
  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 July 2020

    Australia: Union report highlights digital divide for public school students

    The Australian Education Union has published a report showing a significant digital gap during the COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of digital inclusion for public school students.

    Australia: Union report highlights digital divide for public school students
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 17 July 2020

    USA: The voice of education professionals must be heard on safely reopening schools

    Education International’s affiliates in the United States have reasserted the need for public authorities to listen to the voice of educators and their professional organisations when reopening schools and education institutions, and to deliver proper funding for the education sector.

    USA: The voice of education professionals must be heard on safely reopening schools
  3. Fighting the commercialisation of education

    Commercialisation and privatisation in/of education in the context of Covid-19

    Ben Williamson, Anna Hogan

    15 July 2020

    The Covid-19 emergency has affected education systems worldwide. The ‘pivot’ to ‘online learning’ and ‘emergency remote teaching’ has positioned educational technology (edtech) as an integral component of education globally, bringing private sector and commercial organisations into the centre of essential educational services.

    Commercialisation and privatisation in/of education in the context of Covid-19
    1. Report
    2. Summary
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 15 July 2020

    UK: Concerns remain over reopening of schools

    Education unions in the UK have voiced deep concern concerning the reopening of schools and education institutions planned for September.

    UK: Concerns remain over reopening of schools
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 July 2020

    Palestine: Training in e-learning critical as return to education deferred

    As COVID-19 cases increased in Palestine, the General Union of Palestinian Teachers, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, led a project on e-learning. This has assumed greater significance as schools will not reopen in August as had been previously planned.

    Palestine: Training in e-learning critical as return to education deferred
  6. Standards and working conditions 6 July 2020

    France: teachers’ unions ask to be heard and assert their profession

    Representatives of French teachers’ unions have impressed upon public authorities the need to establish a real social dialogue to ensure high-quality education for all during and after the current global pandemic. In particular, they point to the statement adopted by the Education International European Region, ETUCE; which makes recommendations for...

    France: teachers’ unions ask to be heard and assert their profession
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4

    A Review of Technology in Teaching and Learning

    Alison Egan

    30 June 2020

    The objective of this review is to outline current thinking on the role of technology in education. This paper was written before the global Covid -19 pandemic that forced an “online pivot” in educational settings. The “wicked problem” of technology integration in education is now a significant concern for many...

    A Review of Technology in Teaching and Learning
    1. Download
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 29 June 2020

    Zimbabwe: Trade unions win court battle on school re-opening

    The Government of Zimbabwe announced that schools would reopen, already for examinations in late June and move forward in steps in the following weeks to re-open schools despite risks of an intensification of COVID-19 infections. Education trade unions challenged the re-openings as unsafe and premature and called for social dialogue...

    Zimbabwe: Trade unions win court battle on school re-opening
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 17 June 2020

    Bahrain: Seven pillars of union plan to reopen schools and education institutions

    The Bahrain Teachers’ Association has made proposals regarding the reopening of schools and education institutions for the next academic year, 2020-2021, stressing seven measures to be taken.

    Bahrain: Seven pillars of union plan to reopen schools and education institutions
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 June 2020

    International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2020: Teachers recognised as the heroes of the Covid-19 crisis in education

    The 10th edition of the International Summit on the Teaching Profession (ISTP) took place on 2 June 2020, in a webinar format. Co-hosted by Education International and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the ISTP brought together education ministers and education unions for a discussion on the impact...

    International Summit on the Teaching Profession 2020: Teachers recognised as the heroes of the Covid-19 crisis in education
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 2 June 2020

    Cameroon: the resumption of face-to-face classes without proper preliminary planning endangers teachers and students alike

    Organised teachers in Cameroon have warned the government that a resumption of classes on 1 June carried out without sufficient preliminary planning would put the educational community in danger. They have especially insisted on reduced class sizes and the provision of masks and hand sanitizer.

    Cameroon: the resumption of face-to-face classes without proper preliminary planning endangers teachers and students alike
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 28 May 2020

    Kenya: New report urges government to plan well and save lives

    In Kenya, education unions have joined with civil society organisations in presenting public authorities with recommendations and steps to be taken to guarantee a safe reopening of schools and education institutions.

    Kenya: New report urges government to plan well and save lives
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 25 May 2020

    DRC: united teaching unions set out firm conditions for the reopening of schools

    The member organisations of Education International in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have collectively informed the public authorities of the six conditions they insist must be met before schools and teaching institutions are reopened.

    DRC: united teaching unions set out firm conditions for the reopening of schools
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2020

    South Africa: The safety of educators and students is of serious concern in the reopening of schools and colleges

    The South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) has expressed grave concern at government plans to reopen schools and education institutions on 1 June. Urging the government to prioritise safety, the union has compiled preconditions and non-negotiable items to be met before any educators resume on-site teaching.

    South Africa: The safety of educators and students is of serious concern in the reopening of schools and colleges
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 15 May 2020

    France: Teacher unions insist on health guarantees for students and their teachers for the reopening of education facilities

    French teachers have reacted to the government’s announcement of the relaxation of the lockdown and reopening of school facilities from 11 May, asking the public authorities for an assurance that the school year will be restarted with face-to-face education and full health safety measures to prevent the propagation of COVID-19...

    France: Teacher unions insist on health guarantees for students and their teachers for the reopening of education facilities
  16. Trade union rights are human rights 7 May 2020

    Senegal: recovering education at all levels while saving lives

    Members of teacher unions in Senegal want to avoid the current school and university year being left “blank” because of the COVID-19 epidemic. While they acknowledge that distance learning is helping education to continue, they insist on an organised recovery of the academic year at educational facilities with proper safety...

    Senegal: recovering education at all levels while saving lives