
  1. Trade union rights are human rights 13 September 2017

    African teacher unions plan strategies to ensure refugees’ education

    Education International’s General Secretary has reaffirmed the need for education unions, in Africa and the world over, to continue efforts towards the achievement of the refugees’ right to access quality education.

    African teacher unions plan strategies to ensure refugees’ education
  2. Union growth 13 September 2017

    Niger: unions challenge the government’s teacher evaluation

    While Niger’s education unions are not opposed to teacher evaluation, they are criticising the Minister’s failure to listen to their advice concerning the form the tests should take and the consequences facing teachers’ careers.

    Niger: unions challenge the government’s teacher evaluation
  3. Trade union rights are human rights 12 September 2017

    Education International joins Argentinian campaign to find Santiago Maldonado

    Education International has joined Argentinian education trade unionists to call on their national public authorities to find Santiago Maldonado, who disappeared while participating in a march.

    Education International joins Argentinian campaign to find Santiago Maldonado
  4. Standards and working conditions 5 September 2017

    Senegal: the latest workplace elections shuffle the deck of teacher trade unionism

    The first representative elections in Senegal's education sector, in which one out of ten trade unions was declared representative, have created a unique trade union landscape and fostered new alliances.

    Senegal: the latest workplace elections shuffle the deck of teacher trade unionism
  5. Union growth 1 September 2017

    UK: education unions merge to form new organisation

    The creation of a new education has become a reality in the UK following the amalgamation of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers and the National Union of Teachers, creating the National Education Union.

    UK: education unions merge to form new organisation
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 24 August 2017

    Iran: Support needed to free unjustly imprisoned trade unionists

    Together with the International Transport Workers' Federation, Education International has launched a LabourStart global solidarity campaign to seek the immediate and unconditional release of jailed trade unionists Reza Shahabi and Esmail Abdi.

    Iran: Support needed to free unjustly imprisoned trade unionists
  7. Union growth 20 August 2017

    Filipino colleagues and students receive a wave of education union solidarity

    Teacher unions globally have condemned continuing attacks against Lumad schools, teachers, students and communities in the Philippines, a show of solidarity which comes after a call to action from Education International.

    Filipino colleagues and students receive a wave of education union solidarity
  8. Trade union rights are human rights 13 August 2017

    Mexico: global campaign demands justice for 43 missing Mexican students

    A global campaign marking three years since the forced disappearance of 43 teacher students in Mexico is again calling for an investigation, reparation and justice.

    Mexico: global campaign demands justice for 43 missing Mexican students
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 9 August 2017

    Do not turn teachers into spies!

    Recently the European Bangladesh Forum invited me to participate in a debate on violent extremism. At stake was the question: How to prevent violent extremism?

    Do not turn teachers into spies!
  10. Trade union rights are human rights 9 August 2017

    Cyprus: 68th country to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration

    Education International welcomes the move by Cyprus to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration, a commitment to protect students, teachers, schools, and universities during times of war.

    Cyprus: 68th country to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration
  11. Trade union rights are human rights 4 August 2017

    Turkey: Threat of curriculum manipulation to replace science with Islamic worldview

    Secularism – the division between state and religious institutions –, a historic value of the Turkish political system, is being undermined by changes to the country’s school curriculum, which propose to oust the scientific theory of evolution in favour of an Islamic worldview.

    Turkey: Threat of curriculum manipulation to replace science with Islamic worldview
  12. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 2 August 2017

    A Long Way to Go: An Analysis of Inclusive Education for Disabled Girls Globally

    Tania Principe

    Disabled girls are among the most marginalised and poorly educated groups in the world. They have not been a priority in international development, education, or arguably, disability organisations.

    A Long Way to Go: An Analysis of Inclusive Education for Disabled Girls Globally
  13. Trade union rights are human rights 27 July 2017

    Philippines: End attacks against indigenous teachers, students and schools

    Education International has called on its member organisations to condemn the continuous harassment and attacks against students, teachers and human rights activists of the Lumad indigenous communities on Mindanao island in the Philippines.

    Philippines: End attacks against indigenous teachers, students and schools