
  1. Union renewal and development 21 January 2022

    Africa: International solidarity allows for educators to teach using storybooks with local flavour

    Local stories are at the heart of new schoolbooks being published, thanks to funding provided by the Australian Education Union (AEU) to the Pan African Teachers’ Centre (PATC). African education unions will print these storybooks to help students to develop a taste for reading using local stories and contexts. In...

    Africa: International solidarity allows for educators to teach using storybooks with local flavour
  2. Union renewal and development 21 January 2022

    Finland: Using social media to promote education union’s development cooperation and solidarity work

    Opetusalan Ammattijärjestö (OAJ) proactively uses social media to inform its members about its development cooperation and solidarity work. The union has allocated part of its membership fee to this form of promotion, which has increased members’ understanding of and commitment to development cooperation and solidarity work.

    Finland: Using social media to promote education union’s development cooperation and solidarity work
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 10 January 2022

    Eswatini: International trade union cooperation and solidarity to support educators

    International trade union cooperation was at the heart of recent activities by the Swaziland National Association of Teachers (SNAT). It has successfully engaged with the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (SADTU) and the Trade Union of Education in Finland (OAJ). This cooperation will allow the Swaziland/Eswatini education union to strengthen...

    Eswatini: International trade union cooperation and solidarity to support educators
  4. Union renewal and development 4 December 2021

    AEU Australia: International cooperation effecting change

    Education International President and Australian Education Union (AEU) Federal Secretary, Susan Hopgood, explains how her union got started in international cooperation and highlights key moments that made a difference.

    AEU Australia: International cooperation effecting change
  5. Union renewal and development 2 December 2021

    UEN Norway: Organisational development as the first step towards strong unions

    The organisational development of unions is at the core of all UEN cooperation projects. The Norwegian union focuses on three key areas: social dialogue, gender equality and equity, and capacity building.

    UEN Norway: Organisational development as the first step towards strong unions
  6. Union renewal and development 2 December 2021

    AOb Netherlands: Building sustainable partnerships

    The Dutch education union AOb engages in development cooperation to support and strengthen other unions, which in turn enables a better defense of the rights of members and increased access to quality education.

    AOb Netherlands: Building sustainable partnerships
  7. Union renewal and development 1 December 2021

    JTU Japan: Education as the fundamental right of every child

    The Japan Teachers' Union is active in development cooperation since the 1970s, when they supported South Korea in the fight against dictatorship. The union has a fund for international cooperation to which members voluntarily contribute.

    JTU Japan: Education as the fundamental right of every child
  8. Union renewal and development 1 December 2021

    CTF/FCE Canada: Cooperation projects that engage members

    The work of the Canadian Teachers' Federation (CTF/FCE) in International development cooperation work started back in the sixties, when two volunteer teachers travelled to Nigeria.

    CTF/FCE Canada: Cooperation projects that engage members
  9. Union renewal and development 30 November 2021

    OAJ Finland international cooperation: Using own resources to ensure autonomy

    In 2019, the Finnish education union OAJ decided to allocate 0.7% of its national budget to development cooperation, supporting its cooperation programmes that span several continents.

    OAJ Finland international cooperation: Using own resources to ensure autonomy
  10. Union renewal and development 29 November 2021

    Benin: New website strengthens union’s capacity and services to members

    Thanks to financial support from Education International’s Regional Office for Africa (EIRAF), the Syndicat national des enseignants des écoles maternelles du Bénin (SYNAEM-Bénin) has built a website with a feature that enables educators to join the union and pay their dues online.

    Benin: New website strengthens union’s capacity and services to members
  11. Union renewal and development 17 November 2021

    Development cooperation partners take stock of projects in Africa

    To better understand the needs of member organisations in the region and to explore opportunities, partner organisations gathered on 15 November to discuss development cooperation projects in Africa and work on a common strategy.

    Development cooperation partners take stock of projects in Africa
  12. Union renewal and development 10 November 2021

    Asia-Pacific: Education unions step up their work with new Development Cooperation Handbook

    The Education International’s Development Cooperation Handbook – A guide to successful partnerships is a new tool for development cooperation, a step-by-step guide to development cooperation projects for education unions. It was introduced to member organisations during the online Asia-Pacific workshop on Development Cooperation, a meeting hosted by Education International’s Asia-Pacific...

    Asia-Pacific: Education unions step up their work with new Development Cooperation Handbook
  13. Equity and inclusion 26 October 2021

    Fiji: Young activists ready to take up the union torch

    Inspiring young educators to improve and develop trade union work in Fiji was the aim of a dedicated training event organised by the Council of Pacific Education (COPE) in October 2020.

    Fiji: Young activists ready to take up the union torch
  14. Union growth 15 July 2021

    Gabon: SENA supports teachers during COVID-19 crisis

    In light of the gaps in the information provided by the authorities on the dangers of COVID-19, Gabon’s education union SENA has launched a nationwide campaign to inform education workers and encourage them to organise.

    Gabon: SENA supports teachers during COVID-19 crisis