Trade union rights are human rights 18 October 2018 Education unionists add their voice in defence of freedom of expression
Education International has joined the International Federation of Journalists and supported the calls made by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet urging the Governments of Saudi Arabia and Turkey to investigate the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
Education unionists add their voice in defence of freedom of expression -
Trade union rights are human rights 17 October 2018 Iran: Solidarity with trade union leaders arrested after teachers’ strike
Education International is deeply concerned by local reports indicating that Iranian public authorities responded to a nationwide strike of teachers and education support personnel in primary and secondary schools by expelling teachers from schools and arresting education union leaders.
Iran: Solidarity with trade union leaders arrested after teachers’ strike -
Fighting the commercialisation of education 16 October 2018 Liberia: EI condemns crimes against girls at the US charity operated school More than Me
The Executive Board of Education International has issued a statement condemning the crimes perpetrated against girls in a private school in Liberia operated by the charity More Than Me.
Liberia: EI condemns crimes against girls at the US charity operated school More than Me -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 15 October 2018 Kenya: Teacher deaths raise concerns over system of conflict area postings
The killing of two teachers has led to union calls on the government to act now to avoid more deaths of teachers posted to areas affected by conflict and violence.
Kenya: Teacher deaths raise concerns over system of conflict area postings -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 9 October 2018 25 Lessons on Education and Democracy
On the occasion of World Teachers Day, October 5th, Education International presented ‘25 Lessons on Education and Democracy’. The 25 lessons learned are linked to the 25 years of the existence of Education International.
25 Lessons on Education and Democracy -
Trade union rights are human rights 1 October 2018 Stop the US “zero tolerance” immigration policy harmful to children and their families!
Education International has endorsed the complaint lodged by United States (US) trade unions concerning the US “zero tolerance” immigration policy systematically and forcibly separating immigrant children from their parents, for the purposes of prosecuting parents for “illegal entry” in the country.
Stop the US “zero tolerance” immigration policy harmful to children and their families! -
Union growth 28 September 2018 Burundi: Despite the crisis, STEB has been able to develop the skills of new union leaders
The Syndicat Libre des Travailleurs de l'Enseignement du Burundi (STEB) has been able to train 360 new union leaders throughout the country with financial support from Education International.
Burundi: Despite the crisis, STEB has been able to develop the skills of new union leaders -
Standards and working conditions 24 September 2018 Francophone education unions, the driving force of democracy, the guardians of public education and union solidarity
At the 16th Meeting of the Comité Syndical Francophone de l’Education et de la Formation (Francophone Trade Union Committee for Education and Training), the Education International General Secretary, David Edwards, called on all French-speaking affiliates to defend democracy, human rights and trade union rights, to fight privatisation, and to strive...
Francophone education unions, the driving force of democracy, the guardians of public education and union solidarity -
Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 20 September 2018 Building education unions’ capacity for social and policy dialogue in Uganda and Malawi
In September, Education International’s workshops aiming to improve education quality through stronger social and policy dialogue in the education sector were held in Uganda and Malawi.
Building education unions’ capacity for social and policy dialogue in Uganda and Malawi -
Union growth 19 September 2018 EI on the World Development Report: “One must have a vision to have hope”
Education International urges the World Bank to radically change its approach, which is damaging to workers, democracy and the future of our societies.
EI on the World Development Report: “One must have a vision to have hope” -
Trade union rights are human rights 13 September 2018 Argentina: Teachers Face Torture and Threats
Education International firmly condemns the attack on a teacher in Argentina.
Argentina: Teachers Face Torture and Threats -
Standards and working conditions 12 September 2018 Netherlands: Red is still the colour of primary education!
The Dutch educators’ Code Red action demanding decent salaries and a normal workload, and urging the government to clearly and firmly address burn-out and a shortage of teachers in primary education has continued with a strike covering South Western regions of the country.
Netherlands: Red is still the colour of primary education! -
Trade union rights are human rights 7 September 2018 UK: education unions express concerns about student and teacher’ wellbeing on the release of GSCE results
The release of this year’s results of the GSCE, the certificate ending secondary education in the UK, have prompted teacher unions to criticise the latest governmental reforms in the education system, and express their concerns about student and educator health and wellbeing.
UK: education unions express concerns about student and teacher’ wellbeing on the release of GSCE results -
Trade union rights are human rights 6 September 2018 Canada: insecure academic contracts are “major sources of stress”
Most academic staff working on contract at Canadian universities and colleges aren’t employed on fixed-term contracts by choice, and job precarity is a major source of stress for academics, a survey of the Canadian Association of University Teachers shows.
Canada: insecure academic contracts are “major sources of stress” -
Leading the profession 3 September 2018 Caribbean education unions’ young teacher training for a bright future for teachers and education
Education International has assisted a fruitful workshop for Southern Caribbean’s young teacher unionists to enable sustainable and strong education unions promoting quality education in the region.
Caribbean education unions’ young teacher training for a bright future for teachers and education -
Trade union rights are human rights 29 August 2018 Free teacher unionist Mohammed Habibi!
Education International (EI) launches a LabourStart campaign to request the immediate and unconditional release of Mohammed Habibi and the respect of trade union rights in Iran.
Free teacher unionist Mohammed Habibi! -
Trade union rights are human rights 29 August 2018 Free teacher unionist Mohammed Habibi!
Education International (EI) launches a LabourStart campaign to request the immediate and unconditional release of Mohammed Habibi and the respect of trade union rights in Iran.
Free teacher unionist Mohammed Habibi! -
Trade union rights are human rights 24 August 2018 Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers
As the voice of the world’s educators, we welcome the inclusion of education as a priority for the G20, and hope the commitment to education will be ensured moving forward into Japan in 2019.
Statement to the G20 Education and Employment Ministers