Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 February 2007 EI and ESIB organise Official Bologna Process Seminar on Mobility
As part of an ongoing collaboration between EI and the National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB), this Official Bologna Process Seminar on Mobility has been organised with the aim of enhancing the idea of moving from "individual to institutional mobility".
EI and ESIB organise Official Bologna Process Seminar on Mobility -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 10 January 2007 Greece: Pan-Hellenic strike on 10 Jan against privatisation of higher education
EI affiliates Didaskalikeh Omospondia Elladas (DOE) - the Greek Primary Teachers' Federation and the Omospondÿa Leitourgÿn Mÿsehÿ Ekpaÿdeysehÿ (OLME) - the Federation of Secondary School Teachers of Greece, will be participating in a "pan-Hellenic strike" against the privatisation of higher education in the country.
Greece: Pan-Hellenic strike on 10 Jan against privatisation of higher education -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 December 2006 Resolution of the International Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference on “Trade Unions and the Bologna Process” from 29-30 November 2006
Below is the English text of the resolution passed by the International Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference on “Trade Unions and the Bologna Process” which met from 29-30 November 2006. Organised by the the Education and Science Employee's Union of Russia (ESEUR) of Russia and the Syndicat des Travailleurs de...
Resolution of the International Moscow Scientific and Practical Conference on “Trade Unions and the Bologna Process” from 29-30 November 2006 -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 December 2006 Russia: International Conference on Trade Unions and the Bologna Process
More than one hundred university staff and students gathered in Moscow, Russia from 29-30 November for an international conference on the Bologna Process organised by EI member organisations the Education and Science Employee's Union of Russia (ESEUR) of Russia and the Syndicat des Travailleurs de l'Education et de la Science...
Russia: International Conference on Trade Unions and the Bologna Process -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 October 2006 Report from the EI Standing Committee on Higher Education and Research
The EI Standing Committee on Higher education and Research met in Oslo on September 26-28.
Report from the EI Standing Committee on Higher Education and Research -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 September 2006 Academic freedom at risk in the knowledge society
In 1992, when the Sinaia Statement on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy was adopted under the auspices of UNESCO, it stated: “history has shown that violations of academic freedom and institutional autonomy have high costs in intellectual regression, social alienation and economic stagnation.”
Academic freedom at risk in the knowledge society -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 July 2006 EI supports warnings issued by the Council of Europe and UNESCO about the accreditation of bogus Higher Education institutions
EI strongly supports the alerts issued recently by both the Council of Europe and UNESCO about bogus Higher Education institutions using their names as marks of accreditation.
EI supports warnings issued by the Council of Europe and UNESCO about the accreditation of bogus Higher Education institutions -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 July 2006 EI participated at Council of Europe's Forum on Higher Education and Democratic Culture, Academic freedom
EI participated at the Council of Europe's Forum on Higher Education and Democratic Culture 22- 23 June, Strasbourg, France . Participants comprised higher education leaders, student representatives and public policy makers from Europe, North America and other regions of the world.
EI participated at Council of Europe's Forum on Higher Education and Democratic Culture, Academic freedom -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 July 2006 EI opinion on the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly's Recommendation on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy
During its (26-30) June sitting, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) adopted a Recommendation on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy.
EI opinion on the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly's Recommendation on Academic Freedom and University Autonomy -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 30 June 2006 EI puts case for the Public Service University to OECD Education Ministers in Athens
EI put the case for a new approach to public higher education and research at a high-profile meeting of Education Ministers from 35 countries, convened by the OECD in Athens, Greece, this week (27-28 June).
EI puts case for the Public Service University to OECD Education Ministers in Athens -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 7 June 2006 UK: University lecturers have wages docked in pay dispute
Striking lecturers at Glasgow University are to have their wages docked as their bosses try to end the deadlock over pay.
UK: University lecturers have wages docked in pay dispute -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 June 2006 Botswana: Diploma Course Fails to Produce Graduates in 7 years
EI affiliate the Botswana Teachers' Union (BTU) has expressed concern that the diploma in Primary Education programme by distance learning introduced by the University of Botswana (UB) in 1999 has yet to produce a graduate.
Botswana: Diploma Course Fails to Produce Graduates in 7 years -
Fighting the commercialisation of education 12 April 2006 TradEducation issue no.8 now available for download!
The new issue of EI's bulletin on GATS and the WTO, TradEducation, has just been published. In this issue, we talk about the New Zealand government spearheading an effort to open up their private higher education "market", EI's meeting with key WTO negotiators and rules on domestic regulations.
TradEducation issue no.8 now available for download! -
Fighting the commercialisation of education 3 April 2006 GATS: EI Lobby at the WTO
EI held a series of meetings with the officials and negotiators of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) as services negotiations resumed in Geneva this week. Monique Fouilhoux, EI’s education and employment co-ordinator, was joined by representatives of affiliates from Australia, Canada, and Denmark.
GATS: EI Lobby at the WTO -
Union renewal and development 29 March 2006 Second EI Research Network meeting
The EI Research Network is holding its second meeting in Brussels from 29-30 March. The network comprises research officers from EI affiliates.
Second EI Research Network meeting -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 27 March 2006 UK: AUT-NATFHE Conference on Brain Drain
On March 23, EI affiliates the Association of University Teachers (AUT) and the University and College Lecturers’ Union (NATFHE) organised a conference on “Brain Drain” as the final stage of a two-year project on the subject, which had its origins within the EI’s higher education debates.
UK: AUT-NATFHE Conference on Brain Drain -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 March 2006 Union fury as employers ban unions from pay dispute talks
EI affiliates the AUT and NATFHE have reacted with astonishment and anger at news today that the Universities and Colleges Employers (Ucea) Association have gone back on a commitment to meet them next week to try and resolve the current pay dispute for higher education staff.
Union fury as employers ban unions from pay dispute talks -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 22 March 2006 EI at the 9th ESIB Convention
EI recently attended a convention held by the "National Unions of Students in Europe" (ESIB) from 10-14 March in Vienna, Austria, on the "Higher Education and the Lisbon strategy ". EI was also part of a panel on a discussion session entitled "Who cares? Who dares?" on the "Lisbon strategy...
EI at the 9th ESIB Convention