
  1. Trade union rights are human rights 6 August 2020

    EI Africa Region Adopts Indicators for school reopening

    The Education International Africa Region has adopted indicators for reopening of schools and other educational institutions and circulated them to member and partner organisations.

    EI Africa Region Adopts Indicators for school reopening
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 5 August 2020

    Cambodia: Education International calls for the immediate release of arrested trade union leader

    Leading trade unionist and president of the Cambodian Confederation of Unions Rong Chhun was arrested on 31 July after voicing criticism of the government. Education International has protested the arrest in a letter to the Prime Minister of Cambodia, calling for the immediate release of Mr Chhun and for human...

    Cambodia: Education International calls for the immediate release of arrested trade union leader
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 5 August 2020

    Mexico: SNTE Proposals for a Safe Return to Classes

    The National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) has presented a 10-point programme on the safe re-opening of schools to the Ministry of Public Education. The union is proposing a “hybrid” launch of the school year with a mix of distance learning and in-person education.

    Mexico: SNTE Proposals for a Safe Return to Classes
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 31 July 2020

    Jordan: Education unionists arrested and union work suspended in government crackdown

    Jordanian security forces arrested leading members of the Jordanian Teachers’ Association, raided the union’s offices and shut it down for a period of two years. The global education community is outraged by this unlawful attack on our colleagues.

    Jordan: Education unionists arrested and union work suspended in government crackdown
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 29 July 2020

    "Education union drives for context-appropriate solutions to tackle Covid 19 challenges", by Shri N. Rangarajan & Dr. J Eswaran.

    Shri N. Rangarajan & Dr. J Eswaran

    In March 2020, the tropical heat was rising in Tamil Nadu, India. The teachers were in the thick of handling lesson planning, engaging with students and uploading our progress for the final term of the academic year in a buzzing school environment. The state government announced a complete lockdown in...

    "Education union drives for context-appropriate solutions to tackle Covid 19 challenges", by Shri N. Rangarajan & Dr. J Eswaran.
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 2020

    Nepal: Union works to halt teacher dismissals, resume salary payments, and ensure safety of students and teachers

    In Nepal, an education union has highlighted how the COVID-19 pandemic has given rise to new challenges. These include non-payment of teacher salaries by some private school employers, the psychological impact of the lockdown on students, and the challenges of online teaching.

    Nepal: Union works to halt teacher dismissals, resume salary payments, and ensure safety of students and teachers
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 28 July 2020

    India: Union calls for elementary school resumption to reduce digital divide

    An Education International affiliate representing elementary school teachers in India has called on the government to fundamentally shift its approach to education. The union voiced its concern over growing inequality stemming from distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic.

    India: Union calls for elementary school resumption to reduce digital divide
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 28 July 2020

    Philippines: State’s terror campaign against teachers must stop

    Education International strongly supports its Filipino affiliate in its struggle to see educators’ human and trade union rights respected. It condemns the use of harassment methods and anti-terrorism legislation to eliminate critical legal protections.

    Philippines: State’s terror campaign against teachers must stop
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 July 2020

    Australia: Union report highlights digital divide for public school students

    The Australian Education Union has published a report showing a significant digital gap during the COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of digital inclusion for public school students.

    Australia: Union report highlights digital divide for public school students
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 17 July 2020

    Iraq: Education unionists alarmed about on-going violations of human rights

    The number of violations of human rights is rising in Iraq since the beginning of the widespread protests of late 2019 and during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Kurdistan Teachers’ union has denounced the fact that the Iraqi authorities, including in the Kurdistan region, routinely use vaguely worded laws to bring...

    Iraq: Education unionists alarmed about on-going violations of human rights
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 17 July 2020

    USA: The voice of education professionals must be heard on safely reopening schools

    Education International’s affiliates in the United States have reasserted the need for public authorities to listen to the voice of educators and their professional organisations when reopening schools and education institutions, and to deliver proper funding for the education sector.

    USA: The voice of education professionals must be heard on safely reopening schools
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 15 July 2020

    UK: Concerns remain over reopening of schools

    Education unions in the UK have voiced deep concern concerning the reopening of schools and education institutions planned for September.

    UK: Concerns remain over reopening of schools
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 13 July 2020

    Learning from one another: EI publishes "Forward to School"

    Education International released its publication Forward to School on 13 July. The document is based on the five pillars identified in the EI Guidance on Reopening Schools and Education Institutions released in April.

    Learning from one another: EI publishes "Forward to School"
  14. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 13 July 2020

    Canadian teacher survey exposes damage to education during the pandemic

    Education International's member organisation, the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE), conducted a survey in which nearly 18,000 teachers participated. It showed unease and concern about the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown on the well-being of students and teachers. It exposed damage to education stemming from the dependence on distance learning, including...

    Canadian teacher survey exposes damage to education during the pandemic