
  1. Trade union rights are human rights 31 May 2017

    Re-thinking Disability

    Tania Principe

    Over the last 50 years, attitudes toward disability have changed. Whether viewing disability as a medical condition, through the prism of human rights or forms of exclusion, the understanding of disability has dramatically evolved. One could argue that we now know more than ever about disability.

    Re-thinking Disability
  2. Trade union rights are human rights 29 May 2017

    Romania: 65th country to endorse Safe Schools Declaration

    Education International welcomes the move by Romania to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration, a commitment to protect students, teachers, schools, and universities during times of war.

    Romania: 65th country to endorse Safe Schools Declaration
  3. Union growth 23 May 2017

    Colombia: Solidarity in the wake of attacks against teachers union

    Just days after an attack on the head office of Colombian teachers union FECODE, the international community has already been quick to express its solidarity and support of Colombian teachers and the peace process.

    Colombia: Solidarity in the wake of attacks against teachers union
  4. Trade union rights are human rights 19 May 2017

    IRAN: Teacher Union Leader Esmail Abdi on Hunger Strike

    Education International (EI) reiterates its global solidarity call to request the immediate and unconditional release of Esmail Abdi, a leader of the Tehran Teacher Trade Association, who was sentenced to six years in jail on false charges by Branch 36 of the Appeals Court of Tehran last October.

    IRAN: Teacher Union Leader Esmail Abdi on Hunger Strike
  5. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 16 May 2017

    Denmark: Union campaign against continuing cuts in education

    The Gymnasieskolernes Laererforening strongly condemns and is mobilising against the financial cuts imposed on the public education sector.

    Denmark: Union campaign against continuing cuts in education
  6. Trade union rights are human rights 16 May 2017

    Iran: urgent action needed to help free education unionist

    Education International reiterates its call for global solidarity and urges Iranian public authorities to immediately release imprisoned education union leader Esmail Abdi, whose hunger strike is taking a toll on his health.

    Iran: urgent action needed to help free education unionist
  7. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 4 12 May 2017

    UK: MPs call halt to high-stakes primary testing

    Teacher unionists have welcomed a new report by the UK Commons Education Select Committee on Primary Assessment, highlighting the need to reform high-stakes tests in primary school.

    UK: MPs call halt to high-stakes primary testing
  8. Union growth 11 May 2017

    Denmark: 64th country to endorse Safe Schools Declaration

    Education International welcomes the move by Denmark to endorse the Safe Schools Declaration, a commitment to protect students, teachers, schools, and universities during times of war.

    Denmark: 64th country to endorse Safe Schools Declaration
  9. Trade union rights are human rights 9 May 2017

    African education union leaders reaffirm commitment to improve unity

    The Regional Dialogue Forum on Human Resources Issues in the Education Sector provided African teacher union leaders and education stakeholders with the opportunity to stress the importance of teacher trade union unity and social dialogue on education.

    African education union leaders reaffirm commitment to improve unity
  10. Union growth 8 May 2017

    Nigeria: Relief about release of 82 schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram

    Education International has warmly welcomed the release of 82 schoolgirls from a group of 276 abducted three years ago by Islamist militants of the Boko Haram group in north-eastern Nigeria.

    Nigeria: Relief about release of 82 schoolgirls abducted by Boko Haram
  11. Standards and working conditions 4 May 2017

    From the classroom to the world and back: educators take on a global perspective

    In a search for solutions to some of the biggest challenges facing people around the world, the second day of the Unite Conference in Rotterdam looked to build bridges from schools to politicians to policies.

    From the classroom to the world and back: educators take on a global perspective
  12. Union growth 4 May 2017

    Building human rights education through global teacher networks

    John Heffernan

    A few years ago, calling for a more robust worldwide embrace of human rights education by invoking the Holocaust, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid bin Ra'ad said in a speech given at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum: “Eight of the 15 people who planned the Holocaust in 1942...

    Building human rights education through global teacher networks
  13. Fighting the commercialisation of education 3 May 2017

    Putting teachers at the heart of education systems the focus in Rotterdam

    The message on day one of the Unite for Quality Education and Leadership Conference was clear, with educators looking at making sure that teachers themselves are the architects of the profession and of education systems.

    Putting teachers at the heart of education systems the focus in Rotterdam
  14. Union growth 1 May 2017

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?

    As the occasion to celebrate and reaffirm the value and values of trade unions, from which their principles continue to inspire, today must also serve as a lens to carefully examine our societies and institutions.

    This May Day, why not try solidarity?
  15. Standards and working conditions 24 April 2017

    UK: Urgent need to address negative impacts of teaching on teachers

    Education unions in the UK have reasserted the need to support overworked teachers, helping them to reach an adequate balance between their professional and personal lives.

    UK: Urgent need to address negative impacts of teaching on teachers