Trade union rights are human rights 20 October 2020 UN Special Rapporteur calls on African Governments to involve Teachers Unions
UN Special Rapporteur calls on African Governments to involve Teachers Unions
UN Special Rapporteur calls on African Governments to involve Teachers Unions -
Climate action and literacy 20 October 2020 UNESCO prioritises post-COVID-19 education
Education in the current and post-COVID-19 world will be the focus of an extraordinary session of UNESCO’s Global Education Monitoring Meeting (2020 GEM) on 22 October. Co-hosted by the Government of the United Kingdom, political leaders, policy makers, and global education actors will have an opportunity to agree on global...
UNESCO prioritises post-COVID-19 education -
Trade union rights are human rights 20 October 2020 Uganda National Teachers’ Union Reacts to School Reopening
Uganda National Teachers’ Union Reacts to School Reopening
Uganda National Teachers’ Union Reacts to School Reopening -
Trade union rights are human rights 19 October 2020 France: French unions lead mourning of assassinated teacher Samuel Paty
In gatherings all over France, tribute was paid to Samuel Paty, 47, a history, and geography teacher who was the victim of a terrorist attack near his school, Conflans-Sainte-Honorine in the Paris suburbs. Paty was decapitated following an Internet campaign against the use in his class of a caricature of...
France: French unions lead mourning of assassinated teacher Samuel Paty -
Union growth 16 October 2020 Germany: Education unions critical of KMK’s backward steps and patchwork approach
Education is taking a step backwards in Germany, according to Education International’s affiliates, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE). The unions were reacting to resolutions agreed by the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK, German acronym).
Germany: Education unions critical of KMK’s backward steps and patchwork approach -
Trade union rights are human rights 16 October 2020 Taiwan: Education union’s pressure prompts a private educational provider to apologise for harassment
The National Teachers’ Association (NTA) in Taiwan publicly denounced the Kang Hsuan Educational Publishing Group (KH Group) for its unlawful practices concerning public health as well as labour issues. The KH Group is one of the largest private educational corporations in Taiwan.
Taiwan: Education union’s pressure prompts a private educational provider to apologise for harassment -
Fighting the commercialisation of education 15 October 2020 Iraq: Education union demands improvements in the education sector
On the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, 5 October, the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU) called on the government to improve educators’ working and living conditions and the quality of education at all levels.
Iraq: Education union demands improvements in the education sector -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 October 2020 Australia: Educators act against poverty and on mental health issues
The Australian Education Union (AEU) has invited its members to participate in the national Anti-Poverty Week and to support the wellbeing and mental health of students and colleagues.
Australia: Educators act against poverty and on mental health issues -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 October 2020 IMF must support public investment and stop public sector wage bill constraints
Today, in a joint webinar with Action Aid and Public Services International, Education International called on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to stop advising countries to cut or freeze public wage bills.
IMF must support public investment and stop public sector wage bill constraints -
Trade union rights are human rights 11 October 2020 Statement | International Coming Out Day
It’s International Coming Out Day! In celebration, the Council of Global Unions is releasing our LGBTI website to share the work of Global Unions promoting LGBTI rights at work at national, regional and international levels.
Statement | International Coming Out Day -
Trade union rights are human rights 9 October 2020 Africa: Governments and teacher unions highlight benefits of collaboration
Teachers’ professional issues and government-teacher union collaboration were at the heart of an online seminar on the Future of the Teaching Profession in Africa for 2020.
Africa: Governments and teacher unions highlight benefits of collaboration -
Trade union rights are human rights 9 October 2020 Global Unions call upon the World Bank and the IMF to support public investment
The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will hold their Annual Meetings on 16-18 October. The International Financial Institutions can play a critical role in ensuring that there is a real and sustainable recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. The International Trade Union Confederation and Global Union Federations, while...
Global Unions call upon the World Bank and the IMF to support public investment -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 October 2020 Mexico: Union targets school dropouts during pandemic
The National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) in Mexico celebrated World Teachers' Day with the delivery of televisions, smartphones, electronic tablets and computer equipment to teachers and students. The aim is to avoid school dropouts during the pandemic by facilitating online teaching and learning.
Mexico: Union targets school dropouts during pandemic -
Trade union rights are human rights 8 October 2020 Germany: Education stakeholders demand swift implementation of enhanced safety measures in schools
“Many questions remained unanswered” in terms of guaranteeing safe and healthy teaching and learning environments in Germany. That’s according to the two largest German education unions – the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) and the Verband Bildung und Erziehung (VBE) - and the Federal Parents' Council (BER) in a statement...
Germany: Education stakeholders demand swift implementation of enhanced safety measures in schools -
Trade union rights are human rights 7 October 2020 Cameroon: Union development during and after the COVID-19 pandemic
A teacher union operating in the private sector has decided to take a series of actions to ensure decent working and living conditions for teachers and also to strengthen its capacities and ensure that teachers’ voices are really heard by the public authorities.
Cameroon: Union development during and after the COVID-19 pandemic -
Trade union rights are human rights 6 October 2020 Haiti: Solidarity of the global teacher trade union movement against government harassment of educators
Education International and its member organisations are monitoring the situation for teacher trade unionists fighting for free, quality public education for all in Haiti. In particular, they are putting pressure on the government to respect the human and trade union rights of educators
Haiti: Solidarity of the global teacher trade union movement against government harassment of educators -
Trade union rights are human rights 5 October 2020 EI Africa launches study on COVID-19 and education
EI Africa launches study on COVID-19 and education
EI Africa launches study on COVID-19 and education -
Trade union rights are human rights 29 September 2020 “The Movement Against Pension Reform in France: Paradoxes of Teacher Militancy” by Laurent Frajerman.
Laurent Frajerman
Teachers in France, like in many countries, are simultaneously leading a social movement and facing the prospect of a lowering of their professional status, which would become more acute as a result of the pension reform undertaken by the French government in 2019. But their ‘uber-militancy’ (the use of strikes...
“The Movement Against Pension Reform in France: Paradoxes of Teacher Militancy” by Laurent Frajerman.