
  1. Union growth 23 January 2021

    “Teaching with Tech: Why Education Unions Must Act Now To Have a Role in Shaping the Future”, by Christina J. Colclough.

    Christina J. Colclough

    After many years of public sector underfunding, the private tech sector has made inroads into virtually all public services. With the self-proclaimed aim to enhance the quality of public services, at a reduced cost and with greater efficiency, especially two sectors are rapidly expanding: Education Technology and Health Technology.

    “Teaching with Tech: Why Education Unions Must Act Now To Have a Role in Shaping the Future”, by Christina J. Colclough.
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 14 January 2021

    “Safe schools: the foundation of recovering children's education from this pandemic”, by Patrick Roach (NASUWT, UK).

    Patrick Roach

    Despite the enormous efforts and sacrifices made by our teachers and education staff, children and young people’s learning has inevitably suffered hugely from the disruption of the pandemic.

    “Safe schools: the foundation of recovering children's education from this pandemic”, by Patrick Roach (NASUWT, UK).
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 5 January 2021

    “Taking Action to Keep School Pupils, Staff and Communities Safe in England”

    Kevin Courtney, Mary Bousted

    England is once again in a national lockdown with Prime Minister Boris Johnson announcing on the evening of Monday 4 January that a third lockdown, including the closure of most schools, was necessary to address rising infection rates and the rapid spread of the new variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus...

    “Taking Action to Keep School Pupils, Staff and Communities Safe in England”
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 December 2020

    “The impact of the pandemic on academic workers and work - the Canadian experience”, by Brenda Austin-Smith.

    Brenda Austin-Smith

    Almost overnight in mid-March of 2019, academic staff at universities and colleges heeded the call to stay home and isolate. They transitioned to remote teaching to ensure the education continuity of millions of students during the public health emergency. Campuses were closed down, shuttering labs, and stalling research. Some libraries...

    “The impact of the pandemic on academic workers and work - the Canadian experience”, by Brenda Austin-Smith.
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 November 2020

    “Students of the COVID19 year”, by Gohar Hovhannisyan.

    Gohar Hovhannisyan

    It’s a common practice to distinguish the life cycles of students based on their enrolment by academic year or years. These year-numbers help us to navigate and plan. Due to the COVID-19, the year 2020, however, is not defined by its four different numbers but by something from the past...

    “Students of the COVID19 year”, by Gohar Hovhannisyan.
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 October 2020

    “Technology & education in a post-Covid era”, by Alison Egan.

    Alison Egan

    The Coronavirus (COVID -19) pandemic has ushered in a new era in education, where technology is now being used by educators to teach, connect and collaborate with students, parents and peers, all while working from their own kitchen table. Most educators have taken to this online pivot with energy and...

    “Technology & education in a post-Covid era”, by Alison Egan.
  7. Union growth 22 October 2020

    “Education, health and solidarity: pandemic memories", by Matthias Savignac.

    Matthias Savignac

    Members of the Education and Solidarity Network (ESN), including healthcare mutuals, enterprises operating in the social and solidarity economy (SSE), teaching unions and other civil society organisations have found themselves at the centre of the health and education crisis and have been the first to respond to it on the...

    “Education, health and solidarity: pandemic memories", by Matthias Savignac.
  8. Leading the profession 21 October 2020

    “Africa: Collaboration between Unions and Governments for a Better Future in Education”, by Cherine Sabry.

    Cherine Sabry

    Unions and governments have been in conflict since the dawn of time. The mere existence of unions as a force to defend workers’ rights where governments fail to do so in and of itself leads to this conflictual relationship. In Africa, unions have rarely been consulted during the COVID-19 crisis...

    “Africa: Collaboration between Unions and Governments for a Better Future in Education”, by Cherine Sabry.
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 October 2020

    #WorldTeachersDay | “Regaining Our Common Purpose”, by David Edwards.

    David Edwards

    A day after the largest online gathering of teachers in history, a split-screen picture emerges of a global crisis for our students and a profession determined to build back better.

    #WorldTeachersDay | “Regaining Our Common Purpose”, by David Edwards.
  10. Climate action and literacy 4 October 2020

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Unleashing the transformative power of education”, by Camilla Croso.

    Camilla Croso

    In his seminal text "Pedagogy of the Oppressed", Brazilian scholar Paulo Freire writes, “Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention, through the restless, impatient, continuing, hopeful inquiry human beings pursue in the world, with the world, and with each other.” I believe this encapsulates education’s transformative power. It is only...

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Unleashing the transformative power of education”, by Camilla Croso.
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 October 2020

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Embracing our Humanity”, by Felisa Tibbitts.

    Felisa Tibbitts

    A common thread connecting educators and learners worldwide during this pandemic is a shared humanity. Teachers, administrators, students, and their families on short notice have had to respond to the demands placed on schooling when schools closed. Those closing doors required educators to reimagine classroom teaching, this is certainly true....

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Embracing our Humanity”, by Felisa Tibbitts.
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 3 October 2020

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “A World Without Teachers”, by Andy Hargreaves.

    Andy Hargreaves

    Never has there been a more important time than this moment, right now, to think about and appreciate what great teachers have done for our children and also for us. We have seen what the world looks like when its teachers are taken away from our children. We have witnessed...

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “A World Without Teachers”, by Andy Hargreaves.
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 October 2020

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Tackling crises and big changes ahead: the role of education”, by Steve Klees.

    Steve Klees

    The pandemic has been devastating and we have little idea of its future. The education of so many children has suffered. Nonetheless, the world has gained a new and deeper appreciation of the work of teachers -- of teachers as essential workers. The world has also gained an understanding of...

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Tackling crises and big changes ahead: the role of education”, by Steve Klees.
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 October 2020

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “After the Virus: In Teachers We Trust”, by Pasi Sahlberg.

    Pasi Sahlberg

    What is the X-factor that helps schools through the current global health crisis? Lessons from around the world tell us that where schools have flexible curriculum arrangements, creative approaches to real problem-solving, and confidence in collective professional wisdom of teacher as leaders, navigation through the tough times gets easier. It...

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “After the Virus: In Teachers We Trust”, by Pasi Sahlberg.
  15. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 October 2020

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Teachers and the Public Sector Wage Bill”, by David Archer.

    David Archer

    The IMF is 75 years old but still has a lot to learn. They need a well trained professional teacher to explain some basic truths. You can’t commit to ambitious development goals and then impose austerity. You can’t constrain public sector wage bills and then worry that countries have shortages...

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: “Teachers and the Public Sector Wage Bill”, by David Archer.
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 October 2020

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: Jordan Naidoo (UNESCO)

    Jordan Naidoo

    The experience of the past months shows that hard times really bring us together and reminds us of our collective power to endure and overcome the toughest challenges. The need for stronger partnerships, collaboration and global solidarity was emphasised repeatedly in collective efforts to confront the COVID-19 pandemic underpinned by...

    #WorldTeachersDay | Lessons from the Pandemic: Jordan Naidoo (UNESCO)