
  1. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 January 2019

    Zimbabwe: teachers strike over pay as currency crisis deepens

    As talks with the government failed to reach an agreement, Zimbabwean teachers are striking to press their government to pay their salaries with U.S. dollars.

    Zimbabwe: teachers strike over pay as currency crisis deepens
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 21 December 2018

    Asian women union leaders join forces to combat bullying and sexual harassment in schools

    Top women education unionists from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have taken stock of their 2018 activities focusing on anti-bullying and research on sexual harassment, and adopted a 2019 action plan to push forward action.

    Asian women union leaders join forces to combat bullying and sexual harassment in schools
  3. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 December 2018

    #UDHR70 - “Teachers must feel safe for educating free generations”, by Özgür Bozdogan

    Özgür Bozdogan

    After the failed coup attempt on 15th of July, 2016, in Turkey, a state of emergency was declared on the 20th of July. The state of emergency was used to attack all opposition groups. This power grab was used to obtain further power as the Government issued decrees which enabled...

    #UDHR70 - “Teachers must feel safe for educating free generations”, by Özgür Bozdogan
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 19 December 2018

    #UDHR70 – “A banner of struggle for humanity”, by Yamile Socolovsky

    Yamile Socolovsky

    On the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it seems inevitable that we ask ourselves whether in the ensuing time we have succeeded in advancing its goals, or whether those principles have ended up being nothing more than a well-intentioned, but ultimately futile statement of a humanistic...

    #UDHR70 – “A banner of struggle for humanity”, by Yamile Socolovsky
  5. Trade union rights are human rights 18 December 2018

    Education International calls on governments to improve protection for migrants

    On International Migrants Day, Education International reaffirms its commitment to defend and promote the rights of migrant workers and refugees as well as migrant and refugee teachers and education personnel.

    Education International calls on governments to improve protection for migrants
  6. Union growth 17 December 2018

    #UDHR70 - "In Burundi the union is standing firm in its struggle for teachers’ rights", by Rémy Nsengiyumva.

    Rémy Nsengiyumva

    Still active after more than two decades of struggle for the socio-professional rights of Burundi’s teachers, the Syndicat des Travailleurs de l’Enseignement du Burundi (STEB) is slowly recovering from the social crisis that shook the country. With the support of leaders who are committed to reverse the current situation, teachers...

    #UDHR70 - "In Burundi the union is standing firm in its struggle for teachers’ rights", by Rémy Nsengiyumva.
  7. Union growth 17 December 2018

    #EI25: “Trade unionism, the teaching profession, and democracy”, interview of EI General Secretary Emeritus Fred van Leeuwen

    Fred van Leeuwen

    2018 is the 25th anniversary of the creation of Education International. As this anniversary year draws to a close, we are publishing an interview of Fred van Leeuwen who served the organization as General Secretary of EI for its first quarter century. This discussion offers a reflection on the substantial...

    #EI25: “Trade unionism, the teaching profession, and democracy”, interview of EI General Secretary Emeritus Fred van Leeuwen
  8. Equity and inclusion 17 December 2018

    Fiji: education unionists seek inclusive schools that are a safe environments for all

    The Education International’s Asia-Pacific office and the Council of Pacific Education (COPE) organised in Fiji a professional development workshop, “Teachers unions for inclusion: embracing diversity and promoting safe schools”.

    Fiji: education unionists seek inclusive schools that are a safe environments for all
  9. Union growth 16 December 2018

    #UDHR70 - "Education in a country in conflict", by Etienne-Paulin Songoli

    Etienne-Paulin Songoli

    Human rights are an on-going issue for the education sector in the Central African Republic. These issues concern both the status of the teaching staff and the quality of the infrastructure and teaching methods.

    #UDHR70 - "Education in a country in conflict", by Etienne-Paulin Songoli
  10. Union growth 15 December 2018

    #UDHR70 - “Trade Union Rights are Human Rights: South Korean Teachers Deprived of Union Representation”, by Hyunsu Hwang

    Hyunsu Hwang

    On December 10, South Korean President Moon Jae-in said in his speech to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Human Rights Day: "Among countries that went through colonial rule, dictatorship, and war, there are few countries that have the level of South Korean human rights." He added, “there is still a...

    #UDHR70 - “Trade Union Rights are Human Rights: South Korean Teachers Deprived of Union Representation”, by Hyunsu Hwang
  11. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 14 December 2018

    #UDHR70 – “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: its respect is not automatic”, by Augustin Tumba Nzuji

    Augustin Tumba Nzuji

    The right to work is one of the basic human rights. From this follows the right to defend and improve your working conditions, a task which is carried out by trade unions through the right to "associate" and join workers' organisations. In the 70th anniversary year of the Universal Declaration...

    #UDHR70 – “The Universal Declaration of Human Rights: its respect is not automatic”, by Augustin Tumba Nzuji
  12. Union growth 13 December 2018

    #UDHR70 - “Our struggle in Bahrain … Might be yours”, by Jalila Al-Salman

    Jalila Al-Salman

    The Bahrain Teachers’ Association (BTA) was established in October 2001 after a long journey of teachers’ struggles to obtain their representative body. It was founded after the King Hamad presented a package of reforms, including allowing associations representing professionals in the public sector to exist, even though unions are still...

    #UDHR70 - “Our struggle in Bahrain … Might be yours”, by Jalila Al-Salman
  13. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 December 2018

    #UDHR70 – “A Struggle to Survive and Thrive Under a Dictatorship”, by Marie Antoinette Corr

    Marie Antoinette Corr

    In his book “Mein Kampf”, Hitler said "If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed". The dictator Yahya Jammeh knew how to terrorize the masses through threats and cajoling. When he said "Gambia will become an economic superpower by 2012", almost everyone...

    #UDHR70 – “A Struggle to Survive and Thrive Under a Dictatorship”, by Marie Antoinette Corr
  14. Union growth 12 December 2018

    France: newly elected representatives will carry the voices of teachers and education support staff

    In an election with increased participation, French teachers and education support staff have democratically elected, with stable scores for the unions, for a term of four years, their representatives from the trade unions to various bodies linked to education during the 2018 professional elections.

    France: newly elected representatives will carry the voices of teachers and education support staff
  15. Democracy 11 December 2018

    #UDHR70 - “Teacher trade unionism in Djibouti: verdict of a life of sacrifice”, by Ahmed-Kadar Nour Ismail

    Ahmed-Kadar Nour Ismail

    On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the time has come for me to look back over more than 30 years of personal commitment to national education in my country, and more than 20 years of trade union activism within the Syndicat des...

    #UDHR70 - “Teacher trade unionism in Djibouti: verdict of a life of sacrifice”, by Ahmed-Kadar Nour Ismail
  16. Union renewal and development 10 December 2018

    #UDHR70 - "On Dignity: Reflections on the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights", by David Edwards

    David Edwards

    The 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights is an occasion to be inspired by its principles and its origin. It is an opportunity for trade unionists and educators to reflect on its values and the aspirations it represents and to stand up, speak out and act. It...

    #UDHR70 - "On Dignity: Reflections on the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights", by David Edwards