
  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 June 2021

    The Caribbean Union of Teachers stands up for students on school examinations amid the pandemic

    The Caribbean Union of Teachers has been advocating for 2021 examinations in the region to be adapted to the challenging situation crated by the prolonged educational disruption. At the end of May, the umbrella organisation of teachers’ unions in the region won a first victory as the Caribbean Examinations Council...

    The Caribbean Union of Teachers stands up for students on school examinations amid the pandemic
  2. Future of work in education 1 June 2021

    International Labour Organization: COVID-19 recovery requires investment in education and in training and decent work for educators

    Delegates at the International Labour Organization (ILO) technical meeting on the future of work in the education sector have agreed that education workers need more support if they are to provide the additional learning needed to build a more resilient and sustainable recovery from the pandemic.

    International Labour Organization: COVID-19 recovery requires investment in education and in training and decent work for educators
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 May 2021

    India: Educators call for worldwide solidarity against the COVID-19 pandemic

    Education International Executive Board Resolution

    The Education International Executive Board, meeting online on 26 May 2021, Sadly notes that: 1. COVID 19 infections in India have surged since April 2021 and as of 11th May 2021, the Indian sub-continent accounts for almost 50% of the world’s new COVID cases;

    India: Educators call for worldwide solidarity against the COVID-19 pandemic
  4. Standards and working conditions 26 May 2021

    Africa Day: Cape Verdean Education Minister commits to vaccination and enhanced training for educators

    Teachers in Cape Verde received good news on Africa Day, 25 May. The newly sworn-in Education Minister, Amadeu Cruz, assured the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) that he would address the protection of teachers against COVID-19, the career development of Cape Verdean teachers, and new legislation for pre-school education.

    Africa Day: Cape Verdean Education Minister commits to vaccination and enhanced training for educators
  5. Standards and working conditions 18 May 2021

    Union calls for increased vaccination of educators and equity for students as COVID-19 cases rise

    In the face of increasing cases of COVID-19 in the education community, the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) has urged the Government of Cape Verde to suspend teaching activities throughout the national territory for a 14-day period.

    Union calls for increased vaccination of educators and equity for students as COVID-19 cases rise
  6. Standards and working conditions 4 May 2021

    India: Union calls for end to election process as election duty teachers die from COVID-19

    The All India Primary Teachers Federation (AIPTF) has urged the government to stop the election process until the public health crisis is under better control. The call comes as the AIPTF mourns the deaths of many teachers after they were infected with COVID-19 during polling duties at recent elections in...

    India: Union calls for end to election process as election duty teachers die from COVID-19
  7. Standards and working conditions 24 April 2021

    Cape Verde: trade union celebrates national Teachers’ Day urging to improve the condition of the teaching profession and to protect it from COVID-19

    On the Cape Verdean Teacher's Day, 23 April, the Federaçao Caboverdiana dos Professores (FECAP) has called for measures to improve the condition of the teaching staff and demanded that educators be put on priority lists for vaccination against COVID-19.

    Cape Verde: trade union celebrates national Teachers’ Day urging to improve the condition of the teaching profession and to protect it from COVID-19
  8. Standards and working conditions 15 April 2021

    Iraq: KTU members call for government to provide ongoing training to support quality education during COVID-19 pandemic

    The Kurdish government should organise ongoing training for teachers in the area of remote learning. So said participants at a recent Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) training programme on new teaching methods and the use of technology in education during the pandemic.

    Iraq: KTU members call for government to provide ongoing training to support quality education during COVID-19 pandemic
  9. Leading the profession 15 April 2021

    OECD survey sheds light on post-COVID challenges and opportunities in education

    Educational inequalities and the digital divide were increased by the pandemic. But teacher vaccination, additional support and resources have also been features of countries’ responses to COVID-19, according to a new OECD special survey.

    OECD survey sheds light on post-COVID challenges and opportunities in education
  10. Leading the profession 14 April 2021

    Global index finds most countries do not respect academic freedom and shows signs of decline

    The second edition of the Academic Freedom Index (AFi) shows that only 20 per cent of the world’s population lives in countries where academic freedom is well protected. There are signs of decline in many countries. The pandemic, with the wide use of distance learning, produced additional threats. Academic autonomy...

    Global index finds most countries do not respect academic freedom and shows signs of decline
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 26 March 2021

    COVID-19 impact continues to affect terms and conditions in education

    Deepening inequalities across the education sector were revealed at a recent Education International webinar. Affiliates shared experiences of working to improve the terms and working conditions of teachers, academics, and education support personnel. The webinar aimed to inform Education International’s work in this area during the current public health crisis.

    COVID-19 impact continues to affect terms and conditions in education
  12. Union growth 26 March 2021

    Mauritania: Educators’ strike for pay increase and better living conditions

    On 22 March, teachers engaged in a three-day general strike to demand a pay increase and better living conditions. This strike was punctuated with massive protests near the Education Ministry headquarters in the capital city, Nouakchott, and in the various provinces.

    Mauritania: Educators’ strike for pay increase and better living conditions
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 23 March 2021

    DRC: online union training full of promise

    The Fédération nationale des enseignants du Congo/Union Nationale des Travailleurs du Congo (FENECO/UNTC) has closed the end of its online Trade Union Academy on the fundamentals of trade unionism.

    DRC: online union training full of promise
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 16 March 2021

    German and Austrian unions call for more education support personnel specialised in health issues

    While the COVID-19 crisis is still raging, the Gewerkschaft Öffentlicher Dienst (GÖD) of Austria and the German Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) have pointed out that an increasing number of children with chronic illnesses are attending schools. The unions have urged their respective public authorities to hire more health professionals...

    German and Austrian unions call for more education support personnel specialised in health issues
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    Education of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Context of COVID-19: The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan

    15 March 2021

    The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated education systems, communities, and economies across Africa and globally. The health crisis has seriously affected the education, health and well-being of refugees, migrants and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Uganda, South Sudan and across the continent.

    Education of Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Context of COVID-19: The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan
    1. The Education for Life Project in Uganda and South Sudan
    2. Lições do Projeto de Educação para a Vida no Uganda e Sul do Sudão
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 15 March 2021

    Iraq: KTU succeeds in getting teachers added to COVID-19 vaccine list

    Vaccinating and providing free COVID-19 tests for teachers were just two of the recommendations presented to the Health Minister by the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU).

    Iraq: KTU succeeds in getting teachers added to COVID-19 vaccine list