
Together we build union power


We work to inspire and support cooperation among our member organisations for a strong, united, and empowered trade union movement in the education sector and beyond.

We assist our member organisations to meet their development needs, building bridges between hundreds of unions across the world. Our projects in this area are tailored to the needs of our members and are aligned with their strategic directions.

Together we grow stronger every day.

Union cooperation programmes

  1. Union renewal and development 27 March 2025

    Innovative membership engagement: Crucial tool for education union growth

    Education union representatives and development cooperation (DC) partners explored successful initiatives from around the world, highlighting the importance of effective communication, and the integration of modern technology to grow and mobilize union membership and increase the union bargaining power. This was during the latest Education International (EI) DC Café on...

    Read more Innovative membership engagement: Crucial tool for education union growth
  2. Union renewal and development 9 December 2024

    Education unions debate benefits and risks of external project funding

    Recent developments in several countries have highlighted the precarious nature of relying on external funding when it comes to international trade union cooperation. Elections and political reorientation coming with them can dismantle decades of funding collaboration between unions and donors.

    Read more Education unions debate benefits and risks of external project funding
  3. Leading the profession 28 October 2024

    Ensuring sustainability in development cooperation projects

    How to best ensure continuity in development cooperation (DC) projects? Education International (EI) recently hosted an online meeting focused on this critical topic. The event brought together various representatives of member organizations active in DC work to discuss strategies for ensuring the sustainability of partner unions involved in DC work.

    Read more Ensuring sustainability in development cooperation projects
  4. Leading the profession 1 August 2024

    Education International honors champions of education, human and trade union rights and democracy

    In a world where the value of education and the pillars of human rights and democracy are increasingly under attack, Education International (EI) stands firm in its commitment to recognize and celebrate those who have dedicated their lives to these causes. On August 1st 2024, during its World Congress themed...

    Read more Education International honors champions of education, human and trade union rights and democracy
  5. Leading the profession 31 July 2024

    Education unionists mobilize for greater influence and membership growth

    In the face of evolving educational landscapes and the ever-present need for robust representation, education unionists are spearheading a dynamic movement to consolidate their influence and expand their membership. This initiative, particularly focused on engaging young educators and women, was the centerpiece of a pivotal breakout session titled “Organizing for...

    Read more Education unionists mobilize for greater influence and membership growth
more: Union cooperation programmes

Our tools

  1. Union renewal and development

    Toolkit to Build Union Strength

    For more Effective Education Unions
    28 February 2023

    Education International has developed a "Toolkit to Build Union Strength – For more Effective Education Unions”. This toolkit enables each Education International member organisation to engage in a process of self-assessment, proposing that they experiment with new activities to strengthen their organisations.

    Toolkit to Build Union Strength
    1. Download
  2. Union renewal and development

    Development Cooperation Handbook: A guide to successful partnerships

    28 February 2021

    This development cooperation handbook is intended for the use of all Education International affiliates. Those that are already involved in development cooperation will find food for thought and tools for use in their work. Affiliates that are not yet involved in development cooperation will find useful information to help them...

    Development Cooperation Handbook: A guide to successful partnerships
    1. Download

Our policy

  1. Together we build union power 2 August 2024

    Working stronger together

    Working stronger together
    Resolution from the 10th World Congress