
Solidarity in emergencies

Solidarity is our core value. When an emergency arises, Education International works together with affected member organisations to assess needs and provide support. We mobilise our global membership to act in solidarity, provide immediate assistance where possible, and initiate projects aimed at improving local conditions for our members.


  1. Trade union rights are human rights 6 December 2021

    Iran: Global education union community rallies around arrested trade unionists and demand their release

    As an organisation committed to trade union and human rights, Education International is demanding the release of Esmail Abdi and other arrested trade union leaders in Iran. There is a particular and urgent concern for Abdi’s health, severely affected after long imprisonment in dire conditions. During a meeting of Education...

    Read more Iran: Global education union community rallies around arrested trade unionists and demand their release
  2. Equity and inclusion 3 December 2021

    Afghanistan: Education International “schools should never be targets of terrorism or violence”

    Education International reiterated its support for education, peace, and human rights in Afghanistan as the country faces a deepening humanitarian crisis. Earlier this year, Education International and member organisations expressed grave concerns about the safety of educators and about equal access to education for all, especially for girls , after...

    Read more Afghanistan: Education International “schools should never be targets of terrorism or violence”
  3. Union renewal and development 27 October 2021

    Solidarity in times of crisis: the EI COVID Response Fund

    As the COVID-19 pandemic became global, education unions showed solidarity with a dedicated COVID Response Fund to support member organisations during school closures and where teachers were hit by the health crisis.

    Read more Solidarity in times of crisis: the EI COVID Response Fund
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 26 October 2021

    Jordan: Global solidarity in response to the dissolution of education union and harassment of teachers and unionists

    Education International launched an urgent action appeal calling for affiliates to show solidarity with colleagues in Jordan and a campaign with LabourStart in response to the dissolution of the Jordanian Teachers’ Association (JTA) and the massive dismissals of teachers, including 14 JTA leaders.

    Read more Jordan: Global solidarity in response to the dissolution of education union and harassment of teachers and unionists
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 8 October 2021

    Yemen: Education union takes the lead in ensuring freedom and quality education despite war

    Education International stands in solidarity with the Yemen Teachers Syndicate (YTS), which continues its struggle to ensure that teachers’ human and trade human rights are respected. The YTS is also campaigning for teachers’ salaries to be paid by public authorities, so teachers can focus on delivering quality public education to...

    Read more Yemen: Education union takes the lead in ensuring freedom and quality education despite war
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 15 September 2021

    Myanmar: Global unions call on governments to recognise the National Unity Government

    On the International Day of Democracy, Education International joins the Global Union Day of Action organised by the Council of Global Unions (CGU) to stop the military-led junta from gaining recognition at the 76th UN General Assembly (UNGA) and recognise the National Unity Government (NUG) as the legitimate government of...

    Read more Myanmar: Global unions call on governments to recognise the National Unity Government
  7. Trade union rights are human rights 14 September 2021

    Philippines: Call for global action as independent report catalogues government’s human rights violations

    Education International has called for an end to the violence and state-sponsored attacks on Filipino educators. Its comments follow an independent investigation which shows that the Duterte government is deliberately violating human rights, using violence and repression against those who are standing up for education, democracy, and peace.

    Read more Philippines: Call for global action as independent report catalogues government’s human rights violations
  8. Leading the profession 27 August 2021

    Mauritania: unions working more closely with teachers to meet their needs

    Through the use of Education International’s COVID-19 solidarity fund, its two affiliates in Mauritania have been able to conduct a series of joint school visits to meet with teachers. The initiative has helped boost the unions’ image and membership levels.

    Read more Mauritania: unions working more closely with teachers to meet their needs
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 20 August 2021

    Jordan: Court declares education union leader innocent of spreading false news

    Education International welcomes the acquittal of Jordanian Teachers’ Association (JTA) Vice-President Dr. Nasser Al-Nawasra. The appeal court in Amman ruled that he was innocent of the misdemeanor of broadcasting false and exaggerated news undermining the prestige of the State.

    Read more Jordan: Court declares education union leader innocent of spreading false news
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 3 August 2021

    Education International expresses solidarity with Hong Kong education union and academic freedom worldwide

    Education International strongly condemns the Hong Kong government for cutting ties with the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (HKPTU), the city’s largest teachers’ union with around 95,000 members and representing 90 per cent of the city’s educators. EI also denounces severe violations of academic freedom and a systematic attack on...

    Read more Education International expresses solidarity with Hong Kong education union and academic freedom worldwide
  11. Standards and working conditions 2 August 2021

    Rwanda: SYPERWA stands by teachers during the crisis

    Rwandan education workers’ union SYPERWA organised a tour to meet teachers from private schools and help them solve the problems encountered. Thanks to Education International’s COVID-19 solidarity fund, the union has been able to map the issues for teachers affected by COVID-19, provide legal assistance to teachers suspended as a...

    Read more Rwanda: SYPERWA stands by teachers during the crisis
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 19 July 2021

    Philippines: Education unionists targeted by Duterte regime in escalating human rights violations

    The Second Report of the Independent International Commission of Investigation into Human Rights Violations in the Philippines (Investigate PH) was released this month. The report documents intensifying human rights violations perpetrated by state agents, in line with President Rodrigo Duterte’s security policies and violent statements that have been adopted as...

    Read more Philippines: Education unionists targeted by Duterte regime in escalating human rights violations
  13. Union growth 15 July 2021

    Gabon: SENA supports teachers during COVID-19 crisis

    In light of the gaps in the information provided by the authorities on the dangers of COVID-19, Gabon’s education union SENA has launched a nationwide campaign to inform education workers and encourage them to organise.

    Read more Gabon: SENA supports teachers during COVID-19 crisis
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 July 2021

    Chad: the SET supporting teachers during the COVID-19 crisis

    Throughout the crisis, the Chad Teachers Union (SET, Syndicat des Enseignants du Tchad) has focused on listening to and supporting teachers. To this aim, the union carried out a large-scale survey to better understand the impact of the pandemic on teachers and to assess the effectiveness of distance learning.

    Read more Chad: the SET supporting teachers during the COVID-19 crisis
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 6 May 2021

    Colombia: Global education movement condemns abuses of basic human rights

    Education International and its affiliates around the globe are deeply concerned about the brutal repression of protests in Colombia. The global trade union federation demands democratic governance of the country and urges public authorities to put a halt to human rights abuses.

    Read more Colombia: Global education movement condemns abuses of basic human rights