
  1. Higher education and research 25 April 2023

    Expanding rights to develop critical thinking

    Miriam Socolovsky

    Is it acceptable that we cannot use all the material we need to teach? What if we must submit every pedagogical decision involving something produced by a third person for legal clearance? When the alternative is to pay, what restrictions and exclusions does it imply?

    Expanding rights to develop critical thinking
  2. Future of work in education 16 May 2022

    The voice of educators at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference

    The 3rd World Higher Education Conference brought together the global higher education community to reflect on how to address the impact of the pandemic and design the future of higher education to achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Organised by UNESCO, the Conference took place from...

    The voice of educators at the UNESCO World Higher Education Conference
  3. Standards and working conditions 16 May 2022

    Education Support Personnel build and protect universities

    Matthew McGowan

    The idea of a university is a noble and important one. A place where knowledge can be shared, tested, developed and expanded. Where people can interrogate everything important about who we are, how the world works and how we fit within it. This happens in an environment built on freedom...

    Education Support Personnel build and protect universities
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 April 2022

    Enabling the future of youth research through copyright

    Sean M. Fiil-Flynn

    This year’s World Intellectual Property Day is being dedicated to the theme of youth empowerment . The focus is on recognition of the role of youth “stepping up to innovation challenges, using their energy and ingenuity, their curiosity and creativity to steer a course towards a better future.” Intellectual property...

    Enabling the future of youth research through copyright
  5. Leading the profession 8 September 2021

    Australia: Court upholds University of Sydney’s collective agreement protecting academic freedom

    The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU) in Australia has welcomed a landmark Federal Court judgment ruling that University of Sydney staff have a legal right to be protected from disciplinary action when exercising intellectual and academic freedom.

    Australia: Court upholds University of Sydney’s collective agreement protecting academic freedom
  6. Standards and working conditions 28 June 2021

    OECD Study: Precarity of Academic Research Careers

    Academic careers have become increasingly precarious, endangering rights, subjecting workers to difficult working conditions and stress. The OECD, at the initiative of its Global Science Forum (GSF) has published a study that makes nine recommendations to improve the situation.

    OECD Study: Precarity of Academic Research Careers
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 February 2021

    Iraq: Academics’ freedom and trade union rights under attack

    The Association of Iraqi Academics (AIA) has warned against the abrogation of the law allowing Iraqi academics to perform trade union activities. It has also called for solidarity with them and support for their rights of association and organisation.

    Iraq: Academics’ freedom and trade union rights under attack
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 17 February 2021

    USA: Trade union joins call for a New Deal for Higher Education

    The American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) have launched a campaign calling for increased funding and reforms in public colleges and universities. The two organisations have partnered in this campaign because a crisis for higher education means a crisis for democracy.

    USA: Trade union joins call for a New Deal for Higher Education
  9. Union growth 15 February 2021

    Education unions defend and promote academic freedom around the world!

    Academic freedom is in a dire state globally, according to attendees at the recent International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference (IFHERC). Organised virtually by Education International, the conference also expressed its solidarity with harassed and imprisoned academics worldwide, especially in Myanmar and Hong Kong.

    Education unions defend and promote academic freedom around the world!
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 9 February 2021

    “Post-pandemic reform of higher education: Market-first or purpose-first digital transformation?”, by Ben Williamson and Anna Hogan.

    Ben Williamson, Anna Hogan

    Educational technologies have become central to higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic. The state of emergency in tertiary systems worldwide has enabled private edtech companies, global tech businesses, and the networks of promoters backing them, to define the post-pandemic future of the university.

    “Post-pandemic reform of higher education: Market-first or purpose-first digital transformation?”, by Ben Williamson and Anna Hogan.
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 January 2021

    Taiwan: Education union highlights unequal conditions as it campaigns for quality education

    The Taiwanese government is widening the social gap and encouraging the privatisation of the early childhood education (ECE) sector. That’s according to the National Teachers’ Association (NTA) in its yearly summary.

    Taiwan: Education union highlights unequal conditions as it campaigns for quality education
  12. Union growth 18 December 2020

    “The impact of the pandemic on academic workers and work - the Canadian experience”, by Brenda Austin-Smith.

    Brenda Austin-Smith

    Almost overnight in mid-March of 2019, academic staff at universities and colleges heeded the call to stay home and isolate. They transitioned to remote teaching to ensure the education continuity of millions of students during the public health emergency. Campuses were closed down, shuttering labs, and stalling research. Some libraries...

    “The impact of the pandemic on academic workers and work - the Canadian experience”, by Brenda Austin-Smith.
  13. Union growth 10 December 2020

    Statement | Situation in Belarus

    Education International and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) stand in solidarity with workers, students, teachers and academics and all citizens of Belarus.

    Statement | Situation in Belarus
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 4 November 2020

    “Students of the COVID19 year”, by Gohar Hovhannisyan.

    Gohar Hovhannisyan

    It’s a common practice to distinguish the life cycles of students based on their enrolment by academic year or years. These year-numbers help us to navigate and plan. Due to the COVID-19, the year 2020, however, is not defined by its four different numbers but by something from the past...

    “Students of the COVID19 year”, by Gohar Hovhannisyan.
  15. Leading the profession 2 November 2020

    Education International research and advocacy strategy grows in context of COVID-19

    Education International brough over 170 scholars, experts, unionists, and activists together to explore how research can underpin advocacy for quality education. The global group met at the 15th Research Network (ResNet) online meeting on 28-29 October.

    Education International research and advocacy strategy grows in context of COVID-19
  16. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 October 2020

    “Platform University in the Digital Economy”, by Janja Komljenovic.

    Janja Komljenovic

    Digital technological innovations have the potential to improve higher education and bring benefits to students, academics, and university administrators. They also bring new monetisation opportunities. Indeed, the education technology market is worth $187bn with 15% growth rate as estimated by IBIS Capital [1]. Investment in education technology is unprecedented, including...

    “Platform University in the Digital Economy”, by Janja Komljenovic.