
  1. Trade union rights are human rights 22 May 2019

    In Italy, unions mobilise to defend academic freedom

    After the suspension of a teacher for the contents of a video produced by her students, the Italian education unions are taking action to denounce an attack on academic freedom and a serious threat to democracy.

    In Italy, unions mobilise to defend academic freedom
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 21 May 2019

    Jordan: the national Labour Law should uphold trade union rights, not deny them

    Education International is in solidarity with its member organisation in Jordan, who challenge the amendments made by parliament to the labour law and signed by the King that make the labour law weaker, when there is a compelling need to make it stronger.

    Jordan: the national Labour Law should uphold trade union rights, not deny them
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 17 May 2019

    Brazil: Teachers bring country to a halt and demand end of cuts

    The first national mobilization since the start of Jair Bolsonaro’s presidency brought the country to a halt and sent a clear message of opposition to the government’s policies.

    Brazil: Teachers bring country to a halt and demand end of cuts
  4. Union growth 16 May 2019

    “Education Support Personnel: Shining light on the invisible workforce”, by Philippa Butler.

    Philippa Butler

    Education Support Personnel (ESP) are a vital part of the education workforce. They help to do all the background tasks and hidden duties that ensure that teachers can teach and students can learn. Together with teachers and school leaders, ESP are responsible for creating and sustaining a school culture where...

    “Education Support Personnel: Shining light on the invisible workforce”, by Philippa Butler.
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 13 May 2019

    UK: Death of an outstanding public education union leader

    Doug McAvoy, former General Secretary of the National Union of Teachers passed away on the morning of 12 May at the age of 80.

    UK: Death of an outstanding public education union leader
  6. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 May 2019

    “Trade union research and action: an exchange of views on academic mobbing”, by Jean-Marie Lafortune and Eve Seguin.

    Jean-Marie Lafortune, Eve Seguin

    In October 2018, the Quebec Federation of University Professors (FQPPU), affiliated to Education International, published a report entitled “Le mobbing en milieu académique : mieux comprendre le phénomène pour mieux l’enrayer” (“Mobbing in an academic environment: understanding the phenomenon better in order to eradicate it better”). Jean-Marie Lafortune, president of...

    “Trade union research and action: an exchange of views on academic mobbing”, by Jean-Marie Lafortune and Eve Seguin.
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 6 May 2019

    The VIIth Mongolian Teachers’ Congress reaffirms the importance to promote and invest in quality public education

    Nearly 800 delegates from every corner of Mongolia participated in the VIIth Mongolian Teachers’ Congress, where the Prime Minister informed participants of the increase of the national budget allocated to the public education sector and teachers’ continuous professional development.

    The VIIth Mongolian Teachers’ Congress reaffirms the importance to promote and invest in quality public education
  8. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 May 2019

    "Industrial Revolutions, Rebellions and Civil Society: Lessons from History", by Robert Trevennel Harris.

    Robert Trevennel Harris

    The events of 1968 in France, which shook the fifth Republic to its core, are sometimes mentioned in connection with the current yellow vest movement. A more relevant historical comparison is 1848 - the year of the "People’s Spring” revolutions.

    "Industrial Revolutions, Rebellions and Civil Society: Lessons from History", by Robert Trevennel Harris.
  9. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 29 April 2019

    Argentina: Education unions unite in national strike

    Education International extends its support and solidarity to Argentinian workers in their call for a National Strike on Tuesday, 30th April.

    Argentina: Education unions unite in national strike
  10. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 25 April 2019

    “Let’s spark a global discussion on copyright exceptions for education and research!”, by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    Today it’s World Intellectual Property Day – a good day to remind us that it’s time to reform copyright law. We need action to change copyright systems that are hindering free expression and failing to promote diverse and prosperous societies for the benefit of all.

    “Let’s spark a global discussion on copyright exceptions for education and research!”, by David Edwards
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 24 April 2019

    UK: Solidarity, democracy and unity high on the agendas of education trade unions

    During their annual conferences, the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers and the National Education Union, both affiliated to Education International, have reasserted during their annual conferences their core values and determination to continue advocating education policies beneficial for educators and students.

    UK: Solidarity, democracy and unity high on the agendas of education trade unions
  12. Trade union rights are human rights 23 April 2019

    The Republic of Moldova endorses the Safe Schools Declaration

    Education International welcomes the endorsement by the Republic of Moldova of the Safe Schools Declaration; a solemn government commitment to protect students, teachers, schools, and universities during times of violent conflict.

    The Republic of Moldova endorses the Safe Schools Declaration
  13. Union growth 18 April 2019

    Sharing experience on the ILO-ITC course ‘Achieving education 2030 and eliminating child labour’

    Yamikani Mlangiza

    Yamikani Mlangiza, Assistant Programs Coordinator for Teachers Union of Malawi (TUM), accepted to reflect back for Worlds of Education on her experience attending a one-week training at the ILO International Training Center in Turin last year, with support from Education International.

    Sharing experience on the ILO-ITC course ‘Achieving education 2030 and eliminating child labour’
  14. Trade union rights are human rights 17 April 2019

    Global education union leaders in solidarity with African educators living in violence-ridden countries

    The Education International Executive Board has sent out solidarity letters to member organisations in Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger and Nigeria; countries where political and terrorist violence has taken the lives of teachers, academics, and education support personnel.

    Global education union leaders in solidarity with African educators living in violence-ridden countries
  15. Trade union rights are human rights 15 April 2019

    Philippines: Top trade union rights award goes to education leader

    The former Secretary General of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) in the Philippines has been named as recipient of a top international prize for trade union rights.

    Philippines: Top trade union rights award goes to education leader