Trade union rights are human rights 9 April 2020 UK: Education union launches dedicated site to support parents and carers in home-schooling
The National Education Union in the United Kingdom has launched a website specifically addressing issues linked to the COVID-19 pandemic that parents and guardians of students may have.
UK: Education union launches dedicated site to support parents and carers in home-schooling -
Trade union rights are human rights 8 April 2020 Benin: Backdoor privatisation of education under COVID-19
Although the Beninese public authorities have declared the closure of the country’s schools, pupils and teachers must nevertheless resume classes on 14 April. The public authorities have also taken the decision to recruit teaching staff through interim agencies, to which education unions strongly oppose.
Benin: Backdoor privatisation of education under COVID-19 -
Trade union rights are human rights 8 April 2020 Education International and global union partners call on international finance institutions to coordinate an urgent and equitable response to the COVID-19 crisis
In a statement released ahead of the (virtual) Spring Meetings of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, Global Unions including Education International have called on the international finance institutions (IFIs) to take action for economic stimulus, debt relief and healthcare.
Education International and global union partners call on international finance institutions to coordinate an urgent and equitable response to the COVID-19 crisis -
Trade union rights are human rights 6 April 2020 COVID-19: Educators call for global solidarity and a human-centred approach to the crisis
The Education International Executive Board held an emergency webinar on Friday, 3 April. During the call, the Executive Board adopted a resolution outlining educators’ key demands to all governments and international institutions dealing with the COVID-19 outbreak.
COVID-19: Educators call for global solidarity and a human-centred approach to the crisis -
Trade union rights are human rights 6 April 2020 Papua New Guinea: Education closures extended to confine COVID-19 to single case
While all schools and universities have been closed since 23 March as part of the country’s measures to deter the spread of COVID-19, the Papua New Guinea Teachers' Association discusses with their government ways to ensure quality education and safe return to schools for children and educators.
Papua New Guinea: Education closures extended to confine COVID-19 to single case -
Trade union rights are human rights 6 April 2020 Canada: Education union calls for more time for public-sector collective-agreement negotiations
In Canada, an education union in Quebec is blaming the government for taking advantage of the COVID-19 crisis to impose a renewal of collective agreements for the entire public sector.
Canada: Education union calls for more time for public-sector collective-agreement negotiations -
Trade union rights are human rights 3 April 2020 India: Education union calls for stronger measures to halt potential COVID-19 catastrophe
In a race against the clock to stop the spread of COVID-19 in one of the world’s most populous countries, the All India Primary Teachers Federation has urged local and national public authorities to take enhanced measures.
India: Education union calls for stronger measures to halt potential COVID-19 catastrophe -
Trade union rights are human rights 2 April 2020 Mexico: Education union joins the fight against COVID-19
In Mexico, the Education International member organisation is contributing to government efforts to ensure the safety and well-being of teachers and students and the continued provision of schooling.
Mexico: Education union joins the fight against COVID-19 -
Trade union rights are human rights 2 April 2020 OECD: Technology can amplify the work of great teachers, but it will not replace them
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is assessing the impact of technology on students and their learning outcomes as millions of schools close in over 140 countries to prevent the spread of COVID-19. And it has recognised the valuable contribution teachers made in the education process.
OECD: Technology can amplify the work of great teachers, but it will not replace them -
Trade union rights are human rights 2 April 2020 Germany: Education unionists call for solidarity with refugees during the COVID-19 crisis
A German education union has joined the “Leave No One Behind” campaign which seeks the immediate evacuation of overcrowded refugee camps at the EU's external borders. The campaign argues that the situation of refugees has been made worse by the COVID-19 crisis.
Germany: Education unionists call for solidarity with refugees during the COVID-19 crisis -
Trade union rights are human rights 1 April 2020 Germany: trade union wants teachers’ voice to be heard in new Coronavirus legislation
A new draft law in response to the COVID 19 pandemic in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) will have an impact on schools and teacher training – the German education union VBE says teachers need to be included in the decision-making.
Germany: trade union wants teachers’ voice to be heard in new Coronavirus legislation -
Trade union rights are human rights 1 April 2020 Burundi: education unionists mobilise to raise awareness of the risks associated with COVID-19 and call for urgent action
To prevent the arrival and spread of COVID-19 in Burundi, teacher unionists are raising awareness among the general population about the measures implemented by the government, while also asking that the government take a number of new steps to stem the crisis.
Burundi: education unionists mobilise to raise awareness of the risks associated with COVID-19 and call for urgent action -
Trade union rights are human rights 1 April 2020 Lebanon: Union draws attention to the situation of refugees amid the COVID-19 pandemic
School closures in Lebanon have affected over 1.3 million students at all levels of education. The country is host to large numbers of refugees who are most at risk during the crisis. Educators are working with the government to implement the best available solutions and call for solidarity and support...
Lebanon: Union draws attention to the situation of refugees amid the COVID-19 pandemic -
Trade union rights are human rights 1 April 2020 Iraq: teachers raise funds and support displaced and disadvantaged families
The Iraqi Teachers’ Union has mobilised its members to support those most affected by the COVID-19 outbreak and the measures taken to contain it. The union is also running an information campaign to raise awareness of the crisis and the best ways to prevent infection.
Iraq: teachers raise funds and support displaced and disadvantaged families -
Trade union rights are human rights 31 March 2020 Somalia: Education union seeks guarantee of teachers’ salaries during COVID-19 school closures
While all schools in Somalia have been closed, the Somali National Union of Teachers is actively working to ensure that teachers, particularly those working in private educational settings, will continue to receive their salaries.
Somalia: Education union seeks guarantee of teachers’ salaries during COVID-19 school closures -
Trade union rights are human rights 31 March 2020 Colombia: Education union creates humanitarian fund to aid health workers and vulnerable sectors
In response to the critical situation in Colombia as a result of COVID-19, with millions of people struggling with the self-isolation and quarantine requirements of the pandemic, the Federación Colombiana de Trabajadores de la Educación, FECODE, has created a "Humanitarian Solidarity Fund" to meet the needs of health workers, the...
Colombia: Education union creates humanitarian fund to aid health workers and vulnerable sectors -
Trade union rights are human rights 31 March 2020 Spain: FECCOO launches measures to tackle the COVID-19 crisis
In one of the countries most affected by the COVID-19 health crisis, the Spanish education union FECCOO is negotiating with the government regarding measures to ensure the sustainability of the education system and has launched a guide with advice for teachers.
Spain: FECCOO launches measures to tackle the COVID-19 crisis -
Trade union rights are human rights 30 March 2020 Serbia: Teachers make education work despite the crisis
The Teachers’ Union of Serbia reports educators have quickly adapted to distance teaching and learning, making the most of digital tools and using television broadcasts to ensure that all students have access to lessons while schools are closed because of the COVID-19 crisis. Efforts to continue education despite the crisis...
Serbia: Teachers make education work despite the crisis