Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 23 October 2019 Lebanon: educators join nationwide protests calling for political and economic change
Education unions have expressed their support for the legitimate demands of hundreds of thousands of citizens calling for radical change in a political system accused of corruption, confessionalism and clientelism, and an end to the endless economic crisis plaguing Lebanon.
Lebanon: educators join nationwide protests calling for political and economic change -
Union growth 22 October 2019 “Education International. Eighth World Congress”, by John Bangs.
John Bangs
The online magazine ‘Education Journal’ recently published in its edition 385 a report of Education International’s eighth World Congress in Bangkok by EI Senior Consultant, John Bangs. Education Journal has agreed to its publication for Worlds of Education. It has been slightly edited for EI’s global audience.
“Education International. Eighth World Congress”, by John Bangs. -
Trade union rights are human rights 22 October 2019 Chile: Education International condemns political and military repression of anti-austerity protests
Education International calls on the government of Chile to immediately cease all aggression, suspend the state of emergency in all cities, and open avenues of dialogue with citizens in order to ensure conflict resolution.
Chile: Education International condemns political and military repression of anti-austerity protests -
Union growth 21 October 2019 Haiti: reopening schools despite the dire situation is essential
While Haiti’s political, economic and social situation has been deteriorating for months, recent weeks have been truly terrible, to the point that schools are now closed - a dramatic development given that without education, there can be no national development.
Haiti: reopening schools despite the dire situation is essential -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 18 October 2019 “Education – Changing the World”, by David Edwards
David Edwards
The Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) devoted the most recent edition of its magazine, “Perspectives” to education and democracy. It covers the challenges to democracy in Canada, North America and the world. It also reports on education initiatives that have been developed in Canada to support and re-enforce democratic values and...
“Education – Changing the World”, by David Edwards -
Union growth 12 October 2019 #youngteachers “To teach, is to commit”, by Khalid El Mahroug (SLFP, Belgium).
Khalid El Mahroug
Teaching is just like life: always full of surprises. Too often, however, these surprises give rise to frustration, disappointment and demotivation. But why, you might ask? It’s simple: education is one of society’s essential foundations and we all know that we must invest in it through well thought out and...
#youngteachers “To teach, is to commit”, by Khalid El Mahroug (SLFP, Belgium). -
Trade union rights are human rights 11 October 2019 Filipino teacher and trade union activist France Castro wins Febe Velasquez Trade Union Rights Award in the Netherlands
Today France Castro of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers received the Febe Velasquez Trade Union Rights Award for her brave and outstanding work in defence of human and trade union rights in the Philippines. The prize is awarded by Federatie Nederlandse Vakbeweging – the federation of Dutch trade unions.
Filipino teacher and trade union activist France Castro wins Febe Velasquez Trade Union Rights Award in the Netherlands -
Equity and inclusion 9 October 2019 #youngteachers “Trade unions at your side!”, by Michal Horník (ČMOS-PS, Czech Republic).
Michal Horník
I have been working in the education sector for five years. It is not a long time but it is not a short time either. I have spent a lot of good time teaching students, cooperating with my colleagues and participating in trade union activities - the activities of The...
#youngteachers “Trade unions at your side!”, by Michal Horník (ČMOS-PS, Czech Republic). -
Democracy 9 October 2019 Iraq: education union promotes internal democracy and gender equity and fights climate change
In preparation for next year’s conference of the Kurdistan Teachers’ Union (KTU), an extended meeting of the KTU Executive Committee was convened, underlining the issues of democracy, gender equality and action against climate change.
Iraq: education union promotes internal democracy and gender equity and fights climate change -
Union growth 5 October 2019 #youngteachers “I owe my union activism to my students”, by Anthony Dowling (TUI, Ireland).
Anthony Dowling
If you are passing through Glasnevin Cemetery on the outskirts of Dublin City Centre, you may come across the noticeable yet simple gravestone of James Larkin. Engraved on it is ‘James Larkin 1876-1947, The Labour Leader’. Larkin’s Gravestone may be simple but the legacy he left behind is much more...
#youngteachers “I owe my union activism to my students”, by Anthony Dowling (TUI, Ireland). -
Democracy 25 September 2019 For the Immediate Release of Six Unjustly Imprisoned Teachers in Djibouti
For the Immediate Release of Six Unjustly Imprisoned Teachers in DjiboutiResolution from the 8th World Congress
Trade union rights are human rights 18 September 2019 “Global Week of Climate Action: Count us in!”, by Susan Hopgood.
Susan Hopgood
Strongest hurricane in recorded history, hottest summer, unprecedented mass bleaching of the coral reef… we have grown accustomed to deal in superlatives. Since 1970, the number of natural disasters worldwide has more than quadrupled to around 400 a year. Scientists have warned us about the extreme weather phenomena climate change...
“Global Week of Climate Action: Count us in!”, by Susan Hopgood. -
Equity and inclusion 15 September 2019 “Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards.
David Edwards
The United Nations established the International Day of Democracy on the 15th of September in 2007 to promote democracy. In 2019, it is clear that democracy and all the things that go with it like human rights and rule of law need to be defended as well as promoted. Education...
“Education on the International Day of Democracy”, by David Edwards. -
Leading the profession 12 September 2019 Educators and Their Unions Taking the Lead
Educators and Their Unions Taking the LeadResolution from the 8th World Congress
Standards and working conditions 9 September 2019 DRC: EI and its affiliates campaign for free public education
While they welcomed the news that state sector primary education was to become completely free at the point of use when the government announced its decision to do away with school fees, teachers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo have reiterated their concerns about teachers’ salaries and the need...
DRC: EI and its affiliates campaign for free public education -
Trade union rights are human rights 9 September 2019 Latin America Discusses Rights Violations in the Education Sector
On Thursday 5 September in Bogotá, Colombia, member organisations of Education International Latin America (EILA) opened a regional meeting to share experiences and discuss rights violations in the education sector in Latin American countries. The meeting aims to establish a network for monitoring and reporting human and labour rights violations...
Latin America Discusses Rights Violations in the Education Sector -
Union growth 6 September 2019 Colombia: EI condemns threats made against educators’ unions FECODE and ASPU
Education International (EI) members FECODE and ASPU have been targeted by paramilitary threats. Educators from around the world call on the Colombian government to do its duty: ensure the safety of educators and protect schools as territories of peace.
Colombia: EI condemns threats made against educators’ unions FECODE and ASPU -
Union growth 4 September 2019 Germany: stop public investment in arms, increase spending in quality education!
Commemorating the start of World War II, German educators have reiterated their commitment to the initiative on disarmament and peace education recently adopted by Education International and its affiliates.
Germany: stop public investment in arms, increase spending in quality education!