
  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 March 2019

    UK: Union deplores weak legal protection of academic freedom

    Following the findings of a major report on academic freedom in the United Kingdom, the University and College Union has submitted an allegation to the Joint International Labour Organisation/UNESCO Committee of Experts regarding the non-compliance of the UK government's with the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation on the status of higher education...

    UK: Union deplores weak legal protection of academic freedom
  2. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 1 March 2019

    Australia: education union and activists will make the 2019 federal election the ‘education election’

    At their Federal conference, Australian Education Union’ leaders and activists welcomed the commitment made by the Labour party to greatly increase funding for public education, and reaffirmed their determination to ensure that the upcoming federal election focus on education issues.

    Australia: education union and activists will make the 2019 federal election the ‘education election’
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 February 2019

    Another step on the path towards open access

    Education International has answered a call for consultation on open access of research, stressing that the public good is served by the widest and most accessible dissemination of scholarly work and educational material.

    Another step on the path towards open access
  4. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 26 November 2018

    EI’s 11th IFHERC highlights the importance of promoting and protecting academic freedom in an increasingly hostile environment

    During discussions at Education International’s 11th International Further and Higher Education and Research Conference, participants from all corners of the world voiced great concern about political developments across the different regions that undermine academic freedom.

    EI’s 11th IFHERC highlights the importance of promoting and protecting academic freedom in an increasingly hostile environment
  5. Leading the profession 13 November 2018

    Elsevier: putting a price on knowledge

    In its most recent publication, Education International examines the publishing giant Elsevier, whose success on the market is based on ethically questionable practices which endanger the transmission of knowledge and its condition as a public good.

    Elsevier: putting a price on knowledge
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 November 2018

    “Reclaiming Academic Freedom in Malaysia: The Dawn of A New Era?” by Dr Lai Suat Yan

    Dr Lai Suat Yan

    There was rapturous joy on 10 May 2018 when it was officially announced that the opposition party, namely, Pakatan Harapan (Alliance of Hope, PH) won. The rule of the former governing political party, Barisan Nasional (National Front), lasting for the last 60 years, had come to an end. It was...

    “Reclaiming Academic Freedom in Malaysia: The Dawn of A New Era?” by Dr Lai Suat Yan
  7. Leading the profession 12 November 2018

    EI 11th Further and Higher Education and Research Conference: Advancing conditions for staff to improve quality education

    The first day of the 11th Education International’s Further and Higher Education and Research Conference has provided member organisations with a forum for exchanging information and strategies across regions for the advancement of quality terms and conditions of employment for teachers, academics and researchers, and addressed technical and vocational education...

    EI 11th Further and Higher Education and Research Conference: Advancing conditions for staff to improve quality education
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 11 November 2018

    TVET, capabilities and social justice, by Leesa Wheelahan

    Leesa Wheelahan

    What is technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and what does it do? This can be a hard question to answer because there isn’t a lot of agreement about what it does, what it should do, who should pay for it, how it should be offered, and whether it...

    TVET, capabilities and social justice, by Leesa Wheelahan
  9. Leading the profession 8 November 2018

    Power of Advocacy and Partnership, by Princess R. Moss

    Princess R. Moss

    As a teacher and education advocate here in the United States, I am in a position to see the inter-connections of all that is good and all that is troubling about our country. I see the hope, happiness, and diversity our children have. I also see the chaos and hate...

    Power of Advocacy and Partnership, by Princess R. Moss
  10. Fighting the commercialisation of education 5 October 2018

    US educators fight over student debt and loan fraud

    American Federation of Teachers’ members have filed a class-action lawsuit against the student loan servicer Navient for misleading borrowers and called for immediate action.

    US educators fight over student debt and loan fraud
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 21 September 2018

    EI calls on ILO and governments to improve working conditions in tertiary education

    The necessity to improve terms and conditions of employment in tertiary education, and in particular, to limit the alarming increase in precarious work in the sector was at the heart of debates at the International Labour Organisation’s Global Dialogue Forum on Employment Terms and Conditions in Tertiary Education.

    EI calls on ILO and governments to improve working conditions in tertiary education
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 6 September 2018

    Canada: insecure academic contracts are “major sources of stress”

    Most academic staff working on contract at Canadian universities and colleges aren’t employed on fixed-term contracts by choice, and job precarity is a major source of stress for academics, a survey of the Canadian Association of University Teachers shows.

    Canada: insecure academic contracts are “major sources of stress”
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 July 2018

    In Latin America, teachers and students champion the right to attend university, by Yamile Socolovsky

    Yamile Socolovsky

    15 June marked the centenary of the university reform led by the student movement in Córdoba, Argentina. This pioneering reform paved the way for a democratic reconstruction of academic institutions that shook the entire region. The transformation of Latin American public universities became a permanent battleground between those who yearned...

    In Latin America, teachers and students champion the right to attend university, by Yamile Socolovsky
  14. Equity and inclusion 20 June 2018

    On the importance of education for young refugees, by Gloria Ihirwe Ntakirutinka

    Gloria Ihirwe Ntakirutinka

    On the occasion of World Refugee Day, Gloria Ihirwe Ntakirutinka, a young Rwandan refugee pursuing higher education in Senegal, shares her experience and her fight for access to higher education for refugees.

    On the importance of education for young refugees, by Gloria Ihirwe Ntakirutinka
  15. Fighting the commercialisation of education 14 June 2018

    Education issues high on the WIPO agenda

    Through statements in plenary, organising a side event, meeting with delegates and collaborating with other civil society actors, Education International has reaffirmed the importance of advancing on international copyright exceptions at the Standing Committee on Copyright and Related Rights of the World Intellectual Property Organisation.

    Education issues high on the WIPO agenda