in 2021

    On June 8 and 9, Education International is hosting the annual meeting of its Research Network which brings together education researchers from around the world. The first day of the meeting gave participants the opportunity to share updates on the latest research in the sector and featured a preview of...

    Education research in the spotlight: COVID-19 recovery and the status of teachers in 2021